Whimsical System

Chapter 1352: Actively lead the way

The words of Lord Shisan made it difficult for the power leader to explain. At this time, if Lord Shisan was unwilling to trust, he really had no way to verify these things.

Unless he himself can bring this energy to the thirteenth master, and then give it to the thirteenth master, otherwise he has no way to verify his words.

"Thirteenth Lord, if you really think like this, then I have no way to explain anything, because I have told you everything I know, except for the specific location of the energy, other things I should say I have already said it!

If even so, you still don’t want to believe it, then I really have nothing to do! "

The leader of the forces still had reservations, and from his behavior, it can be seen that he is not a stupid guy.

The place where the energy exists is the most critical place in the whole secret. Now he has chosen to keep that side, which means that he still wants to treat this as a hole card.

Because as long as he tells this matter, then his secret, the existence of the master will lose its meaning.

In addition, if this matter is "exposed", then the thirteenth master will soon be able to take action on this matter, and they will be able to get answers shortly afterwards.

At that time, the result of this secret can naturally be made public, and the secret that the power leader cannot prove can be completely revealed at this moment.

Therefore, when the leader of the forces uttered these words, the Thirteenth Lord immediately began to question. At this moment, he even said the next words in a commanding tone.

"Since you know the location, why don't you tell me directly! Hurry up, where is the energy hidden? This is the only condition that can prove the authenticity of what you are saying. If you don't tell me, then your "sexuality" "I'm afraid there is no way to save my life!"

The power leader saw greed in the eyes of the thirteenth master. Although he could understand the feeling of the thirteenth master, he still disgusted the look.

The desire of a greedy person cannot be satisfied at all. The leader of the forces has always reminded himself to understand this truth. This is something he must understand, no matter when, even if his life is threatened. , He must also remind himself at all times!

"Thirteenth Lord, do you think I will tell you this easily? If I tell it directly, then my existence will be meaningless!

Let me tell you the truth, all I can tell you now is these things! And the reason why I have revealed this thing about energy position to you is to arouse your curiosity!

Now it seems that my goal has been achieved, so I think I should be able to save my life!

At least until you don’t get what you want, I’m safe..."

The power leader seems to have occupied the dominant power. Although the current dominance is not very stable, at least in his own opinion, his goal has been achieved!

"Haha...what you said is more confident than before, but have you ever thought that if I am not interested in this matter, then your destiny will become more miserable!

In addition, even if I am interested in this matter, what can I do? Even if you don't want to tell me personally, then I can force you to speak through other methods!

Sometimes dying happily is even happier than suffering!

Do you think you can bear the pain? The feeling of hopelessness after being tortured, presumably not everyone can bear it!

How is it? Have you considered it clearly? "


The Thirteen Lord's words made the power leader's smile suddenly freeze, and the power leader had not thought about this idea.

It's just that he has been deceiving himself, he felt that this thing could not happen, after all, the thirteenth master has always done things upright.

But now it seems that this is not the case. After all, his confidence in this matter is a bit too much!

The Thirteenth Lord can do those things that worries him, and at this moment, the Thirteenth Lord has also brought up this idea.

And when the expression of the leader of the power changed, the face of the thirteenth master showed an effect.

"Look, my goal seems to have been achieved! Now it's up to you to consider this matter yourself. Whether you say it or not, I don't care, it's just that your experience is very different! "

The ease of the thirteenth master is a kind of suffering for the power leader.

He couldn't bear the Thirteenth Master's smile to him, because for him, it would be a sign of imminent disaster.

After careful consideration, the leader of the forces chose to give up after all. He had no way to endure the pain, and he would die after the pain. This was definitely not the result he had hoped for!

Therefore, at this critical moment, he also made a more correct decision!

"I know what to do, and I will tell you where the energy is!

However, out of my thinking about myself, even if I want to tell you this thing, it definitely cannot tell you in words!

Because I can't believe you, so if you are looking for it, then I can show you the way!

No matter where it is, no matter what I will experience during this period, I will experience one step ahead of you!

And when I help you get what you want, I hope you can keep your promise and give me a way to survive. I will follow you to accept any task you arrange!

And I can keep this secret for you forever, I just hope you don't kill me, I believe that with such a promise, you should be able to guarantee me! "

Although the leader of the forces could not be said to be true, he had completely "touched" the mind of the thirteenth master, but at least he had some understanding of the thirteenth master's temper at the moment.

So when he said every word, he basically said it just right.

On the one hand, he showed his own thoughts, on the other hand, he did not make things too bad.

And when all this was completely expressed, Lord Shisan also made serious thoughts about this matter.

It is not difficult to want to leave the "sex" life of the leader of the forces, after all, to put it bluntly, this is just one more person to eat!

However, what the Thirteenth Lord is most worried about right now is the safety of this matter.

The power leader is responsible for leading the way, which is equivalent to placing hope on him. Now it is really difficult to determine whether the proposal in this area is a conspiracy by the power leader.

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