Whimsical System

Chapter 1351: Uncertain secret

"Okay, don't make a look of bitter and deep hatred, as if I "forced" you to do this. Don't forget that this is your own request. You want to exchange your secrets for yours. Life, if you are unwilling to do this, then I will not force you, at most I will kill you, anyway, this is no loss to me!"

The Thirteenth Lord was a little uncomfortable, the appearance of the leader of the forces at this time. So when he responded, some words were a little heavier.

As for the ridicule of the thirteenth master, the power leader did not show much reaction.

"Look at what you said, is it that I am not allowed to post two "sorrows"? Even if I am your prisoner, then you should not treat me so harshly, after all, I still have a secret to tell. How about you! Are you really not curious about this secret?"

The leader of the forces seemed to be aggrieved, although all of this was his own self-inflicted feeling, but he still could not escape from this aggrieved environment!

"Okay, time must be wasted here, you might as well explain the matter clearly!

I don’t have so much time to spend with you here. I still have a lot to do. If you perform well, maybe I can take you with you!

At that time, even if you can't become the leader of the forces, then you can still get a position with me. I believe that this is much better than running alone by yourself! "

The Thirteenth Master had given a promise, but it seemed that it was not easy to complete this promise.

As for the complex "sex" in this respect, it is not reflected in the body of the thirteenth master.

In fact, it can be said that the Shisanye came at hand with regard to the arrangement of this aspect.

It's just that if the power leader can't get this request, then even if the thirteenth wants to help him, I am afraid there is no reason to do so.

After all, they had made an agreement before, unless it was the Thirteenth Lord, who voluntarily gave up the agreement, otherwise the leader of the power would not have any chance to survive.

"Well, I admit that what you said makes sense. In fact, I don't want to keep this secret anymore. It's just that I feel a little wronged.

Now think about it, if you can really deliver on your promise, then it wouldn't be a big deal for me to tell this secret! "

The power leader finally made a decision. Although this decision was made by the thirteenth master under the "force", after all, this matter still has a certain meaning.

"Say it as soon as you figure it out. I don't want to say this again!"

When the thirteenth master made another push, there was no expression on his face.

Regarding this result, there is nothing strange about it. After all, Lord Thirteen is not a good temper. Under this situation, it is estimated that it is on someone's body, and there is no way to easily endure it.

So it was not easy for the Thirteenth Master to do this.

"it is good!"

The leader of the forces happily responded, and then said, "My secret is heard from others, and the reason why I call it a secret is because the person who "exposed" this secret It's dead!

And the reason why he died was precisely because he said this thing, and I also heard it accidentally!

auzw.com That means that this person was killed because he thought he knew the secret, and I was the only one who was not killed and knew the secret!

Now I tell you this secret, I hope you can have some luck with me!

Lord Shisan, have you heard of the legend of energy that has been circulating in this city before?

I remember that when I was young, there were still a lot of rumors about these aspects. Although most of the time there were not too many specific descriptions, he would always have someone to pursue these rumors!

But I don't know why, no one seems to have mentioned this matter in recent years. Not only is there no one to pursue, even the people who said these rumors no longer appear!

I can't help wondering if those who knew the real event have died or the people who spread rumors have lost interest!

And just when I was about to forget this rumor, I suddenly got such a secret!

It is no exaggeration to say that when I learned this secret, I even thought this thing was a little bit untrue!

But there is no doubt that my suspicion is false, and the secret is true!

There really are some magical powers in this city, and it is precisely because of these powers that this city can always survive!

Maybe when I talk about this, you still don't quite understand what I'm talking about, but it's not surprising, because no matter who you are talking about this matter, it seems a bit unbelievable!

However, I believe that this matter is completely acceptable to you if you put this matter on you!

After all, you are the special person who possesses the power of devouring, and there is the existence of this energy, it is as peculiar as the power of swallowing!

So since the power of swallowing can be accepted by the world, then this energy can naturally be recognized by people!

It's just that the amount of energy is certain, and it will not generate new energy, and as long as it is a person who can obtain this energy, it can basically form a great improvement to one's own strength!

So, this secret is almost the beginning of a transformation for you!

As long as you are willing to believe and you can look for it, I can guarantee that you will definitely be able to find benefits from this! "

The narration of the power leader is over, but the thirteenth master is still immersed in it.

There is no doubt that the Thirteenth Lord is now distinguishing the truth from what he said, and within a short period of time, he seems to have no way at all to detect what is incomprehensible.

"This secret of yours is really surprising!

I have heard the rumors about energy before, but I have never regarded it as something worth thinking about!

Now after your reminder, I really have so much interest, but your secret, it is really difficult for me to make a determination in a short time!

After all, no one can tell the truth of this incident, and all of this can only be done on the ground, and only after experiencing it will you know it!

do you know? I even have a doubt now! I think you are deliberately delaying time and want to find a way to survive in my hands for a while! "

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