Whimsical System

Chapter 1421: Soul body advice

The alertness that Chu Feng "exposed" was basically undisguised. The young man could see it very clearly, and he could fully understand why Chu Feng was in this state, but He didn't seem to want to change anything, because the smile on the corner of his mouth at the moment represented his inner thoughts.

"We have been in contact for a long time and have experienced many things. Although I have said a lot to you, this does not mean that I have to tell you everything about me. After all, you are nothing but It's just a usable object. Now that my goal has been achieved, then I naturally don't have to say something useless to you.

After all, even if you know all this, there is no use. Now you are a turtle in the urn. It is almost easy to deal with you. Even if I am alone, it can solve you.

Chu Feng, maybe you never thought that you would encounter this kind of thing. I admit that from the beginning you helped me and then I took advantage of you. It was an evolutionary process, and in this process, you have no way to go. Deny that I did not miss a thing.

You may not even remember it yourself, but it doesn’t matter what the reason is. Anyway, I only know that my goal has been achieved. I have the body I need, and even I have some things that shouldn’t belong to me. Right, anyway, what should be there is already there, and what should not be there is already there.

My abilities are gradually being restored. This city will not become a victory in your hands, but will become a foundation for me to regard this city as me. I will step on it and gradually grow in this space.

Then I put the whole space into my bag. You don't know where I came from, so of course you don't know why I did this. Now I don't think I need to tell you too much.

In short, you only need to understand that if you can’t be an enemy of me, it’s enough. I actually don’t want to kill you. After all, you are kind to me. If I avenge my gratitude, it is indeed a bit unreasonable. No one knows about this, but I always feel that I can't pass it in my heart.

So if you are willing to submit to me and work for me, then I can spare you a "life", and I can also give you many things you want but can't get!

Anyway, with me, you can get rights and money that you will never get in Thirteen.

Including some things you want to use, or even letting you leave this space and continue to develop in another place, I can also help you achieve this goal!

how about it? Do you want to think about it? After all, I am not so caring for anyone! If you miss this opportunity, then I am afraid you will never encounter something as good as today, and I am alone to talk to you, in fact, to make such a deal with you, believe it or not I go back and say a word, then you can leave here safe and sound!

You have given me trust, and I am willing to give you a trust. As long as you promise me, then I can send you back to Thirteen. You will know what to do at that time. Anyway, Thirteen will be on you A lot of trust, as long as you shoot him, he is definitely unpredictable!

And as long as there are changes in the thirteenth, then this war will naturally not go on, and the small fish and shrimps will soon become mobs and scatter.

If you want to solve them one by one at that time, it will be easy, so how about you think about it?


Perhaps you have already begun to think about it at this moment. If you are a smart person, even you have already made a correct decision. Come on, tell me what you think, and I will admire you! "

The soul body expressed all his ambitions. There is no doubt that his goal at this time is indeed far greater than Chu Feng had imagined.

However, every word he said at this moment has no way to touch Chu Feng. The so-called status and rights are not what Chu Feng blindly pursues.

Including the rule of this space is not what Chu Feng expected. In fact, Chu Feng has always cleaned up the mess for Chu Feng on the dark side. Chu Feng didn’t know why Chu Feng on the dark side did this, and what he wanted. Chu Feng couldn't think about it clearly, but the current matter had already progressed to an irreversible point, so Chu Feng wanted to continue it. No matter what, this matter must come to an end and there must be a good result.

So if only using money or profit to lure Chu Feng, then Chu Feng would never make a choice lightly, because these money and status were not what Chu Feng liked from the beginning. Feng now only wants to resolve this war as soon as possible, and then leave this space as soon as possible and return to the realm of fire to continue his unfinished plan.

And as for the decision to return to the soul body and serve the soul body,

For Chu Feng, this is simply unrealistic. Even if the soul body is willing to let him return to other dimensions, this kind of fate that is at the mercy of others has been determined from this moment.

Therefore, Chu Feng was unwilling to do this, and he never thought about whom he would serve under whose command, even if he really had such an idea, then he had to be the leader, not the one to be led.

After all, he had made several bets on his life along the way, and his goal was to survive.

I thought that he was at the mercy of others in reality at the beginning. If he still couldn't get rid of this fate at this time, then why should Chu Feng keep himself alive so stubbornly?

Should people be at the mercy of others if they are alive? This is not what Chu Feng hoped, so basically there are suggestions in this regard that Chu Feng will not adopt, but at this moment Chu Feng still has to pretend to be thoughtful in front of the soul.

At least he had to buy himself a little time, and at the same time, he also had to buy a little time for the thirteenth master, otherwise as long as he made a decision that went against the soul body, then the soul body transformation would definitely attack him.

And if this is the case, then he might not be able to let this state continue.

So now his idea is how long it can be delayed, and how long it can be delayed. Anyway, this is a question worth thinking about. So even if he thinks a little longer, it will definitely not arouse the suspicion of the soul body.

"This view of yours is something I have never thought of. It is strange why we are now the two parties in the negotiation? Is there really a feng shui turning around in this world?"

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