Whimsical System

Chapter 1459: Challenge in the future

"Why do I suddenly think of asking this question? Even if I am curious, I feel a little weird!

In fact, no matter whether I regret it or not, it will not have any impact on me. Moreover, even if I regret it, then I will definitely not admit it! "

Thirteenth's answer is more skillful "sex." In fact, he still regrets it. After all, this matter is very embarrassing for him. If it is not necessary to do this, he will definitely not make this decision.

"Well, I think I should already understand your thoughts! But it doesn't matter that I can fully understand your thoughts!

In addition, I also said that I am just curiosity. Now that my curiosity is satisfied, then this topic will end! "

Chu Feng smiled. He thought he could end this matter, but in fact, both of them are still thinking about this matter.

It's just that they don't tell each other!

"Your plan is also over! When you finished this sentence just now, I suddenly felt such a sense of success. It might sound a little ridiculous!

After all, we haven't done anything yet, but we already think we are amazing! And if there is such a day, I don't know how to describe my mood!

All right! The business is over, let's have a little chat! I have been very hard during this period of time, so I won't say those polite remarks!

I would like to ask a question about the power of swallowing. Anyway, you have time now, so why don't you just explain it to me!

Chu Feng, just tell me the truth, if I practice cultivation myself, can I reach your level according to the methods described above? If you don't ask for more, just your level is fine? "

The Thirteenth Lord is still very interested in the power of swallowing, even if he has gradually grasped the essence of the power of swallowing.

But he is still a bit greedy, because he deeply understands what strength represents in this world!

So he hopes that he can get what he deserves, even if he does his best, he must try to achieve it!

Maybe it is a bit vulgar to discuss these now, but the Shisanye feels that he is a vulgar person who is greedy for fame and fortune, so even if someone says that, he doesn't care!

"If you want to reach my height, there is still a certain degree of difficulty. In fact, I am not bragging about myself, but my situation is indeed special!

Just in terms of generating points, that is not what you can compare with me. My generating points are all over the body. This is a natural talent!

And for you like this kind of late development, although you can reach this level, but your quality is absolutely no way to resist me!

So even if you can reach my height, but you can't surpass me, and you just want to reach my current height, then you have to work ten times as much! "

Chu Feng absolutely didn't make any exaggerated descriptions, the current situation is indeed the case, what Chu Feng currently possesses is by no means only his own strength.

And the more part, it was the dark side soul. The auxiliary effect brought to Chu Feng.

That kind of bonus brought by the soul is something that Lord Thirteen will never have, because he is not the host, and he absolutely does not have the ability to divide his soul.


Therefore, it was because of this that Chu Feng said so decisively.

And there is a big reason why he said this, that is, he hopes that the thirteenth master can recognize the reality and absolutely not be whimsical.

Otherwise, it must be him who will suffer in the future.

Because Chu Feng had already sensed that the Thirteenth Master was approaching himself all the time, and he even had an idea that he tried his best to achieve.

You must know that there is a certain difference in essence between the two of them, and if the thirteenth master insists on trying to achieve a parallel state with Chu Feng, then in the end he will be bound The idea is entrapped.

So instead of doing so, it might as well simply restrain it from the source.

In this way, the Thirteenth Lord has no thoughts to think about, and there will be no dangerous things.

"Although I asked you to tell the truth, there is no need for you to speak so absolutely!

The uninformed thought that there was a big gap between the two of us. In fact, it was just that your talent was better!

In fact, I think that if I train hard, maybe I can reach your current height, and even if you don't practice anymore, then it is entirely possible for me to surpass you! "

The blind self-confidence of the Thirteenth Master was not lost because of Chu Feng's blow, and it even became more and more obvious.

"I knew you would think so, but there is nothing wrong with your idea!

After all, for this matter, you have this qualification and the right to consider this aspect!

There is just one thing you must remember. Although there is not much difference between the two of us, there is not much difference, which does not mean that we are exactly the same!

So if you confuse this concept with your understanding, then you will be the one who suffers in the end! "

Chu Feng had left some affection for the Shisanye, but if the Shisanye was not well controlled, then even if Chu Feng deliberately made some preparations, this would probably have no effect.

"Okay! If you have to let me remember this concept, then I can follow your wishes, but one thing needs to be emphasized is that I will not give up trying because of your words!

At the same time, I will definitely treat surpassing you as one of my ideas! Although you will leave here in the near future, I think we will see you again someday!

And when that happens, I’m going to compare it with you to see what the difference between the devouring power of the two of us can be! "

The Thirteenth Lord didn't seem to be talking big, and under the current circumstances, it didn't make any sense to speak big.

"Okay! Now that you have set this goal, it is futile to say more!

If you are really confident, then you should work hard! I don't care how far you can reach in the end, if one day we can see you again, I will definitely accept your challenge, and whether you win or lose, I will respect you! "

Chu Feng really didn't have much to say. The Shisanye was so "perplexed" that he didn't realize it. He forcibly changed Shisanye's thoughts, which obviously didn't make much sense!

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