Whimsical System

Chapter 1457: Control

If they are really cooperating with each other and want to squeeze out the thirteenth masters together, the origin of this group of thieves can indeed be explained, but what is the role of these thieves? Is it just for destruction? Is security in the city?

It seems a little inappropriate to think about this reason. Those small forces have their own turf, and they are already a little stretched to fight and defend, but now how can they have the leisure to come up with such an organization specifically for Where is Yu Shisanye?

"Maybe there are other reasons! Although it cannot be ruled out that those small forces have taken action against you, if you completely put this thought. All from this perspective, perhaps you may not be able to get the real answer!"

Chu Feng analyzed the reasons on his own. Although he considered a lot of the reasons, he did not get an overly definite answer.

It may be that Chu Feng's thoughts were far away and did not fit the current actual situation.

"Forget it! Now these things are still being investigated, and I haven't gotten too affirmative response. If it is those small forces who really attacked me, then I will definitely not be able to spare them after I know it!

And if it's other things, then I have to completely remove them, anyway, this gang of thieves must not stay, otherwise it will always be a disaster! "

Thirteenth has made a decision, and he also has his own plan.

And because this matter had nothing to do with Chu Feng, he naturally wouldn't describe it to Chu Feng too much.

"Okay! Now that you have decided, then do it according to your plan. I won't "step in"!" Chu Feng said.

"Yeah! By the way, did the investigation on that letter come to any results?" Thirteen asked.

Chu Feng said: "When I mentioned this, I regretted it. The investigation on the letter has not yet come to a relatively definite result.

It should be under investigation at this time, I didn't pay too much attention, and when that guy came here, I should ask him!

If he left it to me, I'm afraid I would be able to solve the matter at that time, but I forgot it!

Now it seems that I may not be able to ask him this question until tomorrow. If I can get some effective information tonight, maybe I can solve this matter in advance tonight!

Speaking of the fact that there are so many things that happened during this period, it makes me feel that I can’t afford it. Now, let’s put aside anything about this letter, whether it’s related to that guy or not. Today is not what we value!

I think the most important. We still have to act this scene well between the two of us, otherwise it will be useless to say more! "

The thirteenth nodded and agreed: "What you said right now we really have to focus on this matter. After all, apart from this matter, other things can be said later!

auzw.com By the way, are you here to tell me about tomorrow’s plan? "

The two people talked for so long until now that they didn’t react to each other. It turned out that what they were telling was not what they really wanted to tell!

Before that, they talked a lot and talked a lot, but what was really useful was very few. Now, after the reminder of the thirteenth master, Chu Feng has completely recalled.

"That's right, I almost forgot just now. Maybe it was because there were too many problems during this period, so I couldn't take care of it at all. Now what I think about is delaying some important things!

What you said is correct. I am here today to prepare for tomorrow's plan. We have to breathe first, otherwise this is about the content of the plan, I am afraid there is no way to do it properly!

First of all, what I want to tell you is that if you want to solve this matter, you must do one thing, that is, you must make this matter true, and you must not make people have the slightest doubt, otherwise this matter. There is no way to get a good result!

In addition to this aspect, we must also make some preparations for the follow-up plan. If we want to solve him, we must first get his trust. At present, his strength should also be restored to a certain level, although I am not I know how powerful he is, but to be on the safe side, no matter what, we must treat this matter as an important matter!

First of all, I want to treat him as a master, and I absolutely cannot slack off easily, otherwise this matter will have a big change!

This is what I think about right now. I have to take certain measures against you according to my plan with him. Tomorrow I plan to act. This is a plan I discussed with him. So by tomorrow, you must pretend to be The appearance of being captured by me, and then let me control you as a whole!

In fact, this point is more difficult for you, because you need to transfer all control of the whole to my hands, and only I can mobilize, the army of this city will order the people in this city to be responsible. People!

And if we want to do this, there must be no problems between us!

First of all, you must completely trust me in terms of trust. I will never cause any harm to you, nor will this city suffer any loss. If I fail to do any of them, then I will definitely Take responsibility for this!

Of course, the most important thing is actually the issue of control. Maybe from now we discuss this topic, you have already been thinking about this aspect.

Control is too important for you, because if you lose control, then the city has nothing to do with you, and if he has control, then the city is equivalent to his!

So for the sake of safety, although I will have full control, I will still give you certain rights, and this right may help you seize control from me!

As for how to control this scale, it depends on how you give this order. In fact, whether it is to transfer control or let yourself have a ray of life, it is something that must be done.

And all the processes are carried out by you yourself!

I think, when I say this, you should be able to understand what I mean!

I don't want to take any responsibility in this matter, even if I am suspect, I don't want to have it, so in order to make myself safer, you have to do it yourself! "

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