Whimsical System

Chapter 1367: Combine land and air

"100 people are not enough, and 3,000 people may not be able to. Look at the high wall, almost every place has important guard points!

If they rely on these to block us, I am afraid that we will have all the casualties before we get to them! "

The Shisanye seems to be not very optimistic about the current situation. Even though he already has enough manpower resources, the current situation still gives him some headaches.

"Then they will destroy his defensive points. It is not very difficult to solve these things, but it requires some effort!"

Chu Feng is very confident about this. In comparison with the 3,000-man lineup, he has never experienced it before. Even if there is currently such a high wall blocking, it is not a difficult task for him. .

"What do you want to do?"

The Thirteenth Master was a little surprised. At this time, he didn't have any stable clues, but Chu Feng seemed to have thought of a way.

"This high wall, with so many defensive points, seems to be invincible, but in fact, these defensive points are also an opportunity that we can use.

Look at the openings. If we attack these openings now, do you think the people who stay in them can survive?

Maybe you have no way to do this, but I can believe that as long as I can move to that position, then I can borrow the power of Devouring and solve them one by one! "

Chu Feng already had a fixed plan at this time. Although the plan is still in the process of imagining, if it is being implemented, Chu Fengdao does not feel that there is nothing unrealizable.

Moreover, there is currently the Shisanye as his backyard. As long as these 3,000 people can block the attacks from the outside world for him, then he can easily realize the plan he is making now!

"No problem, but would it be too dangerous to do so? In case something happens to you in mid-air, then this situation may be a little difficult for you to deal with!"

Although Master Shisan was very happy to let Chu Feng do this, he also had certain worries in his heart. Now that Master Congfeng undertakes this matter, Master Shisan is very grateful, but if Chu Feng did this If Chu Feng is affected by this, and even if he needs to take risks, then this is true, and it is not worth it.

However, his worries were not so serious for Chu Feng. In fact, this was just a change of thought!

Chu Feng has an absolute advantage in the air. Although the official forces have a higher terrain, if they are in the air, it seems that it is not easy for them to target Chu Feng.

After all, Chu Feng can move freely in the air, and the power of swallowing can turn into wings to assist Chu Feng in completing this series of actions.

And when Chu Feng appeared in the air, they would definitely become the target of many people. If a lot of artillery fire was concentrated like Chu Feng at this time, then the pressure on the thirteenth master would be instantly reduced, and even he could borrow it. This time the opportunity is directly on the walls of official forces.

By then, even if they were trying to stop it, it might be too late, and if they still focused on the thirteenth master, then they would fail faster.

Because as long as Chu Feng can find the opportunity, he will try to destroy all these blocking points, and in the process of destruction, some people will die because of this.

So no matter which way it is, as long as Chu Feng can successfully enter the sky realm, then the official power will completely lose the chance of success.


After Chu Feng had negotiated with the Thirteenth Master, the next action naturally followed. In mid-air, Chu Feng waved the wings of Devouring Power and instantly became the focus of official forces.

They had never realized that Chu Feng had the ability to fly high in the air, and could stay in the air for so long, as if he had truly mastered the ability to fly.

"Is that still a human?"

In the defensive official forces, everyone is discussing this issue, and the full emergence can be said to refresh their concept of capable people.

Perhaps in their cognition, there are indeed some people who can master the short-term flying ability, but they can't predict the state of being suspended in the air like Chu Feng, as if standing on the ground.

"It's amazing!"

"What are you all in a daze, attack me quickly! Have you forgotten that he is an enemy?"

Just as the soldiers were discussing with each other, the command of the commander followed.

Even though they are also surprised at the current situation, their reason is telling them that they must not give up the attack because of this, otherwise they will pay a heavy price for it!

Under the command of the commander in chief, the soldiers gradually began to attack Chu Feng.

And some soldiers are still staring at the thirteenth masters at this moment. It turns out that they have already considered this. Even if Chu Feng flew into the sky, they didn't expect it.

But they have already had experience in these battles.

So even if this happened suddenly, they still responded quickly enough.

"Chu Feng has attracted enough firepower, we can start attacking!"

The Thirteenth Master had already made a decision. At this time, Chu Feng was still able to deal with it freely. Even if there was an attack, those bows and arrows were still unable to penetrate Chu Feng's devouring power.

So what they worry about is not the safety of punishment anymore. Even if the safety of punishment is equally important, at least they don't need to bother about this matter now!

In the distance, bows and arrows are pouring out like no money. Everyone is trying their best to resist. This time they are well prepared. Each solid shield is like a large net, which will bring all the bows and arrows. All blocked it.

With the emergence of obstacles, Lord Shisan also led the entire team to advance step by step.

As a result, when the two attacks were carried out at the same time, the official forces' response seemed a little irritable.

Even if they hope to withstand all attacks within this period of time, there is a certain distance between their thoughts and their actions.

Now that the bow and arrow are released, it seems that there is no way to change the current situation. Looking at the enemy, it is about to "close". At this moment, the soldiers of the official forces have realized that the real battle is obviously coming!

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