Whimsical System

Chapter 1393: origin

"So you have other helpers, I thought you were the only one!"

Thirteenth sighed with emotion, but after sighing, he didn't express too much opinion.

Chu Feng could see that the Thirteenth Master should have been relieved of this matter, otherwise he would definitely talk nonstop.

"Well! Let me do this by myself, and it may be a little unclear. Even if it can be done, there are certain risks. You know that I am a more life-saving person, so I can do it within limited conditions. , To create some advantages for myself, that is also something I must do in this state.

Therefore, it is inevitable to select a few more people to assist me! "

"Actually, I still want you to bring more people, although doing so will weaken our overall strength!

But for you, it has enough security. You should also know your position in this alliance at this time. If you really make a mistake, then I really can't explain it to others! "

The Thirteenth Master was nothing more than, casually mentioning something like adding manpower.

Perhaps that is just his current idea, and as to whether this will be implemented in reality, Lord Shisan did not deliberately emphasize it at all!

Even after his current opinion, he did not describe his ideas too much. Maybe he was just talking. After all, if there are too many people, it really might weaken the overall strength. Moreover, the Thirteenth Lord is also more worried about his safety.

Can't you show yourself in danger just to protect Chu Feng?

The Thirteenth Lord is not the kind of good man who sacrifices himself for others. He has been able to "feel" in this city for so many years, relying on those vicious methods.

Although he is sincere to Chu Feng at this time, if this sincerity requires the risk of life as a price, then he would rather not!

Although Chu Feng didn't fully understand the mind of the thirteenth master, Chu Feng would naturally not adopt the matter of increasing manpower.

First, choose some suitable personnel, which is a waste of time and is troublesome enough.

Secondly, if there are more manpower, problems will easily arise. After all, he alone cannot command so many people.

Therefore, the number of these five people now has reached the upper limit, and no matter how much it is, it has no meaning.

"No need, too much manpower will affect our actions!

Now that six people cooperate with each other is enough, and the remaining people should be given to you to uniformly command. After all, in the previous battle, that is where the manpower is really needed! "

Chu Feng's words completely ended this topic.

Regarding the deployment of manpower, the decision was actually made at the very beginning. It was just Chu Feng’s temporary plan, which affected this decision. Now the overall situation is basically settled, and everyone is preparing. The discussion between Chu Feng and the thirteenth master of what he should do has gradually deviated from the current topic.


"All right, since you think the current situation is the most suitable, then I won't add manpower to you!

Speaking of it, I'm "worrying". After all, I know your strength very well. Even if you don't have any helpers, you should be able to do this, but it's just a little bit when you leave. It's dangerous! "

"Okay, don't put a high hat on me, can I still be unclear about my own strength? Although my devouring power has improved a little, it is far from the exaggeration you said. At the point, if I could really take the first level of the enemy generals in the Myriad Army, I am afraid I would have conquered this entire space directly.

Then lead all of you to where I am going! "

Chu Feng also said casually, he had never mentioned anything about Huoyu before to anyone.

Even the Thirteenth Lord knew that Chu Feng came from a different space, and where did Chu Feng come from.

He didn't ask too much, but now, Chu Feng's casual mention has aroused the curiosity of the thirteenth master.

Because he always felt that Chu Feng seemed to be leaving soon. Even after the war ended, Chu Feng was about to leave.

Whether he will see you again after leaving, I am afraid this is a difficult question to predict, so Lord Shisan wanted to ask at this time, somehow snooping on the news, and determining where Chu Feng is going next.

If this matter can be affirmed, then he can go there to visit Chu Feng if he has the opportunity. After all, everyone is friends, and Chu Feng and him are friends of life and death, even if the thirteenth master has a lot of needs. Deal with it, but occasionally visit an old friend, it seems not impossible!

"I have always heard you say where you are going back and what preparations are you making, but I have never asked you where you are from.

In fact, we are all friends now, and even friends say something superficial. We now have life-long friendships. If I want to ask about your origins, you should not be too concerned? "

The words of the Thirteenth Lord at this time are indeed somewhat inappropriate. After all, we are now in the tense phase of the war. Even if he asks this question after the war is over, it is slightly more appropriate than it is now.

But now that Lord Shisan asked, no matter what time it was, Chu Feng should also give a response.

Otherwise, I am afraid that this problem will also make Shisanye feel a little uncomfortable.

"Ah? Why did you suddenly remember to ask this? Just now I saw you were thinking about a problem. I thought you were preparing a battle plan. So you were thinking about me!"

Chu Feng smiled subconsciously. This question is no longer a problem to him. Now if the Thirteenth Master wants to ask, he can tell him directly, without even hesitating.

"I was only on a whim. After all, we have known each other for so long. It should be better to learn more about each other. Besides, there is nothing we can't say between us!"

After the Shisanye spoke this sentence, Chu Feng naturally had no way to deny anything. The Shisanye was right. The relationship between the two of them had reached such a point, and it was natural to have nothing to say. Talking about the history, it’s no secret.

After the Thirteenth Master said these words, Chu Feng smiled and nodded, and then explained his origins to the Shisan Master in detail.

At this time, in addition to the fact that the system was not publicized, he also talked about other experiences in a "sexual" way.

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