Whimsical System

Chapter 1388: Express their opinions

"It is understandable, but it will definitely not be that simple.

Although we have taken advantage and basically destroyed this base, they still have the strength to confront us.

If we accidentally make mistakes in some places, we will also pay a heavy price for it!

So on this issue, none of us can relax our vigilance, otherwise the results we have worked so hard will soon be retaken by others! "

On this issue, Shisanye has a very clear sense of direction.

At this time, they must not arbitrarily despise their enemies, otherwise, they will definitely pay a heavy price for it.

"Oh... since they still have the power to fight, then we really can't relax our vigilance against them, but we don't need to look at them too strong!

To put it bluntly, they are just a group of defeated soldiers. Even though they had enough status before, they have been completely defeated by us!

There may be their troops outside the base, but judging from their habit of stationing, even if there are troops, it is difficult to come back in such a short time!

Moreover, the army that Chu Feng had brought was also fighting against them at this time. It is estimated that in a short time, they will not be able to take care of this.

So we only need to treat this war properly, and that is enough. As long as we are not careless and don't make random decisions, we basically won't fail! "

Among the leaders of many small forces, there are indeed some talents with insights.

At this time, they are just being **** by the name of the leader of the small power, otherwise they will definitely have a higher development. Of course, even if they become the leader of a small power at this moment, it will definitely not be against them Ability to cause any impact.

Moreover, if this matter succeeds, then they will definitely rely on the resources they have at their disposal to expand as much as possible. Perhaps among these many small forces, their opponents will soon appear. Then they will annex other small forces one by one, and the extent to which they will develop in the end depends on how much mind they have.

At the beginning, Lord Shisan formally developed from this level step by step. Looking back on the past, Lord Shisan felt that it was really not easy to walk this way.

And he also had many opportunities during this period.

As for the appearance of Chu Feng this time, it was the greatest opportunity he encountered in his life.

"This is indeed the case, so we don't have to worry at all now. As long as we enter the base, then success is something close at hand for us!

I can even infer that in the coming time, we will have another battle with official forces.

After preparation, they may have a certain advantage for a certain period of time. After all, this is their base and their main battlefield!

Therefore, they are naturally more familiar with the surrounding situation than we are, and they are likely to counter us based on the current environment!

And what we need to do is to find a way to break their offensive, suppress their arrogance as much as possible, so that they can't use us as an enemy! "

What the Thirteenth Lord expressed at this time was a relatively general line of thought.

As for where this route will progress, and at which level it will end up, it is not very certain at this time.

"I think it may be more than that!"


Chu Feng thought about it for a long time, and finally said such a sentence in front of everyone.

"Chu Feng, did you think of something?"

As for Chu Feng's opinions, the Thirteenth Lord can almost be said to attach great importance to it.

At this moment, no matter what other people were saying, the thirteenth master was single-minded and devoted all his attention to Chu Feng.

When the Shisanye asked this question, Chu Feng nodded slightly.

"Yes, I just thought about the current situation carefully!

Originally, we should have a great advantage because after the gate of this kind of base is breached, they are like headless flies, fleeing everywhere, without any resistance at all!

But why with such a big advantage, we have not been able to completely destroy this base?

I think there must be some unknown reasons in this! "

"The unknown reason? This view is rather general, but I was curious about this. Before that, we basically followed the plan and implemented it step by step!

Although the results we have obtained now far exceed what we envisaged in the plan, if we consider the current situation, the results we have obtained are indeed lower than normal!

Chu Feng, do you think that we have some problems that haven't been discovered yet? "

After Chu Feng's reminder, Master Shisan seemed to remember something.

The question he made at this time also directly pushed this topic to a higher position.

"I don't think there is any other reason at all. The fundamental reason is that we have followed the plan too much!

The situation is changing so fast now, if we still proceed step by step according to the plan considered!

It is estimated that it will be difficult for us to achieve great results in an effective time! "

When he was also discussing this topic with Chu Feng, one of the leaders of the small forces expressed his opinion at this time.

"Yes! You are right, we are indeed acting too much according to the plan!

But the purpose of our plan is to prevent us from being confused. After all, we are many forces working together. If there is no specific plan as a basis, then we may not be able to achieve coordination in action! "

"If you are worried about this, then I have nothing to do. Now I have basically determined this matter. Anyway, this is why we can't expand the results!

Apart from that, there is no other reason there! "

The leader of this small force, speaking more firmly, is considered to be the more capable one among the many leaders.

It's just that people like him are capable of being capable, but they are also not easy to control.

"Then what are your thoughts? From now on we will no longer act together?" Thirteen asked.

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