Whimsical System

Chapter 1368: Another devouring force

"Everyone, work harder, we are about to reach their entrance!"

The thirteenth master hid behind the shield, listening to the bow and arrow falling on the shield again and again, and even some bows and arrows have penetrated the surface of the shield at this moment.

However, the current situation is not enough to make the thirteenth be afraid, after all, the power of swallowing is also a handy ability for him.

So just when the shield was about to be damaged, it directly "fucked" the devouring power, giving each shield a little energy of devouring power.

Although his method of doing this is not very helpful for the current shield damage, at least when the bow and arrows arrive, these swallowing powers will also unload part of the power.

Even if the shield has been damaged by the time, the bow and arrow that fly will not. Therefore, he penetrated the shield and attacked the soldier who controlled the shield.

With this layer of protection, this team is equivalent to having an immortal spell, even if the enemy's attack is so brave, it will not affect them in the slightest.

At the same time, Chu Feng had already "closed" to the edge of the city wall at this time, and the previous bow and arrow attacks were basically not worth mentioning to Chu Feng.

Not to mention that Chu Feng was able to dodge those attacks very flexibly, even if Chu Feng used his body to resist.

After all, the power of swallowing had already wrapped him up at this time, and all said that bows and arrows were now "shooting" him.

The power of devouring power was used to the extreme by him, and this battle will also undergo a major change due to the appearance of Chu Feng.

Of course, all of this is based on the smooth progress of things.

And if there are some unpredictable results in this process, then I am afraid this matter is not easy to judge!

When the battle progressed to nearly 20 minutes, the Shisanye had already begun to attack the base.

Since there is only one entrance to the base, their goal can be considered more focused.

It's just that battles like this attack on the entrance are generally relatively long. After all, for the entrance of this kind of base, a relatively sturdy door lock is usually set.

And standing behind the door lock, there will be many soldiers to resist, so this battle, whether it is for the thirteenth master or the official forces, it will not be easy.

But no matter how many difficulties there are, this will not become an obstacle to repelling the progress of the thirteenth master.

Now, all the circumstances seem to have become a foregone conclusion, as if no one can change him anymore.

Of course, there are thoughts about this aspect, it is only the optimistic imagination of Shi Shi Ye and Chu Feng.

In this kind of imagination, their obstacles quickly appeared.

Originally, the city wall of this base was just an obstructive city wall, but as the battle time continued to extend, this city wall seemed to have some breath of life.

I don't know if Chu Feng was dazzled, but at that moment, he felt that the city wall seemed to move.

Although the previous state was quickly restored, the tremor was extremely real.

And just after he noticed the tremor, a figure suddenly appeared on the opposite top of the city wall.

That person seemed to be very burly, and he actually had this pair of wings behind him, and his wings were even bigger than his Chu Feng.

Chu Feng squinted his eyes and stared at the figure. At this moment, he felt a strong threat.


And after that threat, he had another fanatical idea.

This kind of fanatical thought, he had appeared once before, and that was when he met the old man who was good at using devouring power.

Now when this figure appeared, the feeling of deja vu came again.

And this time the impact of feeling is stronger than the mood, so now Chu Feng can basically conclude that that guy is also a person who is good at using swallowing power.

Chu Feng's gaze converged on the figure of that person. At this moment, he had many thoughts in his mind, and one of the most was how to solve this guy.

Nowadays, this person of unknown origin has almost the same "management" ability as punishment, and when the two are about the same strength, a small detail may directly determine the success or failure of the matter.

At this time, Chu Feng was looking for the details.

"Are you here to deal with me?"

In the midair, Chu Feng suddenly asked afterwards.

There was already a fight on the ground this time, even if they had the mind to look into the air, they didn't seem to have this chance at all.

So obviously, Chu Feng had only one goal, and that was the figure on the city wall.

"I didn't expect to encounter a master of Devouring Power like you here, but it is a pity that if you meet me, your life will end here!"

The figure responded while falling from mid-air. It felt like he suddenly lost control and then fell to the ground.

But in fact it was just a trick he played, maybe he wanted to show off his ability deliberately in front of Chu Feng.

As a result, when his body was about to touch the ground, he pulled up again, instantly reaching an angle almost parallel to Chu Feng.

But at this time, Chu Feng could be considered to see clearly, this guy's face, this one is not an old guy.

Of course this is not old, but there is no way to change the fact that he is old.

Maybe it's because he maintains better, or the reason why he doesn't grow a beard at all. In short, he looks only middle-aged.

But in fact, he is already close to 80 years old.

"At such an old age, I actually came out and "showed" his face. I really can't figure out what you are for?"

Chu Feng obviously wanted to make a joke. Although it wasn't a good time to make a joke right now, some of his words had a better effect.

The old man smiled, laughing like a young man arrogantly!

"Now there are really everyone! I don't know if anything has really changed in this world!

You can actually breed a young and weird guy like you!

But it doesn't matter, it is because of the existence of someone like you that can make me stronger!

To be honest, your ability really makes me greedy, if I can swallow your ability now, maybe I can be promoted to the next level again! "

The old man "licked" his lips, and the greedy expression could not be hidden.

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