Whimsical System

Chapter 1380: Old man

The young man looked tangled, looking at his appearance, but it seemed that this matter was more difficult than the previous plan.

The old man has been watching the young man's attitude changes from beginning to end. It is no exaggeration to say that the old man has discovered the young man's impropriety.

In fact, the old man asked about this time, and that was the third time that the young man had a chance to repent.

It's just that the old man deliberately changed his way, and then pretended to make himself look serious and believe it.

In the end, it only changed the form once, and that was to directly let the young people "show" their feet.

The young man's entanglement, the old man was completely in his eyes.

That's right, the young man has no ideas at all, and naturally he can't make any calculations about time.

"What's wrong? It's just for you to estimate the time. Is this more difficult than setting a plan?"

The old man’s tone has changed a little. At this time, he is a little disappointed with his grandson. Even if he is incapable and brave to admit, it is considered a good quality, but the bad is bad, he is incapable and unwilling to admit. I can't do it myself!

Although this quality can be described as stubborn and strong, old people like this kind of stubborn and strong would rather their grandsons not possess it.

"Grandpa, I need five days to finish this thing!"

The old man’s questioning may have played a urging role. Even if the young man has no clue at the moment and does not know how to set the time, after his question, the young man actually said a random question. Five-day limit!

In fact, there is an answer about this five days, but it is understandable.

Nowadays, the time of a week is indeed too long. A lot of things can happen in a week, and it will also include some unpredictable situations, but if it is only five days, then this time will appear relatively constant.

Compared with two days and three days, five days is indeed more, and compared to one week, it is also shorter.

In these five days, young people hope that they can pass this time to really come up with an idea, or make a plan with the help of others.

If all this goes well, he may be able to fulfill his previous promises in these five days. In this way, this matter can be regarded as a successful conclusion!

"Five days right?"

When the young man made this answer for five days, the old man had completely estimated the result.

But even though he knew everything, he didn’t tell the truth, because he also wanted to see how capable his grandson really is. Since he dare to say the five-day limit, he just gave him five days to let him He went to practice.

After these five days have passed, if the situation has not improved, he will naturally know to repent.

And when the old man is educating him, naturally there is time. Anyway, the war will last for more than half a month in the old man’s plan, so in just five days, for the old man, it is completely possible. grasp.

"Yes, in five days, I should be able to resolve this matter!

However, it is only based on the fact that there will be no changes in the situation. If something unexpected happens in these five days, then the five days will be extended accordingly! "

The young man nodded in affirmation, but at the same time he was affirmed, he also left a way out for himself.


Nothing happens, which is basically impossible in a general battle.

Because under normal circumstances, the situation on the battlefield is constantly changing, so statements such as this kind of change, basically as long as it is a war, it may be triggered.

Therefore, when the young man made the statement that there was no defense, the old man couldn't help but smile.

My grandson still has some brains. Although this aspect is just a little clever, even if he is a little clever, it is also a lucky thing.

So when the young man put forward this condition, the old man readily accepted it.

"That is natural. There is a certain gap between plan and reality!

And what I'm asking now is just an estimate of time. Even if you spend more than five days, it is not a big deal. Anyway, this is not a military order! "

The old man smiled very kindly, and at the same time it made the young man feel very strange. Under normal circumstances, his grandfather would never say such things, nor would he "show" such an expression. At this moment, he even wondered if it was right. What conspiracy the old man has.

But the appearance of this kind of thought was only a moment, and after that moment passed, he would have no such thought.

Even in the end, he felt that he was suspicious, and now it is rare that the old man does not doubt himself. This should be a lucky thing, how can he toss and turn in this matter!

"Thank you grandpa, from now on, can I mobilize everyone?"

The young man replied happily, and then asked the old man.

"Yes, now you can mobilize everyone, any army! At this time, you can apply the rights I have!"

The old man cut off the token directly from his waist and handed it to the young man's hands. This is a symbol of power, and it finally fell into the hands of the young man at this moment.

The young man held the token in both hands and fitted it next to his body. At this moment, there was no way to describe the excitement in his heart.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will work hard!"

The young man made another promise, which seemed to be a kind of conditional reflex. Whenever something happy happened, the young man would do this.

When he was a child he used to say this because of a piece of candy, but now he says it because of power!

"Okay, just do as you want! In order not to affect you, I will temporarily leave the base for a while!

If you want to find me at that time, then send someone directly to the pine mountain forest to find me. Normally, as long as there is nothing to do, I will stay there! "

After the old man explained the rest of the matter, he planned to leave the base. It seemed that he was indeed, and wanted to make this matter bigger.

"Grandpa, if you leave the base, will it be too dangerous?

After all, all our elites are in the base. If you go outside, I’m afraid I can’t protect your safety! "

When he learned that the old man was going to leave the base, the young man "exposed" a nervous mood.

Obviously, the tension of the young man at this time is absolutely real. After all, the old man is his grandfather. Even if there are some rights in it, this will definitely not affect the family relationship.

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