Whimsical System

Chapter 1460: Angry words

"Yeah! Okay, I remembered this sentence!" The Thirteenth Master nodded calmly, as if this matter should have been so general.

At this time, there seems to be no more topics between the two of them, and there seems to be some unsuitable matters at this time, such as small talks, and there is no conclusion about serious matters. Although the current matter is no longer important, but It hasn't reached the point where it is completely ignored.

It was just now that the Thirteenth Lord deliberately changed the subject, wanting to talk about this aspect, but in fact Chu Feng has no interest in this aspect at all. After all, Chu Feng has a certain understanding of all this. No matter what you say now, it will not change the current situation. So instead of doing this, it's better to just throw it aside and not talk too much, so this will make Chu Feng less annoying.

"Well, let’s say as little as possible for small chats. After all, this is also a critical period. It is mostly meaningless to waste time on this. I always feel that our plan is still a bit inappropriate. Then discuss and find some unsuitable places to make changes, so as to ensure the ultimate integrity of our plan!"

Chu Feng wanted to change the topic. The current topic is a bit meaningless to him. On the one hand, he doesn't want to discuss it again, and on the other hand, discussing it will not have too good results at all.

So instead of that, it's better to change the topic and talk about serious things, at least Chu Feng is still a little concerned about those!

"I don’t think there is any need to change the plan or something. In fact, I already have what I should have, and I have already paid attention to what I should pay attention to. Now instead of wasting time on this, it’s better to help me improve. Strength, after all, this city is still up to my colleagues. If there is no strong strength to support in the future, after you leave, I am afraid that I will not be able to control this city!"

So he also has a completely different point of view. In fact, he still values ​​the improvement of his own strength. When Chu Feng is here, he doesn't need to hesitate.

But after Chu Feng is gone, all the problems will fall on him alone. If he can't support all of this, then eventually failure will become his commonplace.

And it was precisely because of this that he had to make such a decision, even though he basically understood Chu Feng's attitude at this time.

However, he would not have any changes because of the change in Chu Feng's attitude. It can be seen that he seems to have planned to make this decision.

And he didn't care what kind of attitude Chu Feng had towards him. In short, as long as he can improve his own strength, even if there are some minor problems with Chu Feng, it is not a big deal to him, anyway, Chu Feng will leave after all.

Even if it is a friend, no matter how good the relationship is, there will be a day of separation, and he will control the remaining opportunities. If he does not have enough strength to support all this, his position as a leader is destined to be It didn't take long, so it was precisely because of this thought, and under the "force" of this reality, that he could only make such a decision and had no choice.

"It seems that you have made up your mind and want to improve your strength. I don't know why you think about it this way. Now that you have me here, you don't need to worry about this, but you don't seem to care about me at all. Said!

It seems that what I said to you is not worth listening to. Ok! Since you think so, there is nothing I can do.

If you want to improve your strength, I can help you, but what do you think of this plan? After all, it is coming soon. If you don't care about him, then I can assure you that this matter will definitely go wrong, and sometimes you will regret it!

auzw.com If even so, you still don’t care, then I have nothing to say. Anyway, I have already told you about this matter. You should know what to do. Some of the strength is time to do, and tomorrow is the deadline. If you miss this opportunity, then your position may be taken away directly. This is not because I am alarmist but a fact! "

Chu Feng didn't want to explain any more. Now this matter has been in front of his eyes. If he still doesn't understand, then Chu Feng doesn't know what to do.

"Okay! I think I can understand what you are saying!

It's just that this matter is really hard for me to tell. After all, I don’t understand the situation very thoroughly. It’s always been controlled by you. If this matter is up to me, maybe I can "insert" or "intervene" to make a decision.

But now it’s usually you who preside over the overall situation. If it were me, would this affect you? Even if you think it’s okay, will this situation really be okay? I'm afraid this is not the case, right? "

The words of the Thirteenth Master are a bit puzzling, and I don’t know what he really wants to express. Anyway, it always sounds a little uncomfortable, especially when specifically targeting Chu Feng. It is particularly strong!

"It seems that I thought things too simple. Yes, this thing is indeed a bit difficult for you!

And in some cases you have to do some consideration for yourself!

But you have to be clear about this. Although this city is related to me, it is not controlled by me!

And I don't care what impact this city has on me, and I don't intend to have anything to do with this city.

I am your friend, so I help you, but if you think that my help will cause some pressure for you, then I can give up completely.

Even if the city changes ownership, it will not have any impact on me! "

Chu Feng had already expressed the idea of ​​wanting to give up, and his sentence was obviously an angry sentence, which the Thirteenth Master could hear, and he could also feel the anger that Chu Feng expressed at this time.

At this time, he also realized that he might be a little dizzy, and no matter what time it was, he dared to talk nonsense!

After waking up, Lord Shisan hurriedly apologized to Chu Feng again, trying to save something.

"Chu Feng, we are friends, right? I admit that I just said the wrong thing and hurt you!

I don't know what happened to me just now, maybe the atmosphere drove my emotions, which made me unable to control it! "

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