Whimsical System

Chapter 1348: Confusion or conspiracy

"This view is not alarmist!" The yellow-haired old man nodded, "Splitting into four is indeed a bit reluctant for us!

Master Chu Feng, of course you can be on your own, but the three of us simply can't do this!

If you put a heavy burden on each city gate attack. If it is entrusted to each of us, then this is equivalent to an extremely heavy burden for us!

So I think for the sake of safety, we should really consider this issue!

Master Chu Feng, what do you think? "

As soon as the old man with yellow hair fell, everyone's eyes turned towards Chu Feng at that instant.

That's right, this is exactly the situation. Even if they have different ideas in their hearts, the final decision is still in Chu Feng's body.

At this time, as long as the punishment does not nod, then this matter will definitely not result.

"Your analysis is quite reasonable. Although there is a slight discrepancy between this and my plan, in the overall sense, there has not been a change that affects the essence too much!

Well, since you all think so, let's decide this matter! But it’s a little bit less divided into two parts, but let’s find one to divide into three parts!

I will be responsible for one part, and the remaining two parts will be solved by the three of you in coordination with each other!

I believe that as long as we can sort things out a little more appropriately, then these things won't change too much!

how about it? You should still accept this view of mine, right? "

Chu Feng had already made concessions, which was indeed unexpected to the three patriarchs.

So even at this moment they still have a little reluctance in their hearts, but under the current circumstances, they can't say more.

In this way, this matter was easily determined thoroughly, no one put forward different ideas, and there was no objection.

In short, all people share the same hatred, common goals, and implementation of common plans. It seems that at that moment, Chu Feng has completely become a whole with them.

The plan to siege the city is being closely deployed outside the city at this moment, but within the city, the thirteenth master is also very busy.

"How is the situation? Is there any new movement outside the city?"

The Thirteenth Lord anxiously asked outside for the news. He had obviously asked once a few minutes ago, but this time he asked again as if he had lost his memory.

But sometimes, too many inquiries can get some better results. For example, at this time, the Thirteenth Lord had not received any good news in the first few minutes, and this time he got an accurate response.

"Chu Feng has already led his army to the outside of the city, and has also reached the edge of the city gate!

Although in this process, the manpower led by Chu Feng caused some casualties, depending on the situation, it should not have much impact! "

Although there was a lot of news about Chu Feng, there was absolutely no news like this.

At this moment, the thirteen masters seemed to have seen hope, everything began to show brilliance, and success seemed to have begun to beckon to the thirteen masters, even if they had not really started their actions.

"Go ahead and let those small forces take action as soon as possible. I don't care what they are doing now and what plans they have. In short, they must take action against the official forces!


Otherwise, let them withdraw from this plan! And don't forget to tell them that once they leave the organization, they will also receive a death certificate!

At that time, you don't need to say too much, anyway, they will think clearly about what to do! "

The Thirteenth Lord speaks domineering enough, because for him, this matter is basically easy to come by!

No one dared to easily oppose his plan, and no one dared to destroy his plan. This is the confidence of the thirteenth master in his actions and abilities!


The person responsible for delivering the order left immediately after receiving the order. In the following hours, great changes occurred in the city.

I don't know why all the small forces have become active. Even those forces that have not joined the organization at all have become extremely restless at this moment.

It looks like they have gotten some news and are planning a big conspiracy!

There are even some small forces who still do not open their eyes to the thirteenth master as the target of their attack.

And looking at them, you can understand clearly, they don't even know what happened in this city.

This is what they all thought, all major forces have fallen. No one will pay attention to them anymore, and no one will suppress them.

As a result, as soon as they took action, they were all captured by the thirteenth master, and most of them died under their swords.

And only the leader of that force was still alive in the world, and he was also captured by the thirteenth master.

In an empty room, the power leader huddled in the corner, revealing a pair, as if he had lost everything in panic.

The Thirteenth Master stood at the door, just standing silently, his eyes staying on him like death, and there was no movement from beginning to end.

"I want to hear from you personally, who made you do this? As long as you tell me, I can spare you a "life". Even if you no longer have your original status, at least you can survive!"

The Thirteenth Lord originally didn't plan to ask this question, because in the current situation of chaos, it is not surprising that such a dizzy guy occasionally appears.

Just for the sake of safety, he really wanted to take this opportunity to rule out some situations that he hadn't grasped, so this happened.

"No...no...we just heard that the city has changed, so we want to take the opportunity to get a share of the chaos!

But who would have thought that even the official forces have already had problems, and you are so stable here! "

The power leader's face was pale, and when he spoke, he was a little stuttered at first.

However, with his expression, the inside story of this matter has gradually surfaced.

At this time, his answer can be understood from two aspects. On the one hand, there is no inside story about this matter.

This guy was just a little confused, and after hearing some wrong news, he acted on his own.

On the other hand, it contained some unknown secrets, because he just mentioned that someone had told him about it.

Therefore, the goal of this matter is to directly revolve around the words "someone"!

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