Whimsical System

Chapter 1416: Right in the middle

The reminder that the old man made was naturally kind, and he was right.

No matter when it is, agreeing to an unrestricted request is obviously a test for yourself.

And what Chu Feng promised at this time was not just a request. In addition to Lao Chu, there was also a request for the soul body that needed to be made to the prescription. If this additional request is added at this time, there is It is equivalent to three Chu Feng waiting for any conditional requirements.

Such a huge tree, even for Chu Feng, is extremely difficult, and basically every requirement is not so easy to meet.

At this time, Lao Chu also wanted to let Chu Feng go, unwilling to see him "force" himself to despair, but now the dispute between them cannot be settled for a long time, this is what Chu Feng does not want to see. If Chu Feng did not take the initiative to take on all this and reconcile the grievances between the two of them, then the struggle between the two of them would probably continue.

In fact, what Chu Feng didn't know was that the reason why Lao Chu was so obsessed with this request was to drive his soul out.

In fact, from the moment the soul body entered Lao Chu's living area, he had various dissatisfaction with the soul body.

It's just that he hasn't found an opportunity, but now he finally got an opportunity to achieve his goals.

Then he naturally wouldn’t let it go easily, so he didn’t want Chu Feng to come and bear this requirement. What he needed was to let the soul body make this decision, and then through this decision to remove the soul body from Chu Feng’s body Get out.

This old Chu's goal was achieved, and for Chu Feng, there would also be no burden.

It's just because the current situation is too special, Lao Chu can't directly express his thoughts.

After all, once he speaks out his idea, then the soul body will definitely not choose to accept it again.

Even if it is possible, that kind of compromise will definitely disappear at this moment.

So Lao Chu could only remind Chu Feng through hints or some other actions, but it was a pity that Chu Feng didn't seem to understand it very well.

In fact, this is normal. After all, what Chu Feng hopes at present is to be able to resolve the current struggle as soon as possible, rather than worrying about the reasons behind this matter. So with the reminder about Lao Chu, he obviously turned a deaf ear. , Even in this reminder, there really are some unique information.

"It's okay. One more request is not a pressure for me. Moreover, the request you put forward will certainly not be aggressive towards me. Even if it is very demanding, I will do my best to achieve it. Yes, at least in terms of time, you should give me a more acceptable limit, so I can rest assured of you. I am willing to accept it!"

No, I don’t care about reunion at this time. Whether it’s with one more requirement or other conditions, as long as the current problem can be solved as soon as possible, there is enough. In contrast, there is one more requirement, but it’s better to watch. They quarreled much better. After all, both of them were living in their own bodies, individuals with independent consciousness. If the two of them were fighting at this time, it would not necessarily be an injury to Chu Feng. .

auzw.com "Well, since you have said so, then I won't force it!

But since you gave this condition, does that mean that I can exercise this right now? "

As soon as Lao Chu said these words, Chu Feng realized that something was wrong, how could it become so sudden? Even if there is a requirement, there is no need to say it at this juncture, unless it is related to the current matter.

"Yes, yes, but I just helped you resolve the conflict. At this juncture, you asked me. Is it a bit too hasty? Why don't you wait for a while, if you are not too anxious!"

Chu Feng couldn't help it, he couldn't refuse Lao Chu directly! After all, he has mastered this request now. If he refuses, it obviously does not conform to this principle. At least from the standpoint of punishment, he violated the agreement, but if he makes a request at this juncture, it will always lead to Chu Feng felt that something was not appropriate, because in the process, he still didn't know what complicated things were involved!

Therefore, in desperation, Chu Feng could only shirk himself a bit, trying to find a way out for himself, but Lao Chu didn't seem to be willing to do so, at least from the behavior he showed at the moment, then he absolutely It was not a plan to make concessions to Chu Feng.

"No, I am very anxious! If it is possible now, I will say it now. If it is not possible, then I will wait for a while. Although I can bear this aspect, but if I can say it now and you don't let me If you say it, then I can't stand it!"

No way, Old Chu had already said this. Chu Feng wanted to stop it, I'm afraid he couldn't stop it.

Now that this matter has been mentioned by Lao Chu to this point, it also means that no matter how this matter is blocked, it will happen someday.

If there is something that must happen and cannot be avoided, it would be better to let him happen earlier, and then find some solution!

Chu Feng considered it this way. Maybe some people have different ways of doing things, but Chu Feng always likes bitterness first and sweetness later. Now that the bitterness is all bitter, let's come together, there is nothing that Chu Feng can't bear.

"If you can't stand it, then just say it! I will listen carefully. As long as I can achieve it, I will do my best to help you achieve it!"

Chu Feng had already stated his position, and at the same time he stated his position, the soul body also had an ominous premonition. That's right, he was naturally the most clear about what kind of thoughts Lao Chu had in the current situation!

"Excellent, I'm waiting for this moment! Chu Feng, my request is to let you clean it out for me!

Clear it out for me without reservation, no matter where you let him go, don't let him stay in your body anyway! "

When Lao Chu finished saying this sentence, his soul body took a breath instantly, and everything was no different from what he thought. Lao Chu must have said this sentence, and it was precisely this opportunity This request was directly raised.

The soul has already thought of this matter, but he has been unwilling to put it into reality!

Even if he was unwilling, it would be impossible to close Lao Chu had already made a request, and regarding this request, according to the agreement, Chu Feng must fulfill it!

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