Whimsical System

Chapter 1434: Bad feeling

In other words, this letter appeared in his room from the beginning. No one has ever touched it, and absolutely no one brought it here. As for why it appeared here, then No one knows at all.

So, this is indeed a troubling thing. Why did such a nice letter suddenly appear without any text, and no one brought it into the room at all.

This is indeed a troubling thing, and it is really a bit confusing, why such a thing happened, and it also appeared in Chu Feng's body, especially when the plan is about to be implemented. Juncture.

For the sake of safety, Chu Feng felt that this matter still had to be discussed with the Thirteenth Lord before he could be sure.

After all, this matter does not belong to Chu Feng alone.

So that night, Chu Feng found Lord Shisan directly. Since there are many things in the city that are very busy these days, Lord Shisan is also busy. Some people don't know the north, south, east and west.

When Chu Feng met Lord Shisan, Lord Shisan was eating dinner enthusiastically. According to him, he hadn't had a good meal for two days, and now he has basically solved the problem at hand. So I can relax and enjoy a delicious dinner.

"Recent life is very tired, right? I think you are a lot more haggard, and it's harder than when you were fighting before!"

Chu Feng simply hushed his cold and asked warmth. It may not be necessary to do so, but since he was discussing things, and now that the thirteenth master was eating again, he went straight to the subject, which is indeed a little too unimportant. Human touch.

"It's okay! After all, the dance of this city is all on my body. Even if I feel tired, I have to work hard to support it. Otherwise, what about this city? I can't give it to him. The people under your hand will supervise it, right?

I can't rest assured, even if they can do a good job, I am worried that they will rob me of my power! "

The Thirteenth Lord is indeed joking, after all, how could something like this be said on the surface!

Even if he really thought that in his heart, as long as he could express this sentence in words, the charm of it would naturally decrease a lot.

"Look at what you said, it seems that everyone is untrustworthy. Those are all brothers who are fighting with you!

Even if you don’t believe other people, don’t you still believe them? Moreover, they worked hard enough during this period, and it can be said that they have done a lot of effort for you to be busy! "

Naturally, Chu Feng knew that the Thirteenth Master was joking, so when he said this, he wasn't particularly serious.

Talking about the topic of the two people is also dry, there is nothing special to communicate, and a few jokes are enough, and at this time, the thirteenth master is only eating, and there is not so much time. Talk to Chu Feng about some boring topics.

Therefore, for a period of time, the two of them remained silent. Chu Feng sat there thinking about his own business, while the thirteenth master was completely indulged in the delicious food. Although the current situation looks a little strange, it is not abrupt.

As time passed by, Chu Fengdao was not in a hurry, anyway, this matter had already happened, even if it was urgent, it would not have changed at all, and he didn’t understand what this letter was. Content, so he naturally has nothing to worry about.

About ten minutes later, Shisanye completed the technical solution of the food on his plate.

This dinner can be regarded as extremely enjoyable. After all, it has not been a long time to taste the delicious food. Now although there is such a spectator as Chu Feng, it will not affect the enjoyment of the food by the thirteenth master. .

auzw.com After drinking a glass of water, Lord Shisan got up from the table and moved his limbs.

Asked with a smile: "I guess you came here to find me. You must not come to see me for dinner. Let's talk! Did something happen?"

Chu Feng also smiled, and there was indeed some self-evident tacit understanding between the two of them.

"I know you can guess it, yes, there is indeed something I can't figure out, so I want to come over and ask you to see your opinion!"

"what's up?"

The Thirteenth Lord put the water cup on the dining table, and then he held the dining table with his hand, leaning on the corner of the dining table and placed a pair, asking Chu Feng in a still enchanting posture.

"A letter appeared in my room this afternoon, an anonymous letter!

There is no text on the inside or outside of the letter, even if it is on the letter paper, it is pure white without any traces!

And I also asked, during the period when I was away, no one entered my room at all, but the letter appeared in my room, so I was troubled. What happened? thing?

I suspected before that it was our plan when it should be implemented, but if it is according to the plan, even if he wants to write to me, there is no need to be so inexplicable!

After all, this matter is the most important thing to him, and I am just a helper, so there is no need for him to play these with me!

I am a little confused now, I don't understand, and I don't think about it clearly, so I can only ask you and see if you can give me some good suggestions! "

Chu Feng "kneaded" his head. He had already thought about many aspects of this matter, but he didn't have any clues. Now it is indeed the thirteenth master's turn to spend his energy.


The Thirteenth drew a sigh of relief. Although he didn't think clearly about what was going on, he always had a hunch in his heart.

That is this phenomenon, which is definitely not a good thing.

"Although I don't understand, I always feel that something is wrong. The appearance of this letter seems to indicate something!

Maybe I think too much, but there are some things we have to guard against!

After all, this period of time can be regarded as autumn. Although the war has just ended, we haven't solved some problems clearly. Now this letter appears so strange, and it is going straight to you!

This is indeed worth us, be cautious! "

The Thirteenth Lord only did an analysis on this matter, but he didn't talk about specific speculations and the like.

Chu Feng asked: "I also feel that this matter is a bit inappropriate, but I can't tell which aspect it is. Maybe we both have the same guess, it's nothing more than that guy!"

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