Whimsical System

Chapter 1417: First step requirements

"I should have thought of it long ago, hate it! I have always been reluctant to remind, because I always want to have a certain degree of confidence in myself, and feel that no matter what, Lao Chu should not do things so absolutely. .

Even if there is really a contradiction between me and him, then he will not get things to this level at all, but now that I think about it, after all, I was wrong. I was too confident. The relationship between Lao Chu is really too simple!

Now that you have faced this matter, Chu Feng, you must fulfill your promise, but can I make a request to the two of you, and if possible, can I make a little preparation?

At least let me get what I want, so, then I will obey your orders!

The soul body took the lead in expressing its position, and before Chu Feng could express his opinion, he had already put the whole thing together. He sorted out his thoughts and told about his own inner thoughts and how to solve this matter!

And when the soul mentioned his request, Chu Feng immediately realized the request he owed the soul body.

There is no doubt that this request is obviously to be fulfilled, but I don’t know what the request of the soul body is. Is it possible that he also wants Lao Chu to leave Chu Feng’s body. If this is the case, then it must have been for Chu Feng at that time. The agreed concept, after all, Lao Chu had extremely extraordinary significance to Chu Feng!

"What's your request? Have you decided to say it now?"

Chu Feng was still a little worried, but he felt that he might not be in a hurry to make this request.

Even if his situation is not very optimistic, he can still replace the soul body and buy time but Chu Feng is wrong. The soul body is currently very anxious. It seems that he is not willing to stay in Chu Feng's body all the time. . Even the eagerness in his heart is not much different from Lao Chu's sigh of leaving at this time!

"Chu Feng, I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, no matter what, I won't make a decision that hurts you. Lao Chu will definitely stay in your body!

Because only he is suitable for staying with you, besides him, there will not be any soul body that can live with you, even for a short time, that is absolutely not allowed!

I am considered to be an accident, but the occurrence of my accident has also caused you a lot of trouble, so now I am ready to leave, but you have to help me prepare a body after I leave!

In fact, after this period of recuperation, I can already live alone in a body. Even I can really come alive through another body. Although this process is more complicated, I believe that as long as I can give me enough time, then I can do it, and now I have found the goal of the body!

And my request is, I hope you can help me get this body! "

The soul body unreservedly stated his own thoughts. At present, his request has been completed, and he is placed in front of Chu Feng, a body that can be used for the soul body to survive, and this body has also been With a goal, this requirement for Chu Feng is better than Lao Chu's requirement, and it satisfies a lot. At least Chu Feng can work desperately, and there will never be any worries.


"No problem, I agree to your request, and I can also help you complete it one step ahead. Who is your goal?" Chu Feng asked.

"It's the young man below. I have already observed his body. At this time, the sojourn in his body is a soul body. Now he is basically in a state of being taken away. Maybe his soul is only It was just a coma.

But in the process of seizing the house, the soul that forcibly entered his body can "fuck" his body, which means that his body can accept the "fuck" control of the foreign soul body, so I only need me now Able to **** this body from the soul body in his body at this time, then this body can be used by me. And I can do the same without killing him, but it depends on circumstances.

If it is under necessary conditions, I can completely replace him, then I should solve him! "

The soul body said his thoughts, took the young man's body away, and then found a necessary condition to solve the young man. This is indeed a very perfect and very ambitious plan.

However, no matter how ambitious his thoughts are, this will not affect Chu Feng at all. Although Chu Feng has not tried to help his soul body become more "colorful" in his body, there is nothing he needs to do. It's too complicated, it's nothing more than controlling the young people, and as for the soul's multi-color and contention, it is the soul's own efforts!

"No problem! I agree to your request, and I can help you do this work now, but you also need to wait for a while, and Lao Chu, you also give us a little time!

At present, the soul body can still get a certain recovery in my body. If he leaves my body now, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to stay alone in the outer space!

So even if you don't care about his face, then you have to give me a face. It's not a special period now, so you don't have to "force" him to death! "

Chu Feng coordinated the relationship between the two, and had basically figured out a solution to this matter.

In this situation, as long as Lao Chu can choose to make concessions and wait for a while, then Chu Feng and the soul body will have the opportunity to act. By then, Lao Chu's goal will be achieved, but it will be better than he expected It's a little later!

Now that Chu Feng has spoken to this point, Lao Chu will naturally not continue to insist on it hard. Moreover, regarding this result, it already made Lao Chu very satisfied. In fact, if it was just this dispute, then it would not have been obtained at all.

At most, it is just that the soul body chooses to accept its own request, and then within a certain period of time, Lao Chu will expel him.

Therefore, Lao Chu's requirements will not change because of a single person, but there is indeed a huge difference in time.

Therefore, since this goal can be achieved the fastest now, Lao Chu is naturally willing to do so.

Moreover, although Lao Chu did not deal with the soul body, he did not reach the point where he had to put the soul body to death.

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