Whimsical System

Chapter 1440: Remember to find a doctor for me

So in other words, the improvement in ability is not just limited to this point.

If Chu Feng only uses a bit of devouring power to transform his body, although it will not cause much change, at least he has changed, and this kind of adventure will not be for Chu Feng. Cause too much damage.

So it is precisely because of this understanding that Chu Feng can basically conclude that even if some accidents occurred during the transformation process and caused some mistakes, then Chu Feng would not suffer too much from it. trauma.

As long as he can control the scale, even if he is injured, it is only a small injury, and it will not take long to recover.

With this layer of inner protection, Chu Feng basically determined this matter.

And when he made this confirmation, he directly called Lord Shisan. At this time, Lord Shisan was busy with his own affairs not far away, and when he heard Chu Feng's call, he He also hurriedly put down the things in his hands, and hurriedly hurried to Chu Feng's side.

"What's wrong, is there any new discovery?"

The Thirteenth Lord appeared in front of Chu Feng with great interest, and it is no exaggeration to say that he was full of expectations for Chu Feng at this moment, but Chu Feng's response did make him feel a little disappointed in this expectation.

"There are indeed discoveries, but my discoveries are basically around me.

In fact, I have made a clearer positioning for you, but your positioning is too far away for me.

So even if I want to apply this method to you, I have to wait until I have done all these experiments before I can draw a conclusion! "Chu Feng replied.

"Oh~ you mean you are going to start the experiment now, right?"

The Thirteenth Master made it clear that he asked knowingly. Chu Feng had already stated the matter very clearly. It is impossible for him not to know, but he only hoped to ask again and make a confirmation.

Chu Feng nodded and said: "Yes, I have made plans and I am ready to do this experiment, but this experiment is dangerous for me, and this danger has been recorded in the document!

So just now I have been hesitating, and hesitated, I finally decided to do this experiment!

After all, this decision is not only for me. Although this decision is of great help to me, if it is changed to you, it will also be of great benefit to you!

So I finally made this decision, and I am willing to take this risk. Now I tell you this matter, that is, I want you to pay close attention to my changes.

If there is something abnormal in any aspect, you must stop me in time, I will start now, and in the process you can do what you want to do, but if you have time, you must pay attention to me! "

Chu Feng briefly explained a few words. In fact, he has nothing to say. After all, there is no record in the document. If there is an abnormal situation, it will look like.

Therefore, he can only briefly describe his thoughts, and then tell the thirteenth that it is best to observe his changes. If there is any abnormality, remember to call him a doctor in time!

Yes, it wasn't to interrupt him! Instead, he helped Chu Feng find a doctor.

It may be strange to look at this matter on the surface.


After all, since Chu Feng had been in an accident, he should stop in time to reduce the harm to him. How could he go to a doctor without asking him?

Regarding this question, Lord Shisan naturally also asked.

"If you really have an accident, I think I should interrupt you in time. If it's just to find a doctor, how can this help you?

The doctors here can only help you deal with the aftermath. As for the injuries you have suffered during this process, no one can help you solve them!

So I think if you really have something abnormal, I should interrupt you in time and let you escape from the danger completely. This is more important than finding a doctor! "

The Thirteenth Lord was somewhat self-assertive, but at this moment, considering the theory of the Thirteenth Lord, there was nothing wrong with what he said.

After all, he thought this way because of Chu Feng's consideration. If he was just looking for a doctor, Chu Feng was still in deep danger, it would not help Chu Feng at all.

But as soon as Lord Shisan proposed this idea, it was immediately rejected by Chu Feng.

In addition, Chu Feng also has the same truth that he belongs to.

"No, absolutely not! I know you are thinking about saving me from danger!

But have you ever considered that if you do this, you may fall into a deeper danger!

After all, you also know that I am improving my ability and cultivating the power of devouring, and in terms of improving the ability, the power of devouring is naturally going to hurt me!

Therefore, although there may be dangers in this process, the dangers are only caused by me!

That is to say, it is reasonable for me to traumatize myself, even if there is danger, it will not be so irreparable!

But if you are involved, or if you stop me in the process and make us "chaotic", then I can't estimate this kind of harm, and it may be helpful to me that your interruption , And it is also possible that your interruption will make me further dangerous, or even take my life directly!

So in order to avoid such a situation, I think it is more effective and safer for you to find a doctor than to interrupt me! "

Chu Feng gave a more understandable explanation.

After listening to Chu Feng's explanation, the Thirteenth Master understood what Chu Feng thought.

Now that Chu Feng had a specific plan at this time, the Thirteenth Master could only execute it according to the plan designed by Chu Feng.

"Okay, since you have already thought about it, then I will do what you said, hoping that there will be no accidents in the process. I am really worried, even more worried than I did the experiment myself!"

I don't know if what the Thirteenth Lord said at this time is true or false, but looking at his emotional expression, it is really so true.

Maybe what he said is true! After all, Chu Feng did this for him. If Chu Feng really carried any danger in the process, then the thirteenth master would indeed feel guilty for it!

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