Whimsical System

Chapter 1458: Fully cooperate

"Maybe this matter is a bit embarrassing for you, after all, no one is willing to entrust their rights to others, and you still give this order yourself.

But I can’t do anything about it. If you didn’t give this order, I wouldn’t be able to get control at all. Similarly, if I didn’t have control, then that guy would naturally not believe what I said. if!

So whether it is for this plan or for me to consider this matter, you probably have no way to escape!

To put it bluntly, since I came here today, I was hesitating whether I should say this sentence, but I thought about it, and finally decided to tell you!

No matter whether you agree to this matter or not, I have to tell you, otherwise it will be a kind of deception for you. I don't want to deceive my friends, and I don't want to continue to lie in front of you!

During this period of time, I don’t know how much panic I have made. Although I seem to be comfortable with this, I am actually very tired, so tired that I want to escape!

But I know I can’t do this, because if I escape, you will be the one who is implicated in the end.

I can pat my **** and leave here, but how do you do this? How can you solve this matter?

So I can’t escape. Even if it makes me suffer a little more and suffer a little more sin, I have to endure, because there are still my friends here, and my friends cannot bear the pain for me. This is my principle. It is also the foundation of my life!

So what I am doing now is not for myself, nor is it entirely for you, but for this city!

If you have thought about this city, I believe you can make a correct decision. I never want to use moral shackles to force you to do anything you don't want to do.

It's just that now is an extraordinary period. Even if I don't want to say something, I can only tell you, because there will be no one else to sacrifice for this city except you! "

Chu Fengyan was sincere and sincere, and his attitude was extremely obvious.

Now the right to do and not to do is held tightly in the hands of the thirteenth master.

At present, there is only a little nod of jet lag, then this matter is considered to be resolved, and if he shook his head, then this long-solvable matter will also fall into the abyss, there will be no more Ways to get the slightest chance.

"Chu Feng, I can understand what you mean, and I can fully understand your thoughts!

I know what I should do. Don't worry, I completely agree with your request, and I will definitely follow your arrangement!

On weekdays, I like to express my own ideas, but now I don’t have any ideas to express, because what you say is what I want in my heart, and what you ask me to do is what I have to do. of!

I may not understand until now that this city is not only, I am the only one to save.

This war is not the only one to end this war. The two of us must cooperate and cooperate, and in the process of cooperation, we must trust each other! "

What the Thirteenth Lord said was impassioned. At this moment, he obviously had already brought emotions. What he is considering and what he decides is what Chu Feng wants him to do.

Right now Chu Feng was very satisfied. He was so satisfied that there was some state of gratitude. He had never thought about what the Thirteenth Lord would think about this matter.


Although on the surface he was serious and had enough analysis, in fact he knew nothing about the true thoughts of the thirteenth master.

Even now he dare not say that he fully understands the thirteenth master, because he does not know what the thirteenth master hopes for? Is it this city?

But he has also got the right to rule this city, he is the unique king in this city!

So, is it the respect of others? Chu Feng was not sure, whether the Thirteenth Master needed to respect such things!

It felt like he was not sure of his dignity. Whether it can be trampled by others.

Because things like this had never happened before, so he couldn't imagine it at all.

But thinking about this now, naturally it doesn't make much sense. Regardless of whether Chu Feng understands Lord Shisan, Lord Shisan has already made this affirmation, and their plan is proceeding smoothly.

As for the current result, that is indeed what Chu Feng and Shisanye hope to see.

In this way, this seems to be enough. Congfeng has a more perfect explanation of his plan, and he has drawn a more proper end to his overall plan.

And Lord Shisan, there is no need to worry about this matter anymore, so in the days to come, there will be various problems, but at least this time Lord Shisan no longer needs to worry about this matter. And troubled.

The Thirteenth Master already had his own purpose, and he also fully understood Chu Feng's plan, and then he only needed to do what he should do, and that was enough.

For this kind of thing that only needs to be executed and does not need to be thought, the Thirteenth Lord is quite enthusiastic.

"Thirteenth Lord, to be honest, I never thought that you would agree to this thing so happily, but when I made this plan, I don’t know how many times I struggled, and even I thought about it. Change it completely and replace it with a process you can accept!

But no matter how long I struggle, no matter how long I think about it, this method is obviously the most effective and practical one at present!

If I throw it aside without thinking about it, and think about it, then even if I try my best to make this plan, I am afraid I can't make this guarantee!

So now I can only put this pressure on you, let you think for yourself, let you analyze and make decisions!

Perhaps this is also my selfishness. I don't want to be the person who is bothering to think about it, so I forced this thing that others are unwilling to do on you!

But here I really hope to apologize to you, but for us, I don’t think it is necessary!

Maybe, I'm still thinking about some useless things!

Maybe I shouldn't consider this aspect, but I just can't control my emotions!

Thirteenth, have you ever regretted making this decision? Don't worry, I asked this question just because I was curious and didn't have any ideas! "

After Chu Feng finished asking the question, he didn't forget to explain, it sounds a bit strange indeed!

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