Whimsical System

Chapter 1395: Night attack on the control room of the Chinese Army

The official forces have also realized that the war is about to begin, and at this time they are gathering momentum to prepare for the defense of the final battle.

Previously, they had been in a state of panic, so basically they did not constitute a relatively large-scale battle.

But now they have gradually adjusted their state, ready to stay this last moment in this final counterattack!

"Chu Feng has already led the people out, you must give me your best. Suppress the opponent's firepower.

They must not be allowed to discover Chu Feng's actions, otherwise Chu Feng will have no return! "

While making a reminder, Lord Shisan commanded the army to start marching towards the last half of the base.

This time, the official forces have built a fort in the last half of the base.

At present, in the eyes of the official forces, this is their last chance. If they lose this opportunity, they will eventually fall into defeat.

After the start of the war, the fierce battle between the two sides was quite exciting, but due to the lack of firearms, the basic battles were in a state of fighting with cold weapons.

Since the sky is completely dark at this time, the vision of both parties is not very good, and now the only thing that can control the overall situation is the flame in the center of the battlefield.

At this time, anyone who can enter the flame will basically become a target.

As a result, over time, both sides slowed down their attack speed and dared not approach the flame anymore. At this time, they seemed to be waiting for the flame to burn out, and then took advantage of the darkness to launch the next wave of attack.

But the current delay in time has a great advantage for Chu Feng.

At this time, the five assistants were following Chu Feng to the depths of the enemy army.

Due to the ongoing fighting in the front, the rear is basically in a state of emptiness, and the appearance of Chu Feng with five assistants also put the rear defensive forces into a crisis.

Chu Feng's devouring power had a great effect on the massacre. Basically, as long as Chu Feng took the shot, no one could escape by chance under his hands.

As a result, even though the subsequent defensive troops had a lineup of nearly ten people, they eventually fell into Chu Feng's hands one after another.

After solving the last line of defense, Chu Feng entered the Central Command very smoothly.

At this time, no one exists in the Central Command, even young people are missing at this moment.

It was estimated that the fighting outside attracted his attention, so at that critical juncture, he escaped from Chu Feng and five assistants, searched the results of the entire command center, and finally did not find any clues.

"Not found, did he escape?"

At this extremely urgent moment, this kind of mistake suddenly occurred, which was unexpected by Chu Feng.

If you can't find young people now, then their purpose here will be meaningless.

And they are also more critical now, after all, they are now surrounded by layers of enemies.

If their existence is discovered, then Chu Feng and others estimate that it will not be long before they will be surrounded by people, and then even if the thirteenth masters attacked them, it might not have much effect.


Even the emergence of Chu Feng might bring the war situation into crisis.

At that time, I'm afraid there will be another process of verifying the relationship between the Shisanye and Chu Feng.

If Lord Shisan gave up in order to save Chu Feng, then it would be a pity for Lord Shisan.

But if Chu Feng was abandoned for the purpose of capturing, then the Thirteenth Lord would also fall into a situation where it is more difficult to choose.

After all, Chu Feng plays a vital role for the entire alliance. If the Thirteenth Lord abandons Chu Feng, it means that the unity of this alliance will be affected.

What's more, Chu Feng's death might directly lead to the collapse of the entire alliance.

In this way, even if the thirteenth master has the ability to reach the sky, he probably has no way to fight against the official forces alone!

Chu Feng considered a lot and thought of a lot of consequences. He didn't know what decision the Thirteenth Master would make, and at the same time he didn't want to fall into the hands of the enemy.

Therefore, even if the goal has not been achieved, there is already an idea of ​​wanting to leave, but at this moment, an assistant suddenly discovered something.

It is quite coincidental. The reason why the young man was not in the Chinese military headquarters was that he wanted to go to the border guard position on a whim. As a result, his act made him escape. This disaster.

But now the young man is on his way back to the headquarters of the Chinese Army. The assistant was able to find out because he saw the notebook of the trip.

I don't know what habits young people have. Every time he travels, he always likes to write down his itinerary.

As a result, the current record book directly exposed his position.

"Great! If it succeeds this time, then you will be the master of this mission, and I will remember you!"

Chu Feng casually complimented the assistant who found the record book, and just such a compliment from him directly made the assistant extremely happy.

As if at that moment, he already felt that he seemed to have been appreciated, and would soon be rewarded, and then get a certain position!

Of course, Chu Feng would not pay too much attention to his performance. Now he just said casually. Even if this thing is really successful, Chu Feng still remembers it. That is still two things.

"You guys go out and put on their costumes, try to clean up the scene, don't let them find out, we've already been here!"

Chu Feng gave a simple order. The five assistants went outside to garrison a key point, and then cleaned up the corpses, while Chu Feng stayed in the PLA command room alone, waiting for the arrival of young people. .

Nearly nine o'clock in the evening, the young man led two entourages all the way to the Chinese military control room.

When passing by the door of the Chinese military control room, he specifically stopped to look at the surroundings.

It's strange to say that he doesn't usually have this habit, but he doesn't know why, he suddenly had such an idea, but when he saw it, he found that the manpower seemed a little insufficient.

"Why are there only a few of you, others?"

The young man asked casually. At this moment, he just wanted to get an answer. As long as one of the five assistants could answer, then the young man would no longer doubt it.

But the bad is the bad. The five assistants didn't know how to make up, because if someone said something wrong, it would directly affect Chu Feng's plan.

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