Whimsical System

Chapter 1415: Reluctantly

Under the current circumstances, Chu Feng felt like a judge waiting for the lawyers of both sides to debate.

Although the current event is not considered a major event, the impact it has caused is extremely far-reaching.

At least the relationship between Chu Feng and the soul body had already reached that extremely intense state.

If there is such a thing as a lead again, I am afraid that soon there will be no intersection between the two of them.

So in order to avoid such a situation, Chu Feng also had to mediate between the two.

Although Chu Feng mainly focused the contradiction on the soul body at this time, he did so only to ease Lao Chu's temper. After all, from the beginning, Lao Chu and the soul body were not dealing with each other.

And most of the time, it was Lao Chu's head. If Chu Feng could not comfort Lao Chu well, then this matter would also become very intense because of Lao Chu.

At this time, when Chu Feng asked this question and was about to let the soul body explain, the reaction of the soul body was also a bit strange.

Logically speaking, if he really has a certain advantage, then he definitely can't show a disadvantaged posture.

Moreover, from the overall point of view, this matter seems a bit weird, if the soul body was willing to agree to Lao Chu to satisfy one of his requirements.

Then the soul body should have the confidence to meet this standard at that time.

But the image he expressed at this moment meant that there was no way to achieve this goal.

At that time, regarding this matter, he would definitely not make such a promise.

If this is the case, it can only prove one thing. That is the existence of this matter during this period. It was originally unrealistic. In addition, Old Chu was not that kind of foolish person. He should be able to see that his soul and physical ability could not fulfill his promise.

At least in that situation, he should have time to think about this aspect, even if he was worried about Chu Feng's safety, after all, he fully knew Chu Feng's strength.

Wanting to dodge the attack is basically a very easy thing for Chu Feng, so unless the soul body has to choose to agree when forced, how could this series of events occur? The problem.

But if this is really the case, then there will be another issue involved, that is, since the soul body is forced to choose to agree, it means that he is forced, it is very likely that he cannot Accepted.

At least the soul body is unwilling to accept it, but in the process of unwillingness to accept it, there are some factors that have to be accepted.

So in the end, the soul body can only be forced to choose to accept, whether he has this idea or not, whether he can do this or not, he can't push it.

As a result, when the matter was completely resolved and it was the soul's turn to fulfill the promise, he felt a little regretful.

And he didn't have the ability to fulfill the promise he had made before, so in the end he could only use shameless methods to forcibly get rid of this matter.

But he never expected it. Old Chu would actually make this matter more and more serious, and finally involved Chu Feng in it.


If this matter develops in such a direction, perhaps this can be understood by people, at least the current situation can be accepted by people.

And at this time, what everyone has experienced, and what everyone lacks, is gradually emerging.

Lao Chu needs a promise to be satisfied. He hopes that the soul body can fulfill his promise. Although the soul body has been given an opportunity to make any request, he is unwilling to entrust this opportunity to Old Chu's hands.

Because in his opinion, this opportunity is absolutely important to him. Even if there is a conflict between the two of them, it is absolutely impossible to let go of this opportunity. At this time, Chu Feng, as a middleman, naturally has nothing to do with this matter, but both of them have nothing to do with him. Contacted.

Therefore, he must adhere to the idea of ​​handling this matter impartially. Now the dispute between the two can be said to be getting more and more intense.

Regardless of the reason, this is the result anyway, and if there is no way to adjust the relationship between the two of them as soon as possible.

Then this will definitely have a certain impact on the overall situation, but what Chu Feng feels embarrassed right now is that he doesn't know who should take the loss.

After all, if these two sides are to be resolved, one must choose to suffer.

"After your remarks, I can barely get a more general information.

Although I'm not very sure, this information can be directly "inserted" on you, but one thing is certain is that this kind of dispute is absolutely impossible for us.

After all, don't forget, where this is, and the current situation definitely does not allow us to fight inwardly.

So I have to solve this matter in the fastest way, and if I want to solve this matter, I think there are only two ways! "

"any solution?"

The two were almost in unison. It seemed that they all hoped that this matter could be resolved, which is not surprising. After all, who is willing to spend all their time arguing!

"It seems that you really want to solve this matter!

Well, since you all have this idea, then I can rest assured!

In fact, it is not too difficult to solve this matter. It is nothing more than the question of who is going to lose. In the current matter that involves you, it is nothing more than this requirement.

If one person voluntarily chooses to give up, then this dispute will naturally cease to exist, but depending on how you two look like, it seems that neither of you is willing to give up. So since you two can't stand each other, then I will reluctantly. Make a sacrifice! "

Chu Feng's words made the two of them somewhat uncomprehending, what is meant by reluctantly making a sacrifice? Is it because Chu Feng wants to be responsible for this matter? If this is the case, then this is indeed a bit unfair to Chu Feng, but if it is to deal with this matter, it has a very positive meaning.

"Chu Feng, shouldn't you be responsible for this matter! You have to think clearly, this is a request that can be made anytime, anywhere!

And before that, you owed me a request.

Now if the two requirements are fulfilled together, it will be very difficult even for you! "

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