Whimsical System

Chapter 1420: Ability to fly

Everyone on the ground seems to have noticed the strangeness of the young people. After all, the departure of the soul will have an extremely strong response to a human body.

At least he can no longer support his entire body to stand on the spot, and the collapsed body and the consciousness of the passing unconscious.

It also caused the people around to become flustered instantly. The entourage in the sky earlier fell from the sky because of an unknown means of attack.

The same is true for young people nowadays. Although there is no connection between the two, the current state has aroused suspicion.

Everyone rushed forward to help the young man and let him sit down. At this time, the young man was still breathing. After all, his life had not passed away, but his soul was suppressed by the forced "sex" to the side.

In addition, due to the intervention of the soul body, the body of the young man is also in a relatively healthy state.

At this time, the soul body is forcibly controlling the young man's body. Although this process is relatively difficult, for the soul body, it is just a goal that can be achieved with hard work.

The trembling corners of the eyes, coupled with the slightly moved fingers, also constituted a sign of awakening.

It's just that the young man's waking state lasted long enough, and it even exceeded everyone's expectations of him.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye. Old Chu had already forcibly left the soul of the soul body.

Then he quietly left the young man's body in a special way, then floated into the air and returned to Chu Feng's body. At this moment, Chu Feng naturally knew that the young man had been controlled by the soul body.

So the worries about this aspect were slightly relaxed, and Chu Feng had already fulfilled Lao Chu's request at this moment.

Including the requirements of the soul body has also been met at the same time, and the next thing, then the soul body needs to do this "operation" control.

However, during this process, Chu Feng also had two worries. One was that his soul and physical ability could not smoothly control the body of the young man.

If not, can this requirement be regarded as met or not? On the other hand, after the young people are really "operated" by the soul body, will the soul body make some unexpected decisions.

For example, exercising the power of a young man, continuing to live as a young man, and even fighting against Chu Feng.

After all, young people still have certain rights, and this base and the entire official power are now under the control of young people.

If the soul takes this opportunity to obtain all the rights of the young man, then it is inevitable that he will not be "tempted" by these powers, and if he is "tempted", then he will definitely stand in the same line as the official forces .

auzw.com If this is the case, then Shisan Ye and Chu Feng will become his number one enemy, even if they have previously cooperated, but if it is driven by interests, then No one can guarantee that he will make some unexpected moves.

Chu Feng was worried in the air, but the situation on the ground gradually improved, and the young man had awakened.

The soul body completely controlled this body, and it was the same as what he had considered before. It was just a matter of time. It was not difficult for him to control a body.

"What are you guys doing around me? There is nothing wrong with me. I just passed out!"

After awakening, the soul body is to give orders to the people around him as a young man. The young man has returned to normal. Although weird behavior like him has occurred twice, as long as he can wake up at this moment, then these followers Then I was relieved, after all, as long as the young people did nothing wrong, they would be able to explain to the old people.

"Young Master, I thought something happened to you, but you are fine, otherwise we don't know what to do!"

An entourage leaned forward and expressed his emotions quite emotionally. At this time, the young man did not pay any attention to his words at all. He even pretended not to hear, but was a thoughtful general. Looking up at the sky, he went to see Chu Feng who was in midair.

"Why haven't you solved it yet, what are you delaying?"

Sure enough, what Chu Feng was worried about finally happened to the soul body. You have completely integrated into the role of the young man. I don’t know why, and I don’t know what he is thinking about. Anyway, his current situation One sentence is to directly implement his current position.

However, Chu Feng, who was in the midair at this time, had no idea what was happening on the ground. He just felt that the young man was watching him. As for why he did this, Chu Feng couldn't figure it out.

"Chu Feng, be careful, I feel that something is wrong with him!"

It may be due to the connection of hearts. Old Chu also had some different thoughts at this time. As a result, when he reminded Chu Feng, the young man jumped up under the eyes of everyone and rose into the air.

This was definitely a move that shocked the four seats. The young man hadn't "showed" the ability to fly from the beginning.

But now when the soul body entered his body, he actually displayed the ability to fly at high altitudes, and during this flight, he didn't seem to borrow anything at all. It felt like he already had this. This ability is the same, even without wings, he can still float his body.

Seeing the young man getting closer and closer to him, Chu Feng also had some worried thoughts. Old Chu may be right. The young man is indeed a bit weird. From the very beginning, the soul body forcibly entered on the ground. And the current ascends into the air.

All this is not just strange to the people on the ground. Even Chu Feng, who had some contact with the soul body, felt a bit weird. He had never told about the fact that the soul body can fly. He has never said it before, and now it is revealed in front of so many people. Is he really not afraid of revealing his identity?

Finally, the two of them came to the same level, and the soul body "fucked" the young man's body, stabilizing his body firmly in midair.

At this moment, he was clearly smiling, and the smile at the corner of his mouth had almost reached the level that could not be concealed at all. Chu Feng watched with a guarded face, and that alertness also became heavier at this moment.

"You never told me that you can fly, especially like this, you don't need to borrow external force to fly!"

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