Whimsical System

Chapter 1364: Just focus on the moment

Before the battle started, those small forces had already started fighting for profit in private.

Although they are still in a united state, it can be seen from their performance that as long as the Shisanye agrees to him, then there will be certain disputes between them!

And if the thirteenth side does not agree, then these small forces will inevitably change.

What's more, they may be directly enemies of the thirteenth masters. At that time, the united alliance will be disintegrated from the inside, and it is estimated that there will be no official action at all. They can kill each other and they can completely destroy the alliance. .

So when the leaders of these small forces made these demands, the Thirteenth Master felt a little bit helpless.

From the overall situation, although those small forces do not account for a large proportion, as long as the thirteenth master does not relieve these people's troubles, then these troubles will definitely have a huge impact.

As for the results of speculation in this regard, whether it is the Thirteenth Master or Chu Feng, they all have the same cognition.

The leaders of the small forces are already waiting for the answer from the thirteenth master. Although they are now showing a very patient appearance, in fact, they are already impatient in their hearts.

The thirteenth master was thinking about the matter alone, even though Chu Feng was standing next to him, but in front of so many people, it was really difficult for him to solicit opinions from Chu Feng.

After a few seconds, the corner of Shisanye's mouth reappeared with a smile, as if what happened just now had no effect on it at all.

"I can fully understand your ideas, and I have come up with a better solution at the moment, but some problems need to involve Chu Feng's interests, so I may have to negotiate with him!"

Sure enough, Lord Shisan did not come up with a solution alone. After a round, although Lord Shisan looked calm, his heart was already distraught.

At this time, the Thirteenth Lord had directly won an opportunity for himself, and Chu Feng nodded his head quite understandingly.

Immediately after that, the two of them left the meeting place temporarily. After they came to the courtyard, they planned to find an opportunity to negotiate a solution to this matter.

"Will this matter also shake my interests? What I have now is penniless, even if it is there, you gave it to me!"

After the courtyard, Chu Feng put his hands on his chest and said half-jokingly.

"Oh! When is Chu Feng now, you still have the mind to laugh with me! I was just looking for an excuse, I want to discuss it with you in private!"

The Thirteenth Master sighed. At this moment, he was really helpless, even if Chu Feng was joking with him, he didn't want to make trouble.

"Is it worth depressing? What they want is money, if you have it, give them it, so why bother?"

Chu Feng thought of these things very simply, probably because he was penniless, so he didn't have to worry about paying money at all.

The Thirteenth Lord raised his eyebrows and glanced at Chu Feng, with a wry smile at the corner of his mouth: "You really want me to take the money to settle this matter? Don't you worry that they will get an inch after asking for it once?"

The Shisanye's considerations were more far-reaching than Chu Feng's thoughts. In fact, if the matter can be settled only by relying on money, then Shisanye is not too distressed.

It's just that the matter at the moment does not seem to be as simple as it appears on the surface. The Thirteenth Lord is worried that these small power leaders will not be so easily fed.


After all, compared with the city's management rights, a little bit of a small profit, it simply cannot satisfy them.

And if things like asking for funds become a habit, then even if the thirteenth master finally gets the right to rule the city, I am afraid he will not be able to do it safely.

Therefore, it was because of this reason that the Shisanye felt that it was necessary for him to discuss with Chu Feng.

Even if Chu Feng doesn't know the political situation and planning in this city very well, at least Chu Feng can give himself a few good ideas to solve the current problems.

"Oh... I understand what you mean!" Chu Feng nodded his head reliably. He finally understood the thoughts of the thirteenth master. "You are afraid that they will get an inch and ask you for money again and again, and finally drag down. you!

Don't tell me, your thoughts are not unfounded! If it is for them to do this, then I really believe it!

After all, there are indeed some people among those people who are coveting petty profits! "

"Yeah! You said these people are here now, waiting eagerly for me to give them an answer! What do you think I should do?"

The Thirteenth Lord did not go around in circles this time, but directly asked Chu Feng, hoping that he could give himself an answer.

Chu Feng scratched his head. The current matter is indeed troublesome, and it also carries certain risks.

"I think you can't hide from this matter! Now they have reached out to you, you can't refuse them!"

After all, you just said that today is the most important day. Now as long as you want them to work hard for you, then you have to spend the money!

As for whether they will ask you again afterwards, that is not a question that needs to be considered at present!

Thirteenth, you can just imagine! If they disappear in a rush and don't help you anymore, then what is the use of keeping the money?

So I said, don't worry too much about these, even if you need to make a certain effort now, or even take a certain risk.

Then don't mess up this matter, after all, we have been waiting for this day for too long!

If it is just because of such a small amount of money that makes you back down, then even me, I am afraid that you are a bit stupid! "

Chu Feng was not very willing to think about what happened afterwards, and he was not generally responsible for what happened after that.

Therefore, in the process of persuading the Thirteenth Lord, not waiting is deliberately avoiding what will happen afterwards.

At this time, under the deliberate influence of Chu Feng, the Thirteenth Master was also driven to gradually give up, worrying about what would happen in the future.

"You are right! Now I really need their assistance, even if I need to take some risks, then I have to make this decision!

That's right, I have to do this! "

The Thirteenth Master seems to have learned something. Although Chu Feng's analysis still did not solve the problem that he was worried about, at least he was no longer bothered by the things that followed!

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