Whimsical System

Chapter 1366: Deja vu

"What's wrong? Why don't you talk anymore!"

The old man asked aggressively. At this time, he wanted to know the result, but it seemed that the young man had no choice but to give him an answer.

After a pause for a few seconds, the young man slowly shook his head and said: "I haven't found his identity yet, but one thing is certain, he definitely does not come from this space!

In addition, according to the information we have so far, this person is best at devouring power. I think if we want to solve this guy, then we must make certain plans for swallowing power!

Now that we want to deal with Devouring Power, it is not an easy task. Although there are certain people who have the ability to control Devouring Power, few people can reach a particularly high level state!

According to my understanding, Chu Feng's "manipulation" regarding the power of swallowing seems to have reached a relatively terrifying level.

Therefore, we may have to spend more time on this! "

Although the young man did not understand the origin of the punishment, he did a lot of investigations on the punishment, and in these investigations, he did indeed get some useful things!

It's just that although the information was mastered, he didn't think of a way to solve the problem.

To deal with Chu Feng, it is not enough to just understand the power of swallowing.

After all, the power of devouring was nothing more than a skill for Chu Feng.

In addition, Chu Feng also possesses superb healing abilities and a series of special skills.

And if they can't understand all of these abilities, then it may not be easy to solve Chu Feng just by relying on the news they have now.

But the bad is the worst, they have never considered so much, and they don't think that Chu Feng is really a multi-functional man.

After all, in their cognition, there is no such kind of person in this world, so with their thinking, they will naturally not have this kind of consideration.

As a result, after the old man learned of Chu Feng's basic strength, he immediately issued the order.

Even in the process of giving orders, he did not hesitate at all.

"Don't be decisive again, just let Prisoner No. 1 get on! Didn't he claim that he has completely mastered the essence of Devouring Power!

Then let him show it for himself this time and tell him that if he can defeat Chu Feng, then I can agree to his request for 40 years of medical insurance!

Of course, don't forget to remind him that if he is injured or died in this war, then we will not be responsible at all!

When you can let him do it, it's best to tell the prisoners in advance, so as not to know that something really happened at the time, those guys are like foolish flies, screaming at us! "

The old man had made arrangements, and the man in suit and leather shoes left immediately after the order.

This series of arrangements, even in the eyes of young people, does not seem to think that there is anything inappropriate!

But this is only their own thoughts after all, and as to whether the so-called prisoner No. 1 has this ability.

At this moment, it is still an unknown.

auzw.com On the other side, Lord Shisan and Chu Feng are leading the army and heading straight to the gate of the official power base.

This time their goal is obvious, and that is to do everything possible to break through the official power base and completely eradicate the core part of the official power.

As long as they can achieve this goal, even if the official forces are dead and not stiff like a millipede, this will no longer be a problem for the thirteenth master.

With a clear goal, they naturally have to act more decisively, and it seems that everyone is very motivated, because as long as the official forces fall, the city will re-enter a new era.

As for the arrival of this new era, that is the result that every small and medium-sized force is looking forward to.

Therefore, the current enthusiasm presented cannot actually be completely attributed to the monetary incentives given by the thirteenth master!

After all, if it wasn't for them to fight and you wanted to do it in your heart, then even if you get the money, it doesn't seem to be enough for them to make such a sacrifice.

In battle, some people will inevitably die, and even the leaders of the forces cannot completely avoid this danger.

And the reason why they are able to withstand this pressure and make the current decision is precisely because they have such a desire in their hearts.

In addition, they have also reached this point, and even if they want to turn back now, it seems to be somewhat impossible.

Therefore, instead of the final failure falling into the hands of the official forces, it would be better to make a happy decision at this moment and let this matter completely end.

The army galloped all the way, and within two hours, they had arrived outside the gate of the official force base.

Compared with the base where the thirteen masters are located, the official power base is indeed generous.

It is no exaggeration to say that their walls are even stronger than the walls of this city.

And it is precisely because of the emergence of such factors that this has also affected the difficulty of this war.

Outside the official power base, the army led by the Shisanye and Chu Feng gradually slowed down.

They watched the base from a distance. At this time, the base was like a beast, lying on the ground. Although it did not show its fangs at this moment, this vicious atmosphere is always Wandering around.

"Chu Feng, this is their base! When you see this base, you should be able to understand why I said before that 100 people are not enough, right?"

At this time, with a clear example in front of him, what the Shisanye said naturally became more credible.

Chu Feng raised his head and glanced at the base. At this time, he felt an unprecedented pressure.

That feeling was like the deep part of the mountain into which he had fallen into the fire field.

The feeling of endless vision and boundlessness, in addition to making people a little frightened, can also easily make people lose confidence.

So Chu Feng didn't feel that strong at this time, but it was undeniable that this feeling of self-acquaintance had indeed reappeared here.

"One hundred people in front of this base are indeed not enough to see, but fortunately we have enough numbers now.

Otherwise, I'm afraid this war hasn't started yet, and we will end it hastily! "

Chu Feng had fully understood the words of the Thirteenth Master, and the words he said at this time contained a part of comforting tone.

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