Whimsical System

Chapter 1387: Both parties

"Yes! I understand the truth of what you said. But in this situation, wouldn't you be "force" me by saying this!

Everyone lacks their own forces, and everyone's forces need to be replenished. Do I have enough reserve resources waiting for you? The supplement I mentioned earlier refers to financial resources, not military resources!

If you now need a sum of money to support yourself through the difficulties, then I can naturally give it to you, and even I can take out my private property, but now you are asking me for soldiers, do you think it is possible? Do you think this matter is realistic?

In fact, I am not afraid to tell you that before I let you be self-reliant, it is to exercise your abilities!

But obviously, you don't seem to have the strength to be self-reliant. Now that you have lost all your troops, you can only say that your own abilities are inadequate, and you will eventually cause losses to the entire force!

Now I have not held you accountable. You are lucky enough, and now you dare to come here and ask me for soldiers!

Isn't it ridiculous? Now I ask you two, do you two really want to get a supplement from me? "

Although the young man was temporarily suppressed by the subordinate, he immediately expressed the suppressed emotions.

At this time, the young man always reminds himself that he is in control of enough rights at this moment, and no one dares to violate his orders, so when he asks this question, he deliberately raises his voice to a certain extent. The two people who were asked directly lowered their heads at this moment.

That's right, the two of them lost in the war are naturally to blame, and now they are like young people who want the troops, it is naturally whimsical.

Nowadays, there is such a question by a young man, even the subordinate, at this time, some do not know how to speak.

"Anyone of you can say anything about it, and I can discuss it for you. Anyway, I don't have enough troops here!

I have given all the rights to you. If you don't apply yourself well, come and find me. Do you think it is shameful to do so?

Of course I will not blame you. Even if you do such a shameful thing now, I will still forgive you, but sometimes it is not enough to just get my forgiveness, because everyone has to do it for themselves Negligence pays, so you should now think about how to solve this matter. The base is already half occupied. If we don’t make a decision to solve the current predicament.

It is estimated that it will not be long before even this place becomes a place for others. You can think about it, even if you can barely survive this war, can you survive in this city?

Who do you think will take you in, the **** Thirteen has already regarded our forces as enemies!

Now that there is just a chance to suppress us, then he will definitely do whatever he can!

Perhaps some of you will now be delusional to take refuge in him, to help him achieve his goals, and then use this to gain his own chance of survival!

And as long as you have such a mind, it means that you have reached the limit of stupidity!

Want to get the conditions for survival in Thirteen, this is not wishful thinking!

It is no exaggeration to say that what you are doing now and what rights you have are all clear!

Do you think he will let someone with real power be his subordinate?

What kind of person is Thirteen, don't you know? He's not a guy who can use his talents!


As long as he is a person who can't understand him, he basically has no good end, and he was just the leader of a small force at the time!

Now he has become the climate, and he needs to consolidate his advantages in the next time!

And in the process of solidifying his superiority, he will definitely carefully investigate the situation of everyone in his influence!

Because at that critical moment, as long as there is a problem with any one person, it will definitely affect the progress of his overall power. I believe that when my grandfather stabilized his power, you should have done these things too!

So what is the situation, even if I don't say, you should be able to know!

Therefore, I have to say so much. As for how to deal with this matter, you must have a certain plan in your heart!

Okay, let's discuss the follow-up plan next. It is a crisis period, and everyone can express their opinions without any restrictions! "

The young man first poured a bowl of "fascination" soul soup for everyone to temporarily stabilize the hearts of the people, and then before the subordinates had digested the matter, he immediately followed and began to discuss the follow-up combat plan.

In this way, although there are still some people who still don't understand the thoughts expressed by the young people, this will not affect their determination to continue fighting.

Because almost most people already have a clear direction, and even if they follow suit, they can do it.

At the same time, Lord Shisan and Chu Feng also took advantage of this opportunity to have an active discussion.

And in order to consolidate people's hearts, this time the discussion also includes the leaders of various forces.

"Now our results have basically reached the expected level!

The official forces have basically entered a nearly paralyzed state, although they still exist now, and they also have the ability to continue fighting!

But I believe it won't take long for them to disappear without a trace!

Because they are now in a state similar to a dead end, although it is a bit exaggerated now, but at least their current situation is not very optimistic.

And I heard that the official power has just changed its leader, and now the leader is the grandson of the old leader!

It is conceivable that the current situation within them is such a mess. "

The Thirteenth Master first briefly introduced the current enemy's situation, and during the introduction, he also suppressed the enemy's arrogance in a timely manner.

Basically, when the leaders of the small forces heard the news, there was a kind of ecstatic existence in their hearts.

"That said, let's destroy the official forces. Isn't it easier than previously planned?"

What the leaders of these small forces are currently looking at is actually just a relatively simple result.

As for how thrilling this process was, they didn't even think about it.

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