Whimsical System

Chapter 1397: I am a provocative person

"Okay, I can't find a place to go through the iron shoes. I have to take all the time. Do you know how long I have been looking for you? I have always heard that you are our serious problem, and now you are here!"

The young man was very excited, as if he had subdued Chu Feng now, but he didn't know that his thoughts were still in fantasy.

Chu Feng didn't change the slightest. Under the current circumstances, he didn't intend. Sincerity is intelligence, after all, he is also worried. There are still masters around here, even if he is not afraid of being defeated, but if it is true If there is a master, then he should be more cautious, otherwise, who can guarantee that there will be no trouble!

"You have been looking for me to take pictures, but I have never heard of it, but since you have this idea, it's better to give it a try. Anyway, my purpose is to get rid of you.

Although this situation is not a success, it is not a failure either! The battle ahead is straining, if you can distract me to take care of me, it means that you will abandon all the battle ahead.

Even if I can't kill you right now, as long as this effect can be achieved, that's enough!

Chu Feng’s response gave the young man some other ideas. It must not be his ultimate goal to solve Chu Feng now. The thirteenth master is leading the army to attack the last half of the base outside. If If the base is lost, then even if he solves Chu Feng, I am afraid he will not be able to continue to fight the Thirteenth Lord.

So he hesitated a little. Although killing Chu Feng was a great achievement, it was not his ultimate goal. The biggest disaster at the moment was the Thirteenth Lord. Now he needs to take time to come and focus on the Thirteenth Lord.

Otherwise, he will lose a lot of opportunities here, and he may even lose in this battle.

After careful consideration, the young man made a decision. He hoped to send someone to guard Chu Feng here, at least to put Chu Feng in custody and not let him escape.

And as long as Chu Feng is restricted, then the resistance between him and the thirteenth master will lose a part of the pressure.

In addition, it is not easy for Chu Feng to escape here.

After all, the official power still has a certain ability after all.

Although the manpower is not very complete now, but the few entourages that the young man is following, have the strength that cannot be underestimated.

When Chu Feng started his hand just now, that was the best example.

Chu Feng also knew that now he was already trapped in the siege. Even if he wanted to escape, it might not be an easy task, so he didn't think too much about this idea at all. At this time, he just hoped Can hold the young man as much as possible, even if he can't kill him, it will consume his time alive.

The five assistants had been taken away at this time, and Chu Feng was not very clear about whereabouts.

Now that Chu Feng lacks his assistant, Chu Feng can only do all the things by himself. In addition, the current three-layer and three-layer surrounding is also a big problem for Chu Feng.

The young man was ready to leave. At this time, he was unwilling to have more conversations with Chu Feng, because if he stayed here for a while, the war ahead would be a little more risky.

auzw.com "How can I say that there is no more movement? Do you want to escape? I thought you really had the guts to follow me, but now it seems that it is just It's just playing tricks!"

Chu Feng didn't plan to do it directly at this time, but wanted to mock young people first through language. Under normal circumstances, such young and energetic people basically cannot bear the ridicule of others.

Even if they knew that this was someone else's trap, they would take advantage of this young and vigorous spirit to poke their heads in.

"what did you say?"

Sure enough, after Chu Feng said these words, the young man immediately became angry. His expression seemed to have reached the point where there was no way to suppress it. In fact, this is not surprising, after all, it is like Chu Feng's. In terms of words, there are a few leaders who can bear it.

Even the Thirteenth Lord would be angry at this moment, but it is impossible for the Thirteenth to encounter such a thing.

"It's nothing, I just talk about it casually. If you think I'm not good at what I say, then you can just not listen!"

Chu Feng raised his head and looked at the sky. Although what he saw at the moment was only the roof, it didn't affect his unruly look, and showed him in front of the young man.

"Chu Feng, don't think I can't kill you, I just don't want to waste time on you!"

"Young Master, let's go quickly, the war ahead is tight, and we can't waste time here!"

The entourage on the side is also urging the young man. At this moment, the entourage has a much better mentality than the young man. It may also be because this matter has nothing to do with him at all!


The young man turned around abruptly and was about to walk away. It seemed to him that he had held back a strong enough anger. The average person could not do this. Even young people had to do their best to achieve this. degree!

The behavior of the young man surprised the punishment. The words and deeds of the young man were seen in Chu Feng's eyes. How could a temper like a young man hold back this grievance? But now young people have done this, which is indeed somewhat surprising.

However, accidents are not impossible to break. Even if the young man has endured Chu Feng’s ridicule at this moment, it is still acceptable to endure it once, but if it endures twice, I am afraid it will be difficult He did it, and like this kind of provocation, Chu Feng wasn't just constrained once or twice.

"Look at how decisive this turned around. I thought you were going to do something to me! I didn't expect you to avoid the problem and make the decision.

But this is nothing strange. After all, how could a person like you dare to do something with me? You have heard of my name a long time ago, but for you, I can say that I have almost never heard of it. Apart from the fame of those dudes, I really don't know much about you!

Let's go, hurry up! Don't stay here to obstruct my eyes, I feel a little sick to make you my opponent! "

The more Chu Feng spoke, the more unpleasant he heard. In the end, it was basically not much different from a personal attack. The young man endured it again and again, but in the end it was finally intolerable!

And just when the young man was about to turn around and wanted to argue with Chu Feng, the entourage on the side suddenly grabbed his arm!

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