Whimsical System

Chapter 1381: Transfer of power

"It doesn't matter, this city is not so chaotic! At most, it is a dispute between the two forces. Although it was fierce, it ended up only in our base.

You can go outside and take a look. Except for our base, the war outside has basically stopped.

So now I leave the base, not only will there be no danger, but it will be safer than staying in the base! "

The old man’s concept is also correct. Nowadays, the goal of the Thirteenth Lord is indeed only this base. As long as everyone in this base is eliminated, then on the surface, the official power will also be destroyed.

So if the old man left this base, the thirteenth master would not deliberately look for it.

"Grandpa, you have already decided, right?"

Although the young man is not sure whether he has been persuaded by the old man, since this is the opinion of the old man, he will naturally not object to it!

Moreover, the departure of the old man is also a good thing for him, at least without the restrictions of the old man, he can make any decision at will, and there will be absolutely no obstacles.

"Yes, I have already decided! In fact, I had this idea a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly at this moment.

But it’s always good to be faster. Anyway, one day, I will hand over the power to you. If you can’t take responsibility earlier, when I no longer have the ability to control the power, I’m afraid it will be a little troublesome. Up! "

What the old man said was quite realistic, but the young man did not listen to him at the moment. Now the young man is thinking about what he should do after the old man leaves.

Now that there are constant troubles and the base is under attack, although he appears to be very capable, but in fact he is very worried.

In the unlikely event that this matter cannot be resolved by itself, and the entire base is eventually caught in it, then this might be a troublesome matter.

Even if the old man once provided him with a guarantee, the young people have no confidence in whether this guarantee will appear at this critical moment.

After all, he had never seen the existence of this guarantee, and if he just listened to the old man's words. If I completely believe it, then it is indeed a little unrealistic!

The old man left without any farewell, as if nothing happened at all.

After the old man left, the young man fully grasped the power. At this time, everyone was moving closer to the young man. Any thoughts and ideas were being fed back to the young man, including those previously eliminated by the old man.

"Young Master, the base is currently under attack, do we still continue to use the method of soldier blockade to slow down their attack speed?"

The guy who had previously provided soldiers with the means to stop him appeared again. Because the old man disagreed before, he didn't dare to mention this idea any more.

But now the old man has left, and all the power falls on the young man alone.

So he thought that he could put forward this idea again to test it, if the young man still had the courage before, perhaps this thing could still be successful.


But after his proposal was put forward, the young man hesitated. The old man told him a lot about the drawbacks in this area, although he did not fully listen to them.

But only the points mentioned were enough to make him hesitate.

Indeed, the base is now in a sealed state, and everyone is counting on the young people to make a correct decision to save them and help them out of the current troubles.

And if the young people’s decision is to let them sacrifice their "life" to save themselves, then this is obviously unfair to most soldiers, and it will definitely not satisfy them!

Therefore, for the sake of safety, even though the young man found this method effective, he eventually eliminated it.

And this change of young people also brings great hope to others.

At this moment, they even felt that the old man’s departure was correct, because the young man indeed had the ability to stand alone.

Although it is only manifested in this aspect, it is only from this point that the young man has completely changed, and the old man must have told him what to do.

Therefore, almost everyone has a new view of young people, and they are also willing to believe that young people have a certain solution.

But their thoughts only stayed for a few minutes, and then the disappeared "swing" disappeared.

The young people gathered everyone in the conference room. Except for the leaders who were leading troops to block the thirteenth master, almost all the leaders of the whole faction gathered at this moment, and everyone was waiting for the young people's orders.

At this time, some of these leaders are already very old, almost not much different from the elderly. Their group of people have developed step by step following the elderly.

So they have some of their own views on the entire force, but they dare not express them when the old man is there, because the old man has the ability to control everything, and he knows what everyone should say and do. , So those people will naturally not talk about things beyond their responsibility.

But the power that young people have taken over is like an opportunity for them, because young people don't know what the situation is like. So what they say is what the young people get.

Therefore, there are also some people who want to play tricks. They want to change their positions, and even they want to further improve their status.

Of course, people with this kind of thinking are naturally still in the minority. After all, it is a period for the survival of the base. If everyone thinks this way, it is estimated that this base will collapse soon.

Moreover, the current young people's invitation to them is not actually to discuss the transfer of the base.

It's that young people want to let them express their opinions and talk about their own solutions.

"I called you to come today, but there is actually no precise purpose. I just want to get to know each other with you.

Although I have mastered the power, I still live under the influence of my grandfather. I believe you will feel this way too. After all, this is a very sudden thing! "

The young man’s opening remarks are very ordinary, there is no too useful information, but only to explain the main purpose of a meeting, and this purpose does not seem to be true.

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