Whimsical System

Chapter 1394: Last battle

There is no doubt that Chu Feng’s experience must be wonderful. No one can guess Chu Feng’s origins and what he has experienced along the way. The thirteenth masters deeply felt the ups and downs, even in After so many years of "touching" in this city, he has never had such experience as Chu Feng.

"I was shocked. I never thought that you would have so many stories in your body. I thought you were just an ordinary person like me. But now that I think about it, I also think my thoughts are a bit stupid. .

How could an ordinary person help me change the destiny of this entire city? It seems that it is really an opportunity for me to meet you! "

At this moment, Lord Shisan seemed to have nothing to say except for feeling.

Now this legendary Chu Feng is standing in front of him alive at this moment. He basically believes in the stories that Chu Feng tells.

Because he felt that Chu Feng had no need to deceive himself, and even if he was deceiving himself, it seemed to be of no benefit!

"There is nothing to sigh, just some of the most common experiences. People who have magical experiences in this world are not only me, and I will never be the only one in the future.

It's just that everyone's experience is different. There are some things that people don't want to tell, so they don't know.

Just like you, do I know all your experiences now? Obviously not, maybe you also have a secret that you don’t want to tell others, but no matter whether the secret will be revealed or not, in short, as long as the secret exists, then you are also a legend, even everyone is. such! "

This statement of Chu Feng can barely be considered modest. Although he does have something to praise in some respects, if he is to show off his honor, besides appearing to be too superficial, I am afraid There are no other benefits!

"Perhaps, after all, there are indeed not many people who are willing to tell their own experience. In fact, you are making assumptions on me, which is really not appropriate, because you basically know all my experiences, even if you don’t Know, that's all irrelevant.

And if you really want to take a person as an example, it may be more realistic to put it on you. After all, among the people I have met, you are the one with the most legendary color! "

I don't know what happened. The Shisanye seems to have a "problem" that makes it easy to praise others. In just a few minutes, Chu Feng has been praised by the Shisanye several times.

Of course, this kind of praise is only Chu Feng's own thoughts, and as to what kind of mentality the Thirteenth Lord has to say such things, Chu Feng really has no way to come to an accurate judgment.

"Well! Actually, in my experience, there are many people like me, and there are even some more exaggerated experiences than me.

It's just that I may have seen more, so I'm not surprised at all of these! "

Chu Feng was a little reluctant to continue discussing this topic. Firstly, he found it meaningless. Secondly, this topic seemed to be involved with him all the time. In case his system's affairs were caught out, then It looked a little embarrassing.

Even if Chu Feng has been cautious all the time, this kind of cautious feeling will also make Chu Feng feel a little tired.

"Okay, let's not talk about this! It's meaningless to say it. At present, we have more things to discuss. It would be a shame to waste time on this!"

auzw.com Chu Feng didn't want to say, that is, he directly expressed his thoughts.

Speaking of it, he did it happily enough, and didn't feel muddled, but this breath made the Thirteenth Lord feel a little too real.

However, since Chu Feng didn't want to talk about it anymore, the Thirteenth Lord would naturally not forcefully pull back this topic. Anyway, the Thirteenth Lord was just curious.

After his curiosity is over, then naturally there is nothing he wants to know anymore, even if it is other people's stories, it has nothing to do with him.

In addition, now he also knew that the place Chu Feng was going to was the Fire Territory, and the bloated fellow also had the ability to take them to the Fire Territory.

After obtaining this information, Lord Shisan felt that his goal had basically been achieved. If he really wanted to visit Chu Feng in the future, then he could naturally let the bloated guy take him there.

Of course, it is still too early to talk about this now, after all, Chu Feng has not left yet, and even after Chu Feng has left, it will probably take a long time before the thirteenth master will move this idea.

Even after Chu Feng left, he would gradually lose contact with Chu Feng, and when he really remembered that he was going to see Chu Feng, he probably didn't have that thought anymore!

"Yeah! Actually, I don't have anything I want to know. I don't like to hear other people's stories. Apart from you, I basically don't pay much attention to anyone!

Time is almost up, let me see how they are preparing first, if they are ready, then let's get ready to act!

You should also go see your five assistants, don't make any mistakes! "

The conversation between the two had come to an end as of this time. There is no question to discuss, and there is no exchange of ideas, so naturally there is no way to continue the topic.

Now that they have been idle for a long enough period of time, it doesn't seem to make much sense to continue to be idle, and time is also very precious to them.

It was getting late, and it was time for action.

During this critical period, any errors may affect the outcome of the matter.

The Thirteenth Master urged the leaders of the small forces to prepare early, and Chu Feng gathered all the five assistants.

Since Chu Feng had already discussed with the five people in private, the follow-up action plan would naturally follow the content agreed upon by them.

Although it is not possible to ensure that 100% can proceed as planned, even if there is an error, they can make some reasonable cooperation with each other. After all, these five people are a whole from the beginning!

At about eight o'clock in the evening, the sky was basically completely dark. Except for some light from the burning of flames, the entire base was basically pitch black.

The Shisanye and Chu Feng were already prepared separately. At this time, only the Shisanye gave an order, and then this last war would also break out.

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