Whimsical System

Chapter 1386: Ask for supplement

In the base command center, the young man's rapidly changing expression showed the complexity in his heart at this moment.

The news that the base gate was breached has reached him. In fact, there has been a conclusion about this result from the very beginning. It is just that the young people have not made this preparation for a while, and now things have progressed. At this point, even if he wants to hide, I am afraid he can't hide it!

Since he had already made arrangements before, everyone is now following their own methods to resist the enemy.

As a result, at this critical juncture, no one came to the command center to meet young people.

At this time, the young man couldn't help feeling of being forgotten, as if everyone was rushing to do their own things, but he was the only one who had a leisurely identity, even a redundant identity.

This young man also wants to change everything, he also wants to integrate into it at this critical juncture, but he finds that he has no way to do this, because no one comes to him, let alone ask him to give orders. .

Before this, the young man’s thinking may be correct. He believes that these officials should have the ability to deal with problems on their own, and they need to direct their own subordinates to do what they should do.

That's right, now facts have proved that his idea is indeed correct, and those officials are indeed capable of their jobs.

Even some people's abilities have exceeded their current positions, but what can be done? Now the entire base is like a pile of loose sand.

They are indeed doing the work they should do, but in the process of doing these tasks, they forget to cooperate with each other, and because of the lack of cooperation, the troubles between each other are increasing. As a result, in the end, Even if they want to cooperate, they have reached a state where there is no way to cooperate at all!

The more than 3,000 people of the thirteenth masters are in the base at this time, it can be said that they cannot be killed.

The thirteenth masters have a unified deployment, and they gather together all the time. It feels like a wild wolf rushing into the flock. The flock rises up to resist, but there is no way to fight the wild wolf alone. , As a result, even though the number of people in the base was relatively large, it was still beaten up by the thirteenth master.

The battle lasted for four hours, and the feeling of mess in the base was as if it had just been completely burned by the fire.

Because the fighting time was too long, although the thirteenth masters still wanted to continue to rush to kill, their bodies were already a little unable to support them.

So for the sake of safety, Lord Shisan could only temporarily stop the war, and then divided the base into two and occupied a part by himself!

At this time, the originally solid base had already been forcibly looted by the Thirteenth Master. Although the remaining part was still in the hands of the young people, the young people did not have any advantage.

In the command center, as soon as the war was over, the adults who were arguing and quarreling walked in from the outside. At this time, they were more or less injured, and it can be seen from this. How tragic the battle is.

"I just said clearly that you want to cooperate with me, why don't you cooperate with me? If you can help me, they will have no way to take down my fortress!

It's all right now. The only bag I have left is also lost. Now all my things are gone. You can make the compensation yourself! "

"Can you blame me for this? If you didn't go deep alone, how could you get to this point!"

auzw.com From the beginning of the war, I will tell you again that we must withdraw from their attack range and do not head-on with them. There are too many of them, and your part is really too few. Hundreds of people fight against thousands of people. Can you fight?

But you don’t listen! You have to fight them to death and death, and as a result, you still want to pull me on as your back, do you think I am really so stupid? "

"It's okay, don't quarrel! Anyway, you two have nothing now, so what's the use of arguing the big day! The young master promised to supplement us before!"

Now you simply list your losses and provide them to the young master, so that the young master can make up all of it for you. "

There will always be some strange voices in the quarrel. Although these voices will stop the quarrel in time, the appearance of such voices directly pushes the young people to a more unbearable position.

At this time, no one continued to quarrel, but the young man's promise had reached a time when it had to be fulfilled.

Everyone turned their eyes to the young people. In this command center, the original silence has disappeared without a trace, and replaced by a kind of confusion.

"What are you all looking at me doing? For the defeat of this war, do you all blame me for all the blame?"

There was also a little anger in the young man's heart. At this time, he had already lost his base. As a result, there were still people who wanted to ask him for soldiers. One can imagine how he would feel at this moment.

What's more, the supplement he promised before is nothing more than a financial supplement. Now many people have lost their subordinates.

But if you want to add soldiers now, you have to mobilize from other people.

But in this case, who is willing to obey this order?

After all, his own strength is directly equated with the probability of his survival.

Therefore, from the very beginning, the young man knew that there was absolutely no way to do things like this, and even if he had this idea, there would never be anyone listening to his orders.

And his question at this time, although it sounds a bit redundant, but in fact it is he is giving himself a chance to think.

"Young Master, how can you say that? The failure of the war is the common responsibility of all of us. How could it be possible to put this conflict on you alone!"

However, since you have made a promise, you must fulfill the promise!

And now we are here, in fact, it is not for anything else, that is to be able to get some supplements from the young master you!

So I hope you don’t be stingy, Young Master, after all, we are also charging for you. If you are too stingy, it will make us chill! "

The person expressing opinions at this time is the one subordinate that the old man used most.

Now this subordinate is taking the lead in making things difficult for young people.

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