Whimsical System

Chapter 1356: rely

"I really want to tell you that things have been resolved now, but the truth is that there are troubles one after another. There is no way to make this thing simple in a short time!"

The Thirteenth Lord tells about the current situation, and also made an analysis of the current situation. According to what he said, the disaster in this city is indeed not over yet, even if the two cities have already produced forces. The friction between them, but that is just the beginning.

The strength displayed by the official forces is only a part of it. If this is the only way to have a more complete understanding of the official forces, it will definitely not be understood!

In fact, the abilities possessed by the official forces are actually beyond the imagination of ordinary people. After all, it has been developed in this city for nearly a century or even a thousand years!

Therefore, the things and heritage it possesses are naturally incomparable by ordinary forces. Even other cities cannot achieve this. After all, this city is among the four cities, the most central and the oldest. One!

"Sure enough, as I guessed, in fact, I should be able to think of this, but I myself always hope that things will develop in a good direction, so I am willing to have such a trace of hope!

But now thinking about my own expectations, it seems a bit ridiculous, how could this happen!

After all, we did not have any helpers, even if it was the alliance of the small forces before, it was only to initiate this war. Now the war has begun, but it is still us who are really fighting! "

Chu Feng's emotion seemed to be a careful summary of this matter!

That's right, the current situation is indeed the case. There is absolutely no exaggeration to convulsions, and what he said is indeed the various phenomena that are currently happening in this city.

Although the Thirteenth Master was not distressed, this matter still caused him a headache, because Chu Feng had all "exposed" a look of embarrassment, so he was naturally not optimistic!

But even so, neither of them thought that they would lose in this war, even if the war was not a very good thing for them!

But this does not become a reason for their timidity.

"In fact, the situation is not that bad. Although the small forces have basically been disbanded now, there are still some greedy guys who are still organizing, wanting to swallow the remnants of the official forces!

So with the existence of these guys, our pressure will naturally be less, but when it comes to really fighting against the official forces, it is naturally us!

Of course, besides us, there are also some people on the Han Shanbo side who have organized spontaneously and want to fight against the official power. They also want to maintain their original position and want to divide the world with the official power, even with this goal. It is completely impossible to achieve, but they are still unscrupulous! "

When the Thirteenth Lord mentioned Han Shanbo's forces, Chu Feng was lucky to exist.

It was precisely because of that incident that the convulsion was able to gradually control his body, and now that incident is of great significance to him.

Even if the matter is not taken seriously by anyone at this moment, if the people on Han Shanbo's side also organize to confront the official forces.

Then this thing seems to become more interesting, at least in the current state, this will be the result that many people hope to see!

auzw.com "The situation is not bad. Although the case of Han Shanbo has fallen, but the so-called millipede is dead and not stiff, I believe they should still have a hole card, otherwise they will not Will achieve such a high status!

If they are now used as reinforcements, perhaps it will be much easier for us to deal with official forces!

Of course, I also know that this kind of situation is naturally impossible, after all, I died because of Han Shanbo! "

When Chu Feng said this sentence with a smile on his face, the thirteenth master directly corrected him: "Chu Feng, you don’t have to be too polite. What caused you to die? Killed!

At this moment, if it weren't for those people who didn't know that there was a relationship between you and me, I am afraid that even me would not escape bad luck!

Now think about the secret relationship between us, it is indeed necessary, after all, a guy like you can do anything!

At the beginning, you just wanted to listen to the information, but you actually sneaked in and killed Han Shanbo. Now when you think about it, this is indeed thrilling!

If something really happened at that time, what about our plan? I am afraid that this war will never be fought again! "

The Thirteenth Master was filled with emotion, as if he had experienced those unbearable pains like Chu Feng.

"Everything is over. It doesn't make much sense to say that he is now. Moreover, this result is considered good for us. If I really want to reward the merits, I shouldn't be guilty?"

Chu Feng said with a smile, and when he talked about this at the moment, his emotions were greatly relaxed.

The things that happened before can all accumulate on Chu Feng's body in the dark side, so even if the thirteenth master complains, it will definitely not cause any impact on Chu Feng!

Even in some cases, when the Thirteenth Master mentioned some unbelievable incidents, Chu Feng felt a little funny.

And Chu Feng's current psychological state has also caused a certain impact on other people around him.

As long as Chu Feng's mood improves, other people around will be able to feel confident about what will happen afterwards because of Chu Feng's mood.

Especially the people of the three major families, they almost all regard Chu Feng as a patron saint.

As long as Chu Feng doesn't fall from power now, and there won't be any major troubles, then even if they are really imminent, they will not feel panic!

Because they believe that as long as Chu Feng is still alive, then they have the hope of living.

As for the current situation, even they themselves do not know whether it is right or wrong.

Reunion as their patron saint is naturally no problem, after all, Chu Feng does possess this strength.

It’s just that they rely on Chu Feng so much, it doesn’t seem to be a good thing, because Chu Feng will not stay by their side all the time, and if one day Chu Feng leaves, how should they stand in this space? It has become a difficult thing to estimate!

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