Whimsical System

Chapter 1365: Chu Feng's identity

The time for deliberation was not too long, and even if the leaders of the forces were waiting for him, they would not be bored.

And when the Thirteenth Lord and Chu Feng appeared in front of everyone again, they seemed to have realized the appearance of this result.

The decisiveness of the thirteenth master has a reputation throughout the city. Since he is a leader, he will never be indecisive. Otherwise, a leader like this will only fall on the road of promotion.

Now the Thirteenth Master does not need to be too cumbersome to respond. At this moment, he only needs to say a word, which can represent his thoughts.

Whether to refuse or agree is actually not that complicated from the beginning, it's just a sentence at most, nothing more.

"Please discuss with us and decide that I can meet your requirements, and I will add a part of the funds to you for other people besides you!

I want you to know that what I care about is not the money, but you people!

If you need it, you can still make corresponding requests to me in the future, as long as I can meet, then I will never refuse!

Of course, this is only reserved when you are doing this.

When will the city be peaceful and there will be no more wars, then you will no longer be able to ask for money from me. After all, you are also one force after another. You have your own status and what you should do. thing!

If you can't survive on your own, then you can join my forces!

But if you still claim to be powerful and want to get some benefits from me, then this is not very pleasing!

Well, that's all I have to say! You can go to my base to collect the funds you need later!

At that time, I will divide the funds according to the number of you, so you don’t need to struggle with these issues at all, and there is no need to cause quarrels. The natural money with more people is more natural and the natural money with fewer people is less. It is a convention and a rule! "

Chu Feng only gave the Shisanye a start, and it was up to the Shisanye to decide how to deal with the following things.

Fortunately, Lord Shisan still has a head, even though there are many questions, Lord Shisan has not thought about it carefully.

But under the current circumstances, it was not easy for him to make such a decision.

In addition, he has enough adaptability, so it is not a difficult task for him to solve this matter.

Everyone is satisfied, whether it is a big power or a small power, as long as they have money in their hands, their mouths will become honest.

Maybe this matter is really easy to solve, it just costs some money, and apart from these, there is nothing to be annoying.

He had indeed made a certain sacrifice, but what he exchanged was the unity of all people, regardless of whether they really have the idea of ​​unity, but at least the scene presented at this moment is like this.

And everyone seems to have a thought of peaceful coexistence. Even if there is some falsehood in it, the current situation can indeed be regarded as a good phenomenon compared to the previous state.

The problem has been solved, and the plan of action will naturally not be delayed because of this incident or even due to these monetary incentives. Those large and small forces have finally devoted their attention to this plan. .

auzw.com The vast army of "dangling" and "dangling" set out from the base of the thirteenth masters. At this time, they had assembled nearly 3,000 people here.

In addition, there seems to be a certain amount of manpower still on the way, but the Thirteenth Lord seems to have other uses for those people.

So until now, they have not revealed their identity, and as to where they are hiding, this is still a mystery for the time being.

The official forces have already made preparations and deployments, but they did not dare to act rashly. Even though the gates of the city have been breached, they have not yet done so. They dare to do the next step. Decided.

In the official force headquarters, the elderly man walked back and forth in the room on crutches. Seeing his appearance, he seemed to be waiting for someone to arrive.

At this moment, beside him, the young man who had appeared before was watching the old man silently.

"No news yet?"

Suddenly someone walked in outside the door, and the man in suit and leather shoes stopped in front of the old man.

That kind of gentleman's demeanor is indeed somewhat admirable, but in front of the current old man, this man is somewhat cautious.

"I just got the news that there were problems with the machines that were'operated', and most of them were destroyed. One of them was captured by someone and was also controlled by others!

Now, Prisoner No. 3 is trying to regain control. Since the control distance is relatively long, this process may be slower!

The answer given by the man made the old man a bit angry. Obviously, this was not the result the old man had hoped for, and some unexpected expressions were vaguely seen in his eyes.

"Are those guys already old, how can they not do such a thing well?"

The old man's question was obviously directed at the man. The man lowered his head and didn't know how to answer. At this moment, his head was spinning rapidly, looking for words that could be expressed at this moment.

The young man on the side saw the man in a dilemma, thinking about trying to free him.

"Grandpa, in fact, this matter is inherently more complicated. I have learned before that there is a fellow named Chu Feng among these people!

He didn't know where he came from, and was against us everywhere, and it is said that Han Shanbo's things are also related to him!

It is estimated that this matter may also have an inextricable relationship with him. If this person appears, it seems that it is not impossible for those machines to be damaged or looted! "

The old man had also heard of Chu Feng's name, but he didn't pay much attention to this inexplicable guy.

After all, at this moment he still regards the Thirteenth Lord as his own confidant.

But now, when Chu Feng is mentioned again, even if the old man is unwilling to pay attention to him, he still has to move this thought!

"What is Chu Feng's background? Can you investigate it clearly?"

The old man just asked such a sentence, which directly left the young man speechless.

I'm afraid that few people know Chu Feng's identity, and even the Thirteenth Master who is currently best with Chu Feng is also unclear.

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