Whimsical System

Chapter 1444: Spawn point mining

"You really succeeded. I can't believe my eyes, but I am still happy for you. Although your success is very hard and tortured, the result is indeed very happy!

And most importantly, you have also proved that the contents of this document are correct!

You said, if I train like you, will I be able to achieve this result?

Although I am not very sure about this issue, I think it should be possible!

After all, you have succeeded, and if it were me, it should not be much different from you! "

The Thirteenth Master had basically strengthened this belief. He felt that he was exactly the same as Chu Feng, without any difference.

At this time, no matter in any case, there will not be much difference between the two of them.

Since Chu Feng was able to practice successfully according to the content recorded in the document.

Then of course he can, as long as he is willing to endure the pain, then the improvement in his swallowing power will be immediate.

"I think it should be possible. As long as you don't give up, basically there will be no big problems!

But in your current situation, you may not be able to train so quickly.

Because your physical condition has not reached a relatively safe area, if you want to train,

Maybe you have to achieve your devouring power first, and there will be no shortage of this purpose!

According to my research, if you want to reach this point, you have to mine new spawning points, because only the more spawning points, your situation will get better and better, just like me, although I haven’t mined the spawn points, but every part of my body can produce swallowing power, so if you want to achieve my current state, you must first achieve the physical characteristics that I have. "Sex"! "

Chu Feng briefly talked about the rules, and when Chu Feng mentioned that he would let the Shisanye completely develop every part of his body into a point of production, the Shisanye was "exposed" to difficulties. color".

To know Chu Feng's current state, it was born, but can acquired efforts really achieve this?

The Thirteenth Lord could not make such affirmation, even though there was a record in the document, but when this matter was really implemented on himself, he hesitated again.

"Chu Feng, first of all, I absolutely believe in you, but will this matter be a bit too reckless, taking every part of my body as a generating point to develop, I think it's a bit too exaggerated!

In addition, I don’t know how to develop it. Would you like to rebuild muscles like you did just now? If that's the case, then I will suffer! "

To put it bluntly, the Thirteenth Lord still doesn't want to endure hardship. In fact, there is a concept of enduring hardship, which seems a little inappropriate to put here.

After all, suffering in the general sense is nothing more than suffering, but suffering at this time is really suffering.

So in a fundamental sense, there is a big gap between the two.

"It's not so exaggerated, what I just did is the most extreme way, and changes like this kind of point mining, it just needs you to consume the power of your whole body, exhaust it!

auzw.com And I have also researched, like this kind of exhausting action, basically will not cause much impact on you, and I can also help you!

Right now you only need to release your swallowing power to the extreme, until it will not be produced at all.

Then, I will try my best to seal up your existing production points!

Until then, although you have the ability to "manage" the swallowing power, you don't have any swallowing power for you to control!

In this way, your body will fall into a false state, and at this time, as long as I can provide you with a little bit of devouring power, other parts of your body will respond one after another, and finally achieve the effect of mining production points!

In fact, this matter is not too complicated, at most we don't know where the mining points will be generated!

But I believe that after many experiments, all parts of your body can basically be mined!

After all, the total number of mining sites is constant, and I have a certain understanding of each mining site.

So with me as your assistance, you want to achieve this goal, it is completely possible.

It’s just that it may take longer in terms of time, so if you want to do this, you have to start now, because as long as these things are resolved, then I will leave here.

And if you haven't finished it by then, maybe I won't continue to help you! "

Chu Feng's decision could be regarded as another trouble for himself.

Although this is just a promise, as long as he promises it, it must be implemented in reality, otherwise it will be a loss of trust.

Under Chu Feng’s reminder, Lord Shisan made a decision very quickly. After all, Chu Feng had already paved the way for him, and according to Chu Feng, this matter was considered a matter for Lord Shisan. A great opportunity, if you miss it, you will never get it again.

Therefore, even Thirteen felt a little hesitant, but under the current circumstances, it did not allow him to hesitate too much.

So in the end, Lord Thirteen agreed, and he was quickly integrated into this state.

"I have decided, since this opportunity is not easy to come by, then I must cherish it!

Besides, I should also trust you. Even though these things have certain risks, if you help me, what can I worry about! "

What the Thirteenth Lord said was not very sincere. In fact, to put it bluntly, he was just telling Chu Feng on purpose!

Chu Feng understood that Lord Shisan was still worried, no matter what the circumstances, even if he had already booked a ticket, Lord Shisan would never feel relaxed because of this.

After all, he has just got everything he wants now, and if at this critical juncture, he suddenly encounters some serious trouble, then this is naturally an unacceptable thing!

So at this moment, Lord Shisan was able to make this decision, and he really had enough trust in Chu Feng, otherwise, no matter who it was, Lord Shisan would not be able to make this.

"Don't worry, I will give you all guarantees! Are we starting from now? Or should I take another opportunity?" Chu Feng asked.

Thirteenth said: "I don't want to let myself think too much about this matter, just start now, whether it is failure or success, I will recognize it!"

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