Whimsical System

Chapter 1350: After a meal

However, under the current circumstances, the Thirteenth Lord is considering it. Does he need to do this.

After all, he has already mastered the absolute advantage, so no matter what his requirements, no matter what ideas he has, he can be accepted by the leader of the forces. Even if he refuses, it should not cause much impact.

However, Lord Shisan thought it was unnecessary, because the current conditions placed in front of him were nothing more than a place and a full meal.

If even such conditions are treated harshly, it is really hard to understand.

So in the end, Lord Shisan chose to take over, and in the process of this disclosure, Lord Shisan did not show much hesitation.

"Well, I can meet your requirements, but you better not play tricks on me!"

The thirteenth master casually made a warning, and then met all the requirements of the power leader.

In this matter, many people don't quite understand what the Shisanye did. Even if the leader of the forces has a secret to reveal, then he is absolutely not qualified to make a request to the Shisanye.

But in fact, this is not the case. The Thirteenth Master not only met his requirements, but also seemed to have changed his attitude towards him, as if he was afraid of this secret.

Fortunately, the leader of the forces was not proud of the performance of the thirteenth master.

In fact, from the very beginning, the leader of the forces knew why the Thirteenth Lord would do this, so as long as he had a brain, he would not make any decisions that were too irrational.

When I came to a new room, the prepared meals were placed on the table.

The leader of the forces simply ignored his appearance, rushing over and gobbled it up, as if he had been entangled in hunger for a long time, and was not freed until now.

"You can slow down a bit, I won't urge you!" The Thirteenth Lord looked a little uncomfortable, so he reminded casually.

"It doesn't look very refined, right? Actually, I can't help it. After all, I'm so hungry. I can't eat it like that kind of gentle eating!"

"Whether you are elegant or not is not what I am concerned about. I just think it is a little inappropriate for you to do this!

Even I have an illusion that you might choke to death because of eating these things. If this is the case, then my loss would be great! "

Although the words of Lord Shisan sounded like a joke, it was actually a worry in his heart.

After all, this secret has been revealed. Although I don't know what the content is, since there is such a thing, it is enough to make the thirteenth curious.

And if at this moment of curiosity, there is something wrong with the power leader, it is really unacceptable.

Therefore, the reminder of the thirteenth master, although it sounds absurd, it cannot be completely denied.

Of course, if this denial was spoken from the leader of the forces, it would still be acceptable.

"Don't be kidding me, you don't know how much I want to live by myself! Otherwise, I won't tell this secret, so, in any case, I will never confess my life here. Yes, even if you want to murder me, it is not that easy!"

The words of the leader of the forces had a stable effect on the thirteenth master.


Although this matter was originally nothing but nothing, but after such a conversation, it can be accepted by others.

"Well, just treat me as unreasonable worry! In fact, what I am concerned about is not your life or death, but the existence of the secret!

For a guy like you who opposes me today, I can't wait to break your body into pieces. If it weren't for the existence of this secret, I'm afraid you would have died in my hands! "

The Thirteenth Lord spoke absolutely, even though anything he said at this time would not affect the power leader.

But the existence of such a sentence is ultimately unacceptable.

"It's really chilling, a person's life can't be compared to a secret!"

The power leader seems to be making complaints, but he didn't dare to speak too loudly.

"Your "sex" disease was originally worthless, and now your life already belongs to me, so no matter when it is, you no longer control your own "life"!"

Master Shisan seems to be willing to carry on this topic. Although this topic has no meaning, Master Shisan is still keen on it.

"Okay, okay...I mean I can't say you, I'd better eat first, lest I don't have much strength to argue with you!"

The leader of the forces is unwilling to continue talking, and the hunger in his belly is still resisting desperately at this moment. If he doesn't stop it in time, the feeling will make him extremely painful.

About 20 minutes later, the leader of the forces was finally full of food and drink. When he was leaning on the chair with his stomach, the scene was really so humorous.


The Thirteenth Master seemed to be a little impatient with waiting, and the words he said at this moment were directly mixed with some impatience.

"Sorry, the delay was a bit longer, but I didn't waste food, I ate all the things you prepared for me!"

The leader of the forces pointed to the amount of three people on the table, and said very complacent.

"Yes, you can eat it! I actually ate up my lunch, but it's okay, I don't blame you, for this secret, it's not a big deal to eat one less lunch!"

The Thirteenth Lord is still joking, maybe he thinks the current atmosphere is a bit dull, so he just said a few more useless words to adjust the atmosphere.

Regardless of the current result, whether the thirteenth master can be satisfied. Anyway, this topic is over, and the narration about the secrets followed one after another.

"Time is almost there, I have wasted enough time on you! If your destiny cannot be satisfied by me, then you will pay a certain price for this meal!"

The Thirteenth Lord randomly found a place to sit down. At this moment, he and the leader of the forces looked face to face. Although the angle of the two is a bit awkward, they can barely achieve a state of looking at each other.

"It's finally this moment, I have slowed down enough just now, but after all, there is still no way to escape!"

The leader of the forces sighed, as if something was wrong.

And at this time, his last resort is nothing more than telling about the secret, and he has also expressed this idea now!

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