Whimsical System

Chapter 1396: Anti-siege

As a result, the young man asked several times, but no one responded to him.

So he felt that things were a little weird, and then he wanted to go into the central control room to take a look.

But before entering the central control room, he was carefully guarding the five assistants.

In this way, after some thoughts, he went back again.

After a while, the young man brought a dozen soldiers here, and then a dozen soldiers replaced the five assistants.

Originally, the five assistants were reluctant to leave, but under the current circumstances, if they act rashly, they will also plunge themselves into crisis.

Finally, even if forced, they can only choose to agree.

As a result, these five assistants were taken away directly. Even in the process, the five assistants did not have time to resist, because there were too many people on the other side.

It seems that young people should be prepared.

Around the control room of the Chinese military, there are already full of young people.

The current advantage instantly fell into the hands of the young man, and at this time Chu Feng was still waiting in the control room of the Chinese military, ignorant of what was happening outside.

When the young man led his entourage into the control room of the PLA, Chu Feng was standing at the window and looking out.

At this time, he also noticed the movement outside, but it was already a little late.

"I knew someone was with me, you and a few guys are really stupid!

When I replaced them, they didn't even have any sense of resistance. There were at least nine people stationed outside, but today there are only five of them. I think it's not right!

Sure enough, you are really tricky in it!

Say. Who are you and why are you here? "

The problem of young people is basically unnecessary. In addition to one problem, there are other reasons for Chu Feng's appearance.

Maybe this is his habit too! Before he could make an accurate judgment, he had to ask first, even though he knew that Chu Feng would not reveal his identity, he still wanted to ask this question.

This feeling is like going through a program. If he doesn't go through this program, he will feel a little uncomfortable.

Chu Feng turned his head and looked at the young man. At this moment, the two looked at each other, both of them were strange faces, and the two had never known each other.

"You should be the leader just now? I've heard of you. Although you are not very noticeable at ordinary times, I did not expect you to become our confidant!"

Although Chu Feng didn't reveal his identity, his words have now proved his origin.

"Sure enough, you were sent by Thirteen. I didn't expect you to have such courage. You would dare to come here only with a few of you.

Say, what do you want to do here? "

The young man asked another question, and he also didn't have much hope for this question. As a result, at this moment Chu Feng did not hesitate to answer the young man's question.

"What am I doing here? Don't you know? If you don't even understand this, then you are too stupid!"

Of course, Chu Feng's answer was not very honest. At most, he just used this kind of stimulating technique to let young people think about the reasons for themselves!

But now, the reason why Chu Feng came here is naturally obvious.

"Are you trying to take my "life"?"


The young man spoke out the purpose of Chu Feng's visit. Yes, this is not a difficult question. The young man would not be proud of it, but Chu Feng would applaud it casually.

"Not bad, you are not stupid anyway! Now that you know the purpose of my coming, let's catch it with all your hands!"

Although Chu Feng was the one being surrounded at this moment, what he said seemed to be completely dominant.

"What you said really makes me feel a little ridiculous. Are people in the world so arrogant now?

You take a good look at the current situation. It is you, not me, who are besieged. What you said should be for me! "

The young man seems to be showing off. Indeed, the current situation is indeed worth showing off.

After all, he has already occupied a sufficient advantage. On the surface, if Chu Feng is an ordinary person, then Chu Feng's fate will definitely be in his hands!

It's just that there are many things, as long as they happen to Chu Feng, they can't be imagined with normal thinking.

In short, whether it was before or now, the appearance of Chu Feng meant the appearance of a miracle.

And this miracle still exists at this moment.

"Maybe you think you are right! Yes, most people think that way, but sometimes it's not like this!"

As soon as Chu Feng's words fell, he suddenly came to the young man's side.

However, immediately after Chu Feng, he was bounced out by an unknown force.

As for this result, Chu Feng himself was very surprised.

Normally speaking, with his speed and his attacking methods, the young man was absolutely unable to dodge, and he did not see any reaction from the young man.

But everything that happened now tells Chu Feng very clearly that his attack was blocked, and someone else launched a counterattack against him in this brief moment.

At this moment, Chu Feng realized that there was definitely a master in this room, but he had not noticed it.

"It turns out that you thought things too simple.

How can it be so easy to deal with me? Our forces have existed in this city for so many years.

If we don't have a little ability, how can we have an unbeaten advantage for so many years! "

After repelling Chu Feng, the young man had the capital to show off even more. At this time, his endless words were of no use except to make Chu Feng feel a little disgusted.

However, even if this is achieved, it is also an honor for young people.

"You better shut up!"

Chu Feng jumped from the corner of the wall and stood up again.

At the same time, the power of swallowing spewed directly from his body following his words.

That's right, it's a gushing state, just like spring water, there is no way to stop it!

"The power of devouring! As far as I know, in your camp, apart from the 13 possessing the power of devouring, then only Chu Feng is left. Are you Chu Feng?"

The appearance of Devouring Power also directly made the young man recognize Chu Feng's identity.

"Yes, I am Chu Feng!"

Chu Feng did not deny his identity, even if he is now deeply trapped in the enemy camp, he does not feel the slightest sense of crisis!

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