Whimsical System

Chapter 1410: same

"Since you are so powerful, why didn't you say it just now? I thought you couldn't resist it!

That's why I reluctantly took it all down. If I knew you could, then let Lao Chu enter your body sooner! "

Chu Feng opened his mouth to complain. In fact, it wasn't for any other reason. It was just because of the thrilling experience just now. The scene just now was too memorable. The attack that was gradually "approaching" was always there. It consumes one's patience!

That kind of wonderful scene, I am afraid that ordinary people will never see it in a lifetime, but for Chu Feng, he would rather not see this kind of scene, because it is really too bloody.

"It's not that I don't want to do this, but that I really can't afford this risk. Maybe you don't know the decision just now, how determined I am to make it happen!

Let Lao Chu enter my body, that means using my soul to carry two personalities.

In this way, the inconsistency between this personality "sex" will definitely appear, and if there is a certain "sex" change, it may also cause a certain amount of trauma to my whole!

So unless it is inevitable, I would never dare to make this risky decision! "

The explanation made by the soul body, in fact, he also had difficulties. After all, the current situation is indeed a bit unpredictable for him. What he encounters now and the dangers that may appear soon are all his The part that must be considered.

If it wasn't for the current critical situation, but also to protect himself, he wouldn't make such a risky decision!

"Well, since you have a reason, then I don’t blame you! But fortunately, you made this preparation in time and solved the current problem. Otherwise, I will definitely move. Whether it will cause a backlash at that time is beyond my control.

In addition, you also need to solve a problem right now, that is, how do you separate from Lao Chu. At this time, you have basically merged with him, and I know about Lao Chu, as long as he merges with something, then Then there will be a state of assimilation.

So if you don't deal with this matter in time, it will be a little difficult for you to deal with the assimilation state of him and you.

Of course, you don’t have to be nervous about this, because in the process of assimilation, you still have many opportunities to solve these things.

Although I don't know your situation very well, I know mice very well. Under normal circumstances, you will not be too dangerous, so from now on you should prepare for this as soon as possible!

According to my estimation, they will not attack me again for a while. After all, another strong man has fallen, and it will take some time for them to react again from the predicament of failure.


So you don't have to be nervous or rush, the whole situation is under my control, as long as they don't show up in the same way as this guy just now.

Or if there is no mental attack, then I can basically handle it.

As for you, the only goal at this time is to get rid of Lao Chu from me as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would not be a good thing for you or me! "

Chu Feng carefully warned that, although the current situation has freed Chu Feng from the predicament, it has once again caused new problems. If the current matter cannot be resolved well, then Chu Feng would not dare. For sure, this will cause any big troubles!

After all, the current situation is like this. Many problems always happen inadvertently. Although Chu Feng feels that there is nothing wrong with this matter, no matter how appropriate it is, as long as certain problems arise, Including those unknown situations, there will be more or less changes in a certain corner, in an unknown situation.

So Chu Feng’s advice is very necessary, including what they are currently doing, which is even more inevitable. After entrusting this matter, Chu Feng single-mindedly invested the goal in the camp of young people on the ground. Among.

The entourage who had just confronted Chu Feng had fallen to the ground at this moment. Even though he had regained consciousness while in mid-air, the speed at which he regained consciousness was obviously no longer consistent with the speed of falling to the ground. .

As a result, his ending was a bit more tragic than the ending of the last fallen follower.

The previous follower fell to the ground because the devouring power was exhausted and his body was weak. There was no way to save himself. So he could only fall to the ground. At this time, this follower has the ability to fight. Help yourself, and you can completely get rid of the current predicament.

But time was too late. Even if he wanted to do this, he was a step too late. As a result, when he fell to the ground, all his advantages were gone. The broken bones burst out almost at the same time. The pain is unbearable.

Now he can only lie on the ground and endure these pains, and there is nothing to do. The young man didn't show too much surprise for the failure of this entourage.

After all, he has too much background than the young and ignorant guy before. Although the current situation is beyond expectation, it is reasonable. After all, he does not have the ability to fight in the sky. It was he who insisted on showing all this, even though he had achieved effective results in the process, but this kind of results were not sustainable.

Therefore, the final failure is inevitable. As for the result of the follow-up processing, it is basically no different from the previous entourage. It is just that he took the initiative to petition, which led to this result.

Then there are questions about follow-up compensation, and he might give more. After all, he also made a contribution to this base. Although he failed in the end, there is no way to erase the contribution.

Of course, all of this will be based on the premise that the base and the entire official power will not be eliminated. If the official power no longer exists, then even if it is promised to him, there will be no way to fulfill it.

So at this time, it is naturally too early to say this, and the follower who has fallen to the ground now needs timely treatment, because if the treatment is improper, in his current situation, then Very likely to die!

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