Whimsical System

Chapter 1456: Gang of thieves

According to the plan, Chu Feng never considered letting young people live in his own place.

Because if young people stay here overnight, this will have a great impact on Chu Feng's next plans.

For example, he has to discuss this matter with the thirteenth master first, and then do a good job of cooperating, otherwise, there will be errors in tomorrow's actions.

And if the young man lives here, at least tonight, he can't get in touch with the thirteenth master.

If this is the case, then even if it is a temporary consultation until the next day, it will be too late.

So keeping young people here is something that Chu Feng absolutely cannot do.

As for taking money to let young people live, that is the only solution that Chu Feng can consider at present.

"Well, although I took your money, I feel a little bit embarrassed, but since you took the initiative to help me, then I can only choose to accept it.

Actually, I really don’t have any money on my body right now. If I were to go out to live, I’m afraid I would be wandering on the streets!

Fortunately, now with your assistance, I can finally find a place to sleep for a night! "

Although the young man's statement was a bit exaggerated, Chu Feng felt that this statement might be true.

After all, it is really difficult to survive in this city without money.

Although young people can keep themselves from starving, it is absolutely impossible to find a place to live without money.

After all, no one here would choose to take him in at all, and he was also dirty at the moment.

He used to wear black clothes and could not see signs of being too dirty, but that kind of white "color" and gray "color" can fully prove that he has indeed been in and out of those, messy and dirty. Place.

And when Chu Feng sent the young man away, he clearly saw the slightest expectation in the young man's eyes.

Now Chu Feng has completely finished his plan.

If he was expecting it because of a plan, he should have "showed" such a look before that.

But since there is no, it means that he should not be excited about the plan.

If it weren't for the plan, then only the words he said just now would remain.

Maybe, this is really a change of times!

At the beginning, the young man could have his own manpower, and he could even compare with the thirteenth master, but now he has not even had a place to stay.

Find a place to take a good night's rest, and it has actually become. One thing he was looking forward to was indeed a little ridiculous.

After seeing off the young man, Chu Feng was completely involved in his plan.

Right now there is still half a day to make arrangements, and during this period, he can ask the thirteenth master to introduce this matter completely.

Then according to his own plan, he explained to the thirteenth what he needed to do.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, Chu Feng went to the Thirteenth Master specially for this matter.

When he saw Lord Shisan, Lord Shisan was also troubled by one thing.


It may be a management problem in the city. During this time, some gangs of the thief type appeared in the city, and they were doing all kinds of evil, causing chaos inside and outside the city.

As soon as this news was delivered to the 13th Lord, he immediately launched a clear investigation into this matter.

However, due to insufficient manpower, the current progress of the investigation is not very significant.

"What's the matter with the "chaos" outside? Is there any change in this city?"

As soon as he arrived at Shisanye, Chu Feng had several questions and wanted to get answers, but at this time, Shisanye was frowning, as if the sky was about to fall.

"Didn't you have other things to do this afternoon? Why did you come to me again?"

The Thirteenth Master felt a little strange, it was clear that Chu Feng had been separated from him for only two hours, and now he actually came back.

"I am doing everything without going to the Three Treasures Palace. Our plan is about to begin. At this important moment, I must let you accompany me to push this matter forward together!"

Chu Feng said such a sentence casually, and when the word "plan" was put forward, the thirteenth master naturally understood it.

"So fast? It's really that the plan can't keep up with the changes. I thought it would take a while to get the result! Now he is here!"

After receiving the news, the face of the thirteenth master was better.

After all, this is a good thing. Although it is a bit late, there is never a shortage of surprises.

"This is really not fast enough. We have been delayed for too long. If the delay continues, I can't stand it!

Even if he does not come tomorrow, then I might directly change this plan.

By the way, I saw a mess outside just now. Is something troublesome again? You didn't tell me just now! "

Chu Feng asked the question again, and it seemed that he really wanted to know the answer.

"Yes! Recently, there has been a group of thieves in the city, making a mess, and it's strange to say that this kind of thing has never happened before, but since I was in this position, it was All the weird things are coming to me, as if they were all caused by me!"

The 13th master complained on his face, and it seemed that this incident did make him feel a little uncomfortable.

"It's just some little'mao' thieves, don't take them to heart, just send some people to solve them?"

Chu Feng said these words completely casually, because he did not understand the true situation of the matter at all.

In addition, in his opinion, those little "mao" thieves did not know that they were too hardworking.

However, who would have thought that when he said this, Lord Shisan shook his head directly.

"You don't know, this group of robbers is fundamentally different from ordinary "Mao" thieves!

They are not ordinary people, but a group of powerful people with special abilities.

I don't know where they came from, but if something can be doubted, they might have come specifically to oppose me. Otherwise, he would definitely not, he deliberately chose to attack me at this time! "

The Thirteenth Lord had already made a certain analysis based on this matter. He felt that everyone came from him, and the purpose was to destroy his rule.

He even felt that this might be a joint establishment of certain small forces.

At present, the Thirteen Lords dominate the family, and many small forces are not pleasing to the eye. Even though they had cooperated at the beginning, the cooperation between them has been completely broken after the war!

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