Whimsical System

Chapter 1411: Last resort decision

When the wounded entourage was carried off the battlefield by soldiers.

The current situation seems to have returned to the original point again. Chu Feng is still in the air, in a state where there is no opponent at all, and the young man on the ground does not know how to solve this matter.

Although he has experienced many battles and made many great achievements during his lifetime, he feels a little weak in the face of this major problem at this moment.

Because he does not know how to do it, he can solve the current dilemma. Even if he has this idea and has the initiative to do so, the result will not become gradually because of his initiative. There is a "color".

Even if there is only initiative, it is basically not much different from having no idea.

Because whether it is active or passive, as long as it is done, it will have a result, and as long as it has not been done, it is as if it has never existed.

The problem between the soul body and Old Chu is now in a stage of tense resolution. Chu Feng is suspended in the air, but there is also a little worry in his heart. After all, he has placed all his hopes on the soul body. If there were any problems with Lao Chu, it would be an unacceptable thing for Chu Feng after all.

Only with Lao Chu can he put together a complete host stage. And if you lose Lao Chu and lose a personality, then Chu Feng will no longer fit the host's state.

Unless it is possible to gather the soul of the dark side again, and then completely deprive him of his original personality, so that he can restore the previous host's request again.

Of course, with regard to this idea, it is impossible to realize it in most cases, so this also proves that Lao Chu has an important "sex" to Chu Feng. At this time, whether it is Lao Chu or the soul body, there is nothing The news came out.

Chu Feng could only stare at the enemy under his feet in this uneasy mood, waiting for the good news to appear. The young man was looking up in the air on the ground at the moment, Chu Feng still stayed here, showing no sign of wanting to leave.

The battle outside was going on tensely, and the two sides were at odds with each other.

But this situation must not be long before it will end, because the young man has not appeared, including his main force, have never appeared on the battlefield.

And if only the soldiers in the base were to fight against, then the thirteenth master could solve them all very easily, and about all of this, it was also the advantage that Chu Feng created for them.

The young man was entangled on the ground. He wanted to leave, but he could guess what Chu Feng would do if he wanted to leave. In fact, to him, Chu Feng is no longer just an enemy. So simple, more Chu Feng is still a big difficulty, and an insolvable difficulty is blocking him.

auzw.com It is not an easy task to solve Chu Feng. At this time, Chu Feng is deep in the air. If you want Chu Feng to fall to the ground, there is only one The only way to achieve this is that they completely leave this place, and in the process of their departure, Chu Feng will definitely block them, and under the premise of blocking, they must take a certain precaution, because Chu Feng They will be shot, and in the process of this shot, they are definitely too late to react.

So if they can't do well and prepare in advance, then as long as Chu Feng takes action, it will definitely cause them great harm, and may even instantly threaten one of them.

However, although doing so will cost a certain amount of life, if Chu Feng can be attracted to the ground, then the young man will have achieved the goal of being able to fight directly with Chu Feng.

It's just that although this goal was achieved, the sacrifice he made was one of his own subordinates or his own life in danger.

And in the current state, his own threat was even greater, because since Chu Feng wanted to make a move, he would definitely go to the leader.

Because only in this way can he attract enough attention, and if he is just an inconspicuous soldier, then perhaps he does this without any value at all.

So it is for this reason that the young man feels entangled, and in the process of his entanglement, he must also take into account many things that will happen next.

If he can't do this, then this matter will gradually exceed his expectations, and even some extraordinary changes will occur!

"Young Master, we can't continue to procrastinate here anymore. From his appearance, he just wants to stop us. If we are really stopped by him, then his goal will be achieved. And our war here, then You will fail completely because you don’t have any reinforcements, so you have to make an early decision, and you must not fall into his trap!"

Regarding this aspect, almost everyone can see clearly, but some people are reluctant to talk about this idea because they worry that young people will punish them for this idea.

But at a necessary moment, someone has to stand up and set an example, and this is the case now.

At this moment, he said a lot of people, what he wanted to say but dared not say.

And he also pushed the young man to a point where he had to make a decision. The young man frowned, glanced at Chu Feng in the air again, and sighed softly, his old-fashioned look. The posture is simply not the vigor that a teenager can show.

"Don't you think I don't want to do this? But you have seen the current situation. How can I solve it? He won't come to the ground at all. Even if I want to fight him, I can't reach it. For this purpose, if we leave now, then he will only have one situation, that is, he will take action against me!

You can think about it, what decision should I make in this case, should I just let him do it on me? This is naturally impossible, because I will not abandon my life! "

The young man only said half of the words, and did not express the rest. In fact, he wanted to say that if there is really no way, they are waiting here, waiting for the arrival of the thirteenth master. Anyway, there is a decisive battle. Will unfold, and as long as they stay here, then this decisive battle will never come, unless the thirteenth master also comes here, so that they can usher in this decisive battle, but this decisive battle The gap may become huge because of this decision!

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