Whimsical System

Chapter 1379: Pretended confidence

"Listening to what you mean, it seems that you have already understood what I want to convey to you, but it is not enough just to use your mouth!

You have to do it, and you have to know what to do. Now that you want to break their alliance, you must not "fuck" it too hastily.

Even if we are already burning the eyebrows, but you must grasp the fire, and you must not mess up this matter, otherwise, you will not be able to disintegrate them, but will make them more united! "

The old man made another reminder, but the young man didn't quite understand the old man's reminder.

Why "fuck" too haste to make the opponents more united? Should we wait slowly for them to enter the trap? Or simply don't create a trap, just wait for them to finally win, and then there will be conflicts when the interests are divided.

If this is the case, then perhaps it is not burning the eyebrows, but directly causing them to lose all their vital power.

Obviously this is not what the old people mean, and the young people also think that if this matter is to be solved in this way, it must be somewhat unrealistic.

But since this is not the meaning, what does the old man want to express? The young man does not understand!

But at this moment, he didn't dare to ask the old man. Since he has already secured a guarantee on this matter, if he keeps asking repeatedly like this, it will only appear that he is talking big and empty words, there is basically any actual "sexual" thing.

So when the old man said this, the young man nodded directly. Seeing what he meant, it seemed that he had fully understood.

Even if the old man didn't tell him, he knew it, and based on the old man's understanding of young people, he felt that it was impossible for young people to be so happy.

Even if he could think of this idea, he would definitely not be able to use this matter smoothly.

So at the last juncture, the old man was uneasy and asked one more sentence: "Do you mean that you nod, do you mean that you don't understand? Or do you understand?

I haven't finished this yet! If you have reached a conclusion before I have finished speaking, then I am really going to look at your kid with admiration! "

Although the old man had a smile on his face, he didn't think so in his heart. At this moment, he was giving the young man face. Although there are no outsiders here, the young man is not a child anymore. Young people have a chance to go back on their own.

But even if the old man said so, the young man still didn't express anything. At this time, the young man was full of self-confidence. Although he pretended, he pretended to be so similar and durable enough.

"Grandpa, don’t worry, I will take care of this matter. If I don’t understand anything, I will ask you again. Now you can rest assured to leave this matter to me. Then I will follow my own The conceived plan to solve this matter!"

auzw.com The young man insisted on taking the matter down. He didn’t say the specific process and results. At this time, he just made a promise, and the promise seemed to be It is not sound enough.

"You are sure that you can solve this matter clearly. Now you have the opportunity to go back. If you feel that it is not possible, we can bring it from scratch at any time. After all, we have not yet reached the time when we have to make a decision!"

The old man's words really came from the heart, after all, the young man is his grandson, even if there is a difference between official positions.

In any case, the old man is unwilling to put his grandson in danger. But the young man didn't think so at all. He always thought it was the old man who was testing himself, and he was testing whether he had this confidence.

As a result, the self-confidence displayed by young people from beginning to end has never stopped.

Even though there was nothing in his heart that "dang" or "dang", nothing had ever existed, but on the surface, he still showed that he was confident in his victory.

"Grandpa, don’t worry. Since I dare to take on this matter, it means that I have a certain solution. Although I can’t guarantee 100% success of my solution, I can at least try it. Even if there is no good result in the end, then I don't feel lost!"

The frequent promises of young people have gradually turned this false thing into reality. At this time, even the old people feel a little puzzled. Do the young people really have mastered the core method to solve this problem? In this case, it is indeed something to be celebrated.

As a result, even the old man was still a little uneasy, but he did not ask too much, because he believed that there was nothing but three, and now the young people showed no signs of special worry in the first two times, so this third time naturally There is no need to ask!

Moreover, even if a young man does not master this ability at all, even if he fails, this is a valuable experience for him.

No one can be smooth sailing. Success is possible only when there is failure. The old man himself persuaded himself, and gradually his emotions calmed down.

"Well, since you are so confident, then I don't need to do anything more, now you give me another time!

From now on, how long will it take you to solve this trouble? Give me a quasi-trust, and then I will be able to arrange the next work! "

Finally, the most critical step has come. The old man has believed in the young man, and now what he hopes for is the final end time for the young man to solve this trouble.

At this time, young people who are really capable of solving this matter. That also means that he can definitely have a relatively specific plan for the time of this process.

Because before doing this, he must set up a plan in advance, and in the previous answer, the young man said that he already has a plan, so at this time the old man asked him the time, it is indeed reasonable!

But this so-called reasonableness has fallen to young people, but it is not so easy to deal with, young people can make promises unscrupulously, even if they lie in the process, there is no problem, but when the concept of time is concerned When he came out, the young man was a little bit arrogant, because he didn't dare to set a time "randomly"!

"This...in terms of time, it may be different from what is set in the plan. After all, it is the implementation of the plan and must be combined with the actual situation. So the issue of time..."

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