Whimsical System

Chapter 1425: Wandering in self-deception

"Don't you mean that this will fail?" Chu Feng asked.

"When did I say it?"

The soul body felt a little inexplicable. It was obviously Chu Feng maliciously tampered with his thoughts, but now he deliberately expresses this thought in his own name, which is really unreasonable.

"Well, I might be wrong! But I still don't agree with your theory, maybe your idea is correct, but some things are not practical when implemented in this matter, after all Some things can only get results after trying, and now you have not tried it, you have completely denied the possibility of "sex", this is obviously incorrect, and you also know this truth, that is anything There is a certain possibility of failure. If you don't do it because of failure, how can you get success in exchange for it?

So since you can understand this principle, how can you put this principle into this matter, but you are a little unclear about it? "

After Chu Feng's confusion, the current matter is getting more and more complicated, to the point where there is no way to bother about it.

As for this result, Chu Feng seemed very satisfied, at least his goal was achieved, but as the decision maker of this matter, the soul body felt a little annoyed.

Because he didn't have a special understanding of these things from the beginning, coupled with Chu Feng's confusion, it made this matter even more troublesome.

Even the plan he had considered before has been "chaotic" at this moment, and he has made a decision without even thinking about the specific content.

Now that I look back and think about it carefully, I feel that some places are not appropriate. For example, blindly trusting Chu Feng and letting Chu Feng do the plan in this area is not very reliable. thing.

"I feel a little regretful now, maybe I shouldn't listen to your opinion. After all, the relationship between you and Thirteen is too special. If you are asked to make this decision, then your suggestion must be toward him. of!

For example, from the very beginning, you have been advocating that you should exempt him from doing it, and even use him as a subordinate. You want to have this idea, how could it be adopted? Thirteen would never submit to others from the beginning, otherwise he would never start this war.

But now that you let me adopt your idea, isn't it clear to let me get into your trap? "

The awakening of the soul body was somewhat beyond Lin Fan's expectations. At least in his opinion, even if the soul body could understand this matter, it would definitely not be so fast.

But the result now only proves that Lin Fan still underestimated the soul body after all, and the soul body is definitely not the kind of person who is easy to fool.

Even at a certain moment, he was a little confused by Lin Fan, but as long as he calmed down, then this matter would be able to draw a correct conclusion in his mind.

"Well, I don't say whether you are right or wrong. Anyway, this matter is such a result. Now if you follow my advice, follow it.

auzw.comThe final result will definitely satisfy you, and if you are unwilling to adopt my suggestion and just think about it with your own mind,

Then this final result is definitely not what you want. If you believe me, then you will naturally know what to do. If you don’t believe me, then no matter how much I say, it won’t help the world! "

Chu Feng did the opposite. Since the painstaking persuasion didn't work at all, it would be better to let the soul body think about itself.

Anyway, this matter is already in front of us, no matter what the result will be, no matter what changes will occur in the process, it is a long-established thing.

And if Chu Feng is blindly guiding him, then the final result is likely to be a soul body, and he has found some more correct viewpoints in this guidance.

As a result, he completely rejected Chu Feng’s suggestions to him, and might even directly doubt Chu Feng. Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation, Chu Feng directly decided to let the soul body think by itself, whether it is right or wrong. His soul body, he must be able to draw a reasonable conclusion.

At this time, when the soul body does not have any external source information as a reference, it can only rely on its own thinking.

Then it won't take long for him to feel a little strenuous, and he won't even be able to draw some effective conclusions.

As time passed, I had to give up this idea, and then pin all hopes on Chu Feng, so that what Chu Feng said would have a certain degree of importance.

As long as it is the soul body proposed by Chu Feng, he will seriously think about it before making a decision.

Even sometimes if the time is too hasty to think, he may choose to believe it directly. Although he also knows that this is a bit risky, he should use extraordinary methods in extraordinary times, even if it is a risk, he has to try it.

"Listening to what you mean, you seem to be unwilling to help me anymore. Could it be that the decision you just made is not true at first, and you are not willing to use it for me at all! Everything I said before is to deceive me ?"

The soul body has completely escaped from the current situation, but from an overall perspective, doubts Chu Feng's loyalty to him. In fact, there is doubt about this aspect, it is completely unnecessary, because Chu Feng absolutely does not treat him. Any loyalty is nothing but his own feeling that Chu Feng should have a certain degree of loyalty to him.

Perhaps this is also derived from the soul body’s confidence in itself. Although the existence of this faith is not particularly true at all, the soul body is still affected by this faith.

And even in the current situation, he had asked Chu Feng the relevant questions, but in his heart he still persuaded Chu Feng that he should not deceive himself, after all, what he just said was so true.

The result is precisely because of this psychological guidance, so at this time Chu Feng only needs to deny this matter, then the soul body will directly choose to believe in him.

And it was precisely this time that Chu Feng did indeed do this. After all, this matter has not yet reached the point where it is irreversible, so how could Chu Feng abandon himself!

"Although I can fully understand your thoughts, what you say now is really chilling for me!"

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