Whimsical System

Chapter 1353: The decision is better

"I won't shoot you, don't kill you, and leave your'life'. This is not a difficult thing for me.

It's just that I have to consider whether it is worth it or not. If I just want to keep your "life", then this will not help me at all!

As for your promise just now that you will take me to find energy, I am not very sure, what you said is true!

I think you should be able to understand what this matter means to me. In fact, whether I got it or I didn't get it, it is not a loss to me.

It's just that I know this. I have such an idea. If there is really no way to achieve it, then I will not force myself to achieve it!

So I hope you can figure out your own position, and don't think that you have grabbed my handle and can use this to blackmail me.

If you really have this idea, it can only show that your idea is sad, even a little pitiful! "

The thirteenth master fully expressed his thoughts. In fact, he was also worried that the leader of the power would have some other thoughts because of his words.

In fact, aside from other ideas, the leader of the forces is really willing to survive, and he is not afraid of what he will lose, but in the process, what he gains and what he loses will enter into one Opposing levels.

The leader of the forces told his secrets, and then kept some of the news that he thought should not be told.

He believes that this is correct, and he also feels that he can control the priority of the situation. But when he said his thoughts, he felt a little inappropriate.

Maybe this matter was just the result of his own thoughts, and when the real situation happened in front of him, he felt that this matter seemed a little inappropriate.

In short, it is not only the Thirteenth Lord, even the power leader, it is also very tangled.

"I know that I can naturally locate myself, and I also know what I am doing now! You are still interested in the secrets I have. This is inevitable.

Although I may expand this interest, I still understand that no matter how much I expand, it will not completely affect the idea that you make a decision in a certain aspect!

So what I need to do now is to make you truly understand and believe what I said. Whether it is to do this work in the future, or to leave now, I can do it.

As long as you can keep my "life", there are so many requirements for me, and I have enough confidence in you, otherwise I would not make such a decision! "

The leader of the forces still did not consider the level of concern in Lord Shisan’s heart. In fact, this is not surprising. After all, how can outsiders know what the Lord Shisan is thinking in his own mind, unless he speaks it personally!

"Well! Since you have said so, then I will give you a chance, but it is definitely not possible now, because now I have other things to deal with.

So, since you want to live and are willing to lead the way for me, then I will stay with you for a while, but you must assure me that you can only stay here, and you must not move any thoughts of leaving here! "

In the end, Lord Shisan made a more appropriate decision. In fact, Lord Shisan was more interested in the search for energy.

It's just that there is no such suitable opportunity now, so he wants to delay this matter for a while!


And during this period of time, Lord Shisan was most worried about whether the leader of the forces would play such tricks. If he was the eyeliner sent by some forces, then this would be true for Lord Shisan. Will cause some impact.

Therefore, after he made such a request, he also issued an order.

To send a special person to guard the leader of the forces, he must be in the sight of the thirteenth master at all times.

"I can't leave, but I can't assure you that I won't have that thought. In fact, even if I tell you now that I have made up my mind not to leave, you will not believe it!

And I will never believe it myself, because I do have this idea in my heart, but it is not that strong!

Now there are some things that should be said and should not be said, I have already said, as to how to solve the problem, how you should treat me, it depends on your own thoughts.

In fact, you can find someone to look at me, and at the same time you can chain me up.

Anyway, as long as I live and give me some hope of being alive, then I have nothing to worry about! "

The frankness shown by the power leaders made the thirteenth master a little surprised!

The various behaviors he showed right now, even if you consider it from two aspects, it is completely understandable.

Because of his conspiracy, he showed such a frank manner, because he was confident, so he was like this.

Regarding the idea in this regard, the Shisanye once considered it, but did not quickly determine it!

On the other hand, if it is according to what the leader of the forces said, he is so frank because he wants to survive.

The possibility of "sex" in this respect does exist, after all, the power leader just wants to simply survive.

As for the method of surviving, the leader of the forces himself has not explained it, so even if it is locked up, arrested and guarded.

In short, as long as he can survive, then his goal has been achieved, so he naturally has nothing to worry about.

Therefore, there are speculations about these two aspects. The Thirteenth Lord does not have a definite idea, and he can't tell others about this idea at the moment. After all, energy matters, after all, cannot be known by anyone!

Therefore, although Lord Shisan was very entangled, he finally made a relatively happy decision.

"Well, I can let you save your "life"! Now I don't care if your guarantee is true or false.

I have the right to take a gamble. If I win the bet, I will get what I want. If the bet loses, then I will kill you at best! "

The Thirteenth Lord deliberately pretended to be nonchalant, but in fact he had a lot of worries in his heart.

If you really lose the bet, the thirteenth master loses, but it is not just the power leader such a bargaining chip.

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