Whimsical System

Chapter 1426: Perfect blueprint

"Think about it. If I have been deceiving you from the beginning to now, then why should I try to save the Thirteenth Lord?

You know I know what you are thinking now. If I promise you directly, I will definitely solve the thirteenth master, then you will definitely feel very happy, but if everything is based on lies If you download, what if you are happy?

Your happiness is only temporary, but the betrayal lasts till the end!

So, if you have a little bit of cognition, then you can see through it!

It's just a pity that you don't have this ability, so I can only tell you through words and let you understand how I think about it! "

What Chu Feng said was a little hysterical, but it seemed that he hated iron and steel.

Even though all of this is false, after Chu Feng's interpretation, even if it is false, it has become real at this moment. Even after Chu Feng said this, the soul body felt that he had done too much.

"Chu Feng, don't get excited, I don't mean anything else, I know I suspect that you are definitely a kind of hurt to you!

But I am also worried!

After all, we have not yet reached the state where it is particularly easy to trust, so you should be able to understand me. It's like when you were with Thirteen, did you trust each other from the beginning?

That must not be the case, so now our situation is no different, but I can suspect too many points, after all, I can't make up my mind on many things now!

So this leads me to think carefully before making every decision!

And in these many thoughts, there must be something wrong, so you should understand me, instead of blindly blaming me! "

So the soul body did not apologize to Chu Feng, but the words he said at the moment were not much different from an apology.

"I know that you have a lot of problems in your heart. You don't know what to do and don't know what to make. That's why you feel embarrassed. You have even reached the point where you don't know how to proceed!

Don't worry, I can understand, what I said just now, it was just a little arrogant!

After all, in this situation, even if I am very clear and understand your situation, once I suffer suspicion, then I will definitely feel a little uncomfortable, so regarding these aspects, I believe you It is understandable! "

The empathy shown by Chu Feng made the soul feel a touch of comfort.

Even if this comfort is not a new beginning for Chu Feng, at least it is entirely possible to use this comfort to resolve the conflicts that occurred before.

auzw.com "I know! I can fully understand it, after all, when I said that sentence just now, I was a little bit arrogant, and now I think about it, it is indeed a bit inappropriate!

So in your opinion, what should I do? How should this matter be solved?

Presumably you should also know what my purpose is. I don't want to target anyone, I just want to rule this space.

But if you want to do this, you have to get rid of some people who should get rid of, and the first thing I want to solve right now is obviously thirteen.

If he does not confront me, and will never be an enemy of me, then why should I kill him? It's just that I am a little worried!

I believe you should be able to understand. After all, if you change to be you, you will definitely have this kind of worry, so you might as well stand in my perspective and think about this matter, and then give me a real right I have helpful suggestions, okay? "

The soul body believed in Chu Feng more and more, especially after the argument just now, the soul body's trust in Chu Feng could be said to have gradually increased.

Unless you nodded solemnly to look at him, it seems that you really want to take this matter as your own business, but in fact, the information that is not known at all has never been Everyone knows.

"Don't worry, I will definitely consider this matter seriously. In fact, from the beginning of this matter, I already had a more precise direction, that is, the relationship between the Thirteenth Lord and you. To be honest, I want to solve you. The relationship between the two is not very easy, because you are completely an opponent born out of the sky, which is completely unpredictable for the thirteenth master, he would never expect that there will be a person like you exist!

So if you suddenly appear in front of him at this time, he will definitely do his best to deal with you, because the later you appear, it means that you are easier to solve, and it also means that you are more dangerous!

So if you don't want the battle between yourself and the Thirteenth Lord to happen prematurely, then you must hide your identity first!

Even if you don't do anything, it will definitely not have any impact on your current situation, because you are a force hiding in the dark, and the Thirteenth Lord will never notice you.

And if you can stay hidden until the thirteenth master completely ends this battle and completely unifies the city, you suddenly jump out again. Do what you want to do, then for the overall situation, this is after all twice the result with half the effort! "

The suggestion proposed by Chu Feng at present is definitely not considered by the soul body. After the thirteenth master has finished all this, the soul will begin to act. Although it is relatively late in terms of time, the timing is Very mature.

Because during this period, the soul body can have plenty of time to prepare for itself, and at the same time he saves those battles that may be troublesome.

By then, Lord Shisan had completely ruled the city, and the soul body needed to solve Lord Shisan alone, so that he could easily enjoy everything that was not his own.

That's right, with regard to this concept, that is exactly the blueprint that Chu Fenghe drew for the soul body. To say whether this method is really realistic, in fact, if it is to treat this matter from a special angle.

It was not that Chu Feng's plan could not be realized, but the requirements in this process were too harsh.

For example, just from the side of Chu Feng, then one must have absolute loyalty to the soul body, otherwise it will be difficult for the soul body to perform everything.

However, in fact, Chu Feng's loyalty to the soul body absolutely does not exist.

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