Whimsical System

Chapter 1439: Retrofit

At first glance, there are descriptions about these aspects, but it is really a bit difficult to understand.

How could this happen? The power of swallowing can transform the human body, which is really absurd.

Although Chu Feng knew that the power of swallowing could enter the human body, and even penetrate into the depths of the bone marrow.

But he absolutely couldn't believe that the Devouring Land could have an effect on the transformation of the human body.

After all, the power of swallowing had a certain destructive effect.

Under normal circumstances, just a little bit of swallowing power can cause great damage to the body. Even if it is the devouring power that she displays, it will not get "sex" life, and if it is really like the record, you can improve your own ability through swallowing power. Then this kind of ability improvement can only be achieved by taking great risks.

Up to now, to do the contents recorded in the document, finally came to Chufeng and had to conduct field experiments to be able to detect the degree of authenticity.

But it was in this state that Chu Feng didn't dare to experiment.

Because he can't guarantee that there will be an error, and if there is an error, this is not a situation that Chu Feng can reverse.

However, even if Chu Feng was very entangled, he did not have that clue. Although Chu Feng knew that this matter might be dangerous, if his desire really reached a certain level, then he It can indeed achieve this goal!

It's just that he doesn't currently have the spirit to take risks. In fact, this is also because the current temptation is not enough to make him feel adventurous.

For a long time, Chu Feng has been experiencing something similar to making a decision, and when he encounters these things, Chu Feng will basically weigh the importance of this matter a little bit.

There is no need for this, if necessary, he will naturally maintain affirmation, and if it is not necessary, he will give up without hesitation, obviously this is also the case.

The improvement of ability at the moment is indeed a very tempting thing for Chu Feng. Whether it is strength or other aspects, after all, Chu Feng has also experienced the benefits of ability improvement. At this time, Chu Feng has His self-healing ability, speed and responsiveness are all the result of improvement.

It's just that Chu Feng already has the ability to improve, and has also felt the impact of the ability to improve, so he already has experience in this aspect, and also understands the content.

In this way, the temptation "confusion" caused to him naturally does not exist, at least in the field of novelty, Chu Feng no longer feels it.

The only thing left for Chu Feng at the moment is his interest in the improvement of other abilities. If he is interested in that aspect, he will definitely invest in research, or even risk experiments to conduct experiments. What is entangled is whether or not I have this interest.

If there is, he can make a decision happily, and if not, his decision can also be firm.

auzw.com And the most entangled thing is that he didn't know if he was interested, for a while, he couldn't come up with a definite answer!

As a result, when Chu Feng thought over and over again to force himself to make a decision, he took the opportunity to take a look at the status of the fifth floor. The introduction of the fifth floor of the power of swallowing contained a lot of text.

The information is very complicated and even contains many aspects, but even so, Chu Feng still read it word by word, and after reading it, Chu Feng also read what he read. After doing some sorting, the final answer is only one sentence.

That is to reach the highest level, the fifth level will have an important role of connecting the previous and the next.

As for the inheritance, that is equivalent to opening a door to the sixth floor.

If there is no 5th floor, there is no connection between the 4th and 6th floors.

And under the hood, that is just to apply the effect produced by the fourth layer to the fifth layer.

The effect of the fourth layer is to improve the ability of the devourer owner himself.

And as long as this can be achieved, then the body capacity of the Devouring Force cultivator will reach a very powerful level.

And only a cultivator who has reached this level of devouring power can we enter the fifth floor and start the fifth floor training, because in the fifth floor training process, it will have a great impact on the cultivator itself. If his ability to withstand these pressures is not enough, then the cultivator may be threatened at the 5th level, or even lose his "life". There are sayings in this regard. There is a clear text description in the document record.

Even though Chu Feng is not very sure whether the words described above are true or not, the current situation is no longer as simple as his affirmation, but whether he wants to do so.

Chu Feng had been thinking about it all the time. This was a question that tested Chu Feng. Originally, he hoped to get the answer from the fifth level, but now he got the answer, but this decision is still a key point that Chu Feng is more troubled by.

Chu Feng has been thinking and researching all the time. He wanted to find a medium for him to make a decision quickly, but he has never found it.

Later, his attention gradually shifted, and finally he gradually gathered on this decision. In fact, he did not leave this decision from the beginning, it was just that he thought he had changed his attention.

But when he once again returned all directions to this decision, Chu Feng was determined to be determined. It was nothing more than taking a certain risk. This is a difficult decision for punishment. , But it can't directly stop him!

At this time Chu Feng had already decided, didn't he just need to take risks!

That's not a big deal, as long as he can meet the requirements of the fourth level, it will be a victory for Chu Feng.

Moreover, the power of swallowing is not enough to destroy the entire body directly. If Chu Feng could grasp the scale and proceed bit by bit, perhaps the power of swallowing would not have such a powerful tearing ability!

In addition, it has also been recorded in the document that the magnitude of this ability increase depends entirely on the power of swallowing, the strength of the body's transformation, if the power of swallowing is relatively weak, then the state of transformation will naturally be weaker!

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