Whimsical System

Chapter 1443: strong power

Chu Feng's progress was fast, reaching a level that he couldn't even imagine. He never thought that he could continue to start after only a ten-second break, and even he was surprised at his decision the second time he suffered.

And when he fully reacted, the second muscle reorganization had indeed begun to suffer, and even made Chu Feng forget the time. One or two times may be accidents, but three times four times to five times.

I am afraid that this is a habit. Chu Feng has gradually become accustomed to this kind of painful endurance. Although it will be painful every time, if he is used to the pain, perhaps this kind of patience can be gradually accepted by people.

The 5 record reorganizations were definitely a sour and refreshing experience for Chu Feng. He couldn't even describe the short time he experienced. It only took less than twenty minutes from beginning to end. time.

But in less than 20 minutes, Chu Feng endured five times of pain, and at least for 15 minutes or more, he was in that pain.

Because whether it is from the destruction of the muscles or the reorganization of the muscles, it is only a momentary matter, and only the state of "disorganized" muscles and the process of deploying swallowing power are the most time-consuming, and Chu Feng I also tried, but no matter how he tried this result, it would not change much.

In other words, Chu Feng is basically constant in a fixed area.

No matter what changes he makes, no matter how much effort he makes, basically there will be no improvement in this speed.

And the only thing that can make progress is Chu Feng's mental ability to endure pain.

Facts have proved that suffering can indeed become a habit. Although this process is cruel, for Chu Feng, victory is completely capable of defeating all cruelty.

Chu Feng succeeded. He basically succeeded in trying according to the content recorded in the document. Although he succeeded only part of his body, he was only in the first stage.

But no matter what, no matter what angle to tell this matter, Chu Feng's success is an indisputable fact.

"I have been trying, I have not given up, and finally success has arrived!"

The moment Chu Feng opened his eyes, he said such a sentence, and at this moment, the Thirteenth Master was staring at him intently, as if looking at a monster.

You must know that in the process of Chu Feng's muscle reorganization, the Thirteenth Lord watched Chu Feng's muscles become soft, then stiff, then soft, and then stiff again.

Such a process of tossing over and over, although watching too much makes you lose interest, but the impact of this feeling will never be erased by the thirteenth master.

"If you tell me you succeeded, maybe this is a comfort to me, but if you tell me you failed, then I can't even describe the feeling in my heart, you know I just saw it What?

In the past half an hour, I have basically experienced all kinds of difficult feelings! "

The Shisanye was like a poet, chanting his feelings, and for the behavior of the Shisanye, Chu Feng really couldn't describe his feelings.

Now he has been filled with joy, and success has gradually made him forget the pain.

As for what he experienced during the painful process? At this moment, it is not important to Chu Feng.

"Are you all right? I succeeded. This is an indisputable fact. I really succeeded!"

Chu Feng even wanted to shout out these words to tell the thirteenth that he had succeeded and that he had achieved what he wanted to achieve.


But when he saw the expression of the thirteenth master, he suddenly gave up this idea. Maybe sometimes he only needs to simply say his own thoughts, then it is enough, there is no need to shout , Because there are not many people listening at this time.

"Do you have any good results? I want to see!"

The Thirteenth took a deep breath, and then let a smile appear on the corners of his mouth. At this time, he didn't care whether the smile was really embarrassing or not. Anyway, if the punishment was successful, then he would have to smile in return, otherwise this matter. That would be meaningless.

"I just happened to have this idea, in fact, I don't know if anything has really changed. Although I have felt the strength of the power, if there is no experiment, I am afraid that I will never get the result!"

As Chu Feng spoke, he was looking for something to try in the room, but in the end Chu Feng found a table that had long been abandoned in the corner.

In fact, it is abandoned, but there is no damage. It is nothing more than a new product, and then the old product is eliminated.

Chu Feng walked quickly to the table, reached out and grabbed a corner of the table, and then gently lifted the corner that he had grasped, breaking it off the table abruptly.

There is no doubt that the current scene is a bit exaggerated. It stands to reason that the strength of the power should completely raise a table, but now Chu Feng did break the table directly.

So breaking it apart is more exaggerated than lifting it, but why didn't you lift it up and break it?

Chu Feng felt that he might be able to make this explanation, after all, his every move came from himself.

"Maybe my strength is really great, to an unacceptable level!

It is a bit strange to say, how could this happen? Is it the problem with this table? "

While asking questions, Chu Feng turned his head and looked at the thirteenth master behind him.

When he met the Thirteenth Master, he only realized that the Thirteenth Master was already shocked at this moment.

Obviously, Lord Thirteen had never seen it before, like what happened at this time.

Especially appearing in front of oneself so close, that has never happened before.

"Some time ago, this table was just connected to the ground!

Because it is relatively strong, I plan to use it as a place for tea!

But now, you have destroyed it directly, and when you do this, it is so easy!

I really can't believe it. What I see at this time, is this the result you got after practicing? "

Thirteenth’s question is easy to answer, because it’s not a question, it’s just a confirmation!

"I think it should be. Although I am also a little surprised, the results presented so far are indeed something I had never expected!"

Chu Feng "showed" a smile. At this time, his smile was mixed with a complex emotion.

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