Whimsical System

Chapter 1378: Disintegrate the alliance

"No matter what the situation is, unless all of us are dead, otherwise our forces will be able to make a comeback anytime, anywhere!

Maybe you think I said this sentence is too unrealistic, in fact, you can think so, because when I was young, there was such an idea.

I am willing to believe that the two of us should have the same ideas and stay in the same age group.

So even if you have this kind of thought, it is not surprising, and even I think this kind of thought is good.

At least you dare to detect, dare to doubt, but no matter how you detect and doubt, no matter how appropriate the time of the idea appears.

In short, what I said is true no matter what, there is absolutely no false existence. Our power does have many secrets that are not known.

Even if it was me, that didn't fully understand it.

For so many years, I spent my whole life searching, but I only touched the surface of the skin.

As for the deepest part of this force, what kind of power and what kind of role is hidden, I have not found it out at all!

When I tell you this, I want to tell you that you don't have to worry at all, no matter what the situation is, you don't have to worry.

Even if you don't have the mind to probe, as long as it reaches a certain level, when they should appear, they will definitely come out to help you.

Of course, helping you is not without cost, so you'd better not put all your hopes on them, because once you have this idea, it means that you have to push the leadership position. Let out.

Because once they come out, they will surely subvert the entire city, and even the entire space, and when all this comes, you probably won’t be qualified to be the leader of this force anymore, because they are there, then you will always be there. Until you are here to show off!

Well, this is just a foreshadowing of my early stage. In fact, apart from this matter, what I really want to ask you is just beginning!

Now the forces on the thirteen side are targeting us with a target "sex". The power they possess actually comes from the combination of some small forces.

If it is just him, then he is not our opponent at all, and they dare not attack our base blatantly.

And it is precisely because of the existence of these small forces that they can do this with each other's momentum!


Perhaps on the surface, they are indeed very united, at least from the siege to the present, they have not had any conflicts, as if their goal is the same, that is to destroy us!

Of course, regarding the emergence of their goal, I think it is still possible. After all, we have been in this city and have been in control for many years. If those small forces continue to develop like that, they will definitely not become a big climate. , Even if there is a certain opportunity, it is only slightly better than it is now, so they feel that they have no hope, and even feel that they have no way to change everything, so they want to find an opportunity , Or find a reason to overthrow a big power, and then use it to strengthen yourself, and it is precisely because many people have this mind, so they happened to be caught by the thirteen, if the idea is thirteen himself If you figure it out, then you can only say that he is too smart!

And once someone is shrewd to a certain level, he will definitely be able to accomplish some great things. Therefore, a master like today's earth-shattering is from the hands of a shrewd person like him!

Right now, if you want to deal with them, then you have to dissolve the alliance between them and make them suspicious of each other. As long as you can do this, then this disaster will surely be solved! "

The old man’s remarks have been talked for a long time and talked about a lot of content. From the inspiring confidence in the front to the advice and suggestions in the back, there seems to be a certain pattern. He has mastered the method to solve the problem, and even he feels that he can change everything.

And since having the mysterious powers that the old man said, young people even feel that they will never lose in this war, no matter what happens, no matter what situation they fall into, this force Neither will perish, and he will also retain his own "life" in the process of preserving this power.

"Grandpa, I know what to do. If you want to break their alliance, you have to penetrate them.

Of course, there are work on these aspects. I may need to wait for them to break through the base before I can start one by one. However, my grandson thinks that this is not a troublesome thing. Their alliance is not stable. Today's unity is just It only appears on the surface. In fact, they are all for their own interests. As long as greater interests appear in front of them, I believe that there will be a heartbeat among them.

And as long as someone's heart is moved, it will definitely affect the whole body and affect the unity of the entire alliance! "

The teachings of the old people are still helpful to young people. Although this idea is not particularly advanced and young people can figure it out by themselves, it takes a certain amount of time to figure it out.

But if at a certain moment, he came up with this method, but time has no longer allowed the implementation of this method, then his existence of this method will be meaningless.

But now with the old man’s proposal, he can determine this method in advance, and then put the specific implementation steps into the plan, so that he can plan ahead.

Even as soon as the Shisanye attacked the base, he could immediately implement the plan. By then, the failure of the Shisanye seemed to be a certainty!

However, there are assumptions about this aspect, it is only left in the beautiful plan of the young people, it is not an easy task to break the alliance of the thirteenth masters, although On the surface, young people say that their alliance is not stable, but in fact, the alliance built by interests is actually the most stable.

Because apart from the disintegration of interests, there is nothing that can destroy them.

Now, if the young man really wants to disintegrate into their alliance, then he has to make some sacrifices.

At least he had to put out a large sum of money to "confuse" those small forces, so as to entice those small forces that did not get much benefit.

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