Whimsical System

Chapter 1357: The war falls

Chu Feng had just captured the city, and he had not had time to take a breath. Even if he had time to chat, it was only a very short time.

However, in such a short period of time, the official forces once again attacked them and sent enough soldiers to encircle them and try to bring them down in a short time.

The smoke and dust billowed in the distance, even on the clean road, there were still some flying sand and rocks. I don't know where the smoke and dust came from, whether they were pretending to be a force to distribute or they originally had it.

"Chu Feng has seen it. This is the current dilemma we are encountering. Obviously we are now in big trouble again. It may take some time to solve these troubles, and even the sacrifice of some people! "

The Thirteenth Lord was not nervous, but the words he said at the moment seemed to have a little gloat, but Chu Feng knew that he was just sighing at this moment. The flying sand and rocks in the distance represented that. One after another butcher knife that may get their "life", it is not easy to resist them at this time, but if you do not resist, it is even more difficult to want to leave here!

"There is no way. Now that we have reached this point, there is no way to go anymore. Even if we want to give up, there is no chance at all.

Unless they are willing to give up their lives to get rid of this war, otherwise, we must straighten our chests and rush out from here! "

Chu Feng gave an affirmative answer. Even though everyone knows that the answer is correct, they are more or less reluctant in their hearts, but if this matter really makes them make a decision by themselves, They have become unable to start again.

As a result, they struggled to the end, but in the end they could only take the suggestions made by Chu Feng, and none of their struggles showed up at all.

Because they know that they have shown their inner changes at this time, and it has no other effect at all except to make themselves more stupid!

"Everyone, get ready for another **** slaughter. Later, everyone will be overwhelmed. You must learn not to protect yourself, otherwise it is very common to lose your "life"!"

Chu Feng once again reminded him. At this time, he didn't care whether anyone really listened to his words. Under the current circumstances, his reminder was very necessary!


The simple and pleasant response is currently what Chu Feng is most willing to hear. Although these two words do not give him much information, this response to Chu Feng at this time means that it is affirmative and accurate!

So right now he only needs to hear these words, and that's enough. Besides, he said that he doesn't need to spend too much time and energy on this at all!

After all, the battle is imminent, so everyone feels a little uneasy. Even those masters who have enough strength to expand the enemy, they will also have the same ideas as ordinary people.


In fact, no one is willing to confess his life on this battlefield. If it weren't for some people forcing them, how could they be here.

It's just that if this idea is completely thrown aside, it seems a bit inappropriate. After all, even if they don't want to come here, the result of victory is what each of them hopes to get.

And if it is from this perspective, then they can understand when they appear here, and they don't have to feel pity for themselves, because none of them appear here for their own benefit!

The war is on the verge, and the butchers of both sides seem to be eager for the other's efforts. Now in this war, only killing the enemy is the effective way to survive. So everyone wants to do it all. Go all out to achieve your goals, even if you make a little sacrifice, there is no hesitation.

However, in this case, even if someone wants to make a certain sacrifice, it seems that he will not achieve the goal according to his thoughts at this moment. After all, in many cases, the impact of that sacrifice, except for In addition to letting themselves shed blood, it is very likely to lose their "life"!

The sound of rushing and killing rang out, and the battlefield was almost in a state of chaos. No one knew where his opponent was, and no one knew whose butcher he would suffer the next moment. Everyone was confused anyway.

As long as he sees that he is not his own person, he will do his best to brandish his weapon.

And this kind of situation seems to have already carved a mark in everyone's mind, even if they want to wave this feeling away, it doesn't seem to be easy!

Chu Feng "fuck" through the crowd with the power of devouring. His method of slaughter was simpler. The power of devouring didn't need much at all, so he could take away people's "life". It needs to lightly point out a little, and then his swallowing power can spread branches and leaves in everyone's body.

At this moment on this battlefield, when the Devouring Force is raging and there is no opponent at all, everyone will deliberately avoid Chu Feng and then look for the next battle target, and their performance is also Make Chu Feng even more unscrupulous.

As a result, over time, this war gradually became a bit unfair. Chu Feng seemed to be a guy who had no opponents at all. Everyone wanted to kill him, but no one dared to do so, because such an impulse was for them. In terms of that, that means contributing your life!

At this time, although they are very willing to win themselves, but if this kind of victory needs to rely on their own lives in exchange, then they will definitely hesitate because of this, and even some people will not even consider this matter. .

And it is precisely because everyone has this kind of thought that this will completely determine in which direction this war will go!

However, in this state, no one considers this issue at all, as if they all think that their choice is correct, and they also naively think that there may be someone else to solve this matter. They are not needed!

As a result, when everyone thought this way, Chu Feng became a special case. No one became his opponent, but he could take everyone's "life" unscrupulously!

Over time, the balance of this war gradually tilted towards Chu Feng.

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