Whimsical System

Chapter 1435: Compromise with a smile

"But now, no one of us can tell why it came! In fact, it's mainly because there is no clue that we can't do this for sure!

Why don't we investigate this matter again? You can mobilize people to investigate who has entered my room during this period.

I think it would be absolutely impossible if this letter appeared in my room out of thin air!

So I am afraid we still need to investigate the specific facts, and as long as we can find the person who sent the letter, then he can basically find a clue about this matter! "

Chu Feng made a suggestion, but in his opinion, no matter how the matter is resolved, it cannot be resolved without investigation.

Since you want to know the truth, you must carefully investigate, what exactly happened in the process, and only after investigation can the result be obtained, this is a key point that Chu Feng trusts.

"Do you think the investigation is necessary? In fact, I am also quite embarrassed now. This matter is indeed a more noticeable problem for me, and I am not willing to give up!

But if I send people to investigate, there will be a lack of manpower in urban management. At present, the management of the entire city has completely fallen to me. For the current forces, members are naturally not enough. !

In this case, if some people have to be sent to investigate, it will basically consume a part of the vital power, so I also hesitate about this matter, it is indeed worthy of our attention, but in terms of manpower, I It is indeed scarce!

Why not, let's wait for a while, and when tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I allocate a part of the manpower to solve the necessary things, how about I have someone to investigate this matter carefully? "

The Thirteenth Master is very embarrassed, Chu Feng can understand, after all, this city has just been unified, and many things need to be handled.

But if you just put this matter aside and ignore it just because of insufficient manpower, then it is indeed somewhat inadequate.

As a result, the two of them are sitting face to face, struggling with such a simple matter.

Both of them are very distressed and don't know how to deal with this matter. Even if they know what to do in their hearts, they just can't make this determination.

Maybe, they are also waiting for each other, give an affirmative response!

In fact, the answer the Thirteenth Lord gave just now was just a suggestion. He didn't fully confirm it, he was just asking Chu Feng's thoughts.

And Chu Feng has only one point of view on this matter, and that is to investigate as soon as possible. It must not be delayed for too long. After all, if things like this are delayed, they may miss a lot of things, even if they wait. Investigate in the future, I am afraid that there will be no detailed results.

Therefore, after consideration, Chu Feng's response gradually became a little firmer.

"I'm afraid it won't work. Although there is not enough manpower, I am also aware of this aspect, but if I miss this opportunity, I am afraid that even if it is time to send someone to investigate, there will definitely be no new gains!

So now, Lord Shisan, I don’t discuss anything with you anymore. You can just make this decision directly, and allocate a part of the staff to investigate this matter!

auzw.comWait when this matter has a result, then you can let those investigators perform their tasks!

Or, if it doesn’t work, you just call out the soldiers. Anyway, they have been detained long enough to let them come out to perform their tasks. It’s not a big deal. Besides, the investigators may still follow them It's related! "

Regarding this issue, that was Chu Feng’s suggestion. After all, for these soldiers, he actually paid more attention to them, because in his opinion, these people might become something for him in the future. There is vitality.

Therefore, in order to avoid making mistakes, taking care of them and protecting them is also something he must do at present, and just to do this thing, the Thirteenth Lord has already called nearly ten people.

"No way, no way... it's definitely not good! Let them come out to perform the task, wouldn't it be a big deal!

We already knew that they didn't really want to surrender, but if they were released at this time to give them a certain amount of freedom, let them perform their tasks.

Isn't that the equivalent of letting them do whatever they want, and not to mention that we will have no way to manage them at the time, I am afraid that even if they run away so one or two, we don't know!

So I can't take your suggestion, absolutely not! "

The response from the Thirteenth Master was the same as that of Chu Feng, very firm.

For these detained soldiers, it is absolutely impossible for them to have freedom. Otherwise, there will be many mistakes. This is a consideration of the thirteenth master of this overall incident, and it is also a correct decision.

"If this is the case, then we have no other method now. Either you give up some insignificant things, or arrange tasks for the soldiers!

If you are unwilling to adopt these two aspects, then this matter will have to be thrown aside and leave it alone. Anyway, I have tried my best to him, if it is because of the obstacles you have encountered. , Then don't blame me! "

What Chu Feng said were angry words, there is no doubt about it, but his angry words, who can guarantee that there are no real thoughts mixed in?

If Chu Feng was disappointed with the Shisan Ye just because of solving the problems in the city, then this would definitely be a terrifying thing the Shisan Ye could not imagine.

So helpless, since Chu Feng had said so, the Shisanye could only choose to compromise, even if he was unwilling to do so.

"Chu Feng, I think you are here to make things difficult for me!

No wonder you didn't mention a word when I was eating just now! It turns out that you knew that after hearing this, I definitely couldn't eat anymore! "

When Thirteen Ye said this, it meant that he had already made a decision and had basically made concessions to Chu Feng.

"Forget it, I can't do anything about it! After all, the current situation is really special.

If it is only aimed at you and me, then I would never be so serious, but now the reality of this letter is too weird, especially in this critical period!

Therefore, this also has to attract our attention, otherwise who can guarantee that this will not cause any major trouble! "

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