Whimsical System

Chapter 1461: opportunity

"At the end of the day, I blamed me for this matter. I couldn't control my emotions and talked'indiscriminately', which led to our quarrel just now. Can we take back all of our words now?

Just when all this has never happened, even though I know that this kind of thinking is not very realistic, but I still hope that I can do my best. This is indeed what I did wrong. You are angry with me, so should be.

Even now even if you abandon me and ignore me, it is reasonable!

But no matter what, there is no way to emerge. We are the existence of the relationship between friends. Sometimes I will say things that should not be said and do things that should not be done, but no matter what I do or think, I do Everything is just a whim. If I hurt my friends in the process, I will definitely try my best to make up for it. Even if I don’t get any good results in the end, I will still do it, because This is a friend, not an ordinary person!

So Chu Feng, if you blame me now, I can accept it. Even if you ignore me, there is no problem. As long as you can understand my current thoughts, that will be enough.

I don't think too much about other things. Anyway, the current situation is like that, no matter how much I say, it's nothing! "

At this time, Lord Shisan seemed to be deliberately pretending to be pitiful, and then to win the sympathy of Chu Feng, and for the words of Lord Shisan, Chu Feng could not say that he was completely untouched, but the feeling was very light. .

If Chu Feng were to make this decision, he could calm the matter casually, and he wouldn't even make any response.

It’s just that his approach is too cruel to the Thirteenth Master. The Thirteenth Master has been waiting for Chu Feng’s answer, and if Chu Feng ignores him, then the Thirteenth Master will arrive. The guilt in his heart may also be stronger, and even he will gradually become nervous.

As a friend, things like this really shouldn't be done, but the tense is not necessarily wrong first, even if Chu Feng punishes him now, there is nothing wrong with it.

"I don't want to express any attitude, and I don't want to say anything. This is the situation now. It is obviously impossible to take back all the things I said in the past.

But I will not feel angry because you said this, after all, you also said that we are friends. If you put everything on the surface, and then separate them clearly, then you have no friends. This relationship exists!

So at the moment I don’t ask for anything else, I just hope you don’t do anything like this again in the future, stop saying those sad things, I did everything for you, I help you, but in the end it seems that I did it wrong What, if that's the case, then I would rather do it, so as not to provoke others' suspicion! "

Chu Feng's words can be said to come from the heart, and that's right, Chu Feng's current thinking is like this.

He always likes to hide some thoughts in his heart, which may make people feel unaware, but in fact it is not like that.

Now when he expresses this emotion, this bad influence will be more fully manifested.

Although he also apologized afterwards, Chu Feng knew this very well.

But it was because of this situation that he couldn't recover it, so he deliberately used an apology to solve it.


But now the apology has indeed played a certain role, at least at the moment Chu Feng is no longer so angry, but the apology does not have a stable "sex" effect.

For example, although Chu Feng is no longer angry, he has not completely forgotten these things. When a person is injured, he cannot easily throw the injury behind his head, because he will always keep going. Reflect on this matter and keep thinking back.

Although he is constantly persuading himself, this kind of recollection and reflection will never stop. Therefore, as long as one person is hurt, then the hurt is permanent after all.

It’s not that Master Thirteen doesn’t know this truth, but he always has some hope and some innocent desire to exist. He thinks that Chu Feng will be a little bit different. Chu Feng will not care about this. Chu Feng is very suitable to be a friend, and he does not. Will care about things that have no practical meaning.

But he didn't know. Although Chu Feng didn't care on the surface, how could he not care about these things as long as he was an individual?

It's just that he hopes that Chu Feng doesn't care, but this kind of hope seems false to Chu Feng, and to him it doesn't make any sense!

"Yes, I have already made reflections. After all, this matter really taught me a lesson for me, and I should consider it.

In fact, for you, I am really ashamed. I don't even know how to describe my current mood.

Anyway, what I said just now basically came from my anger, not from what I really wanted to express!

In fact, I think you should be able to understand, after all, you also know me very well, and everything I have done during this period is basically in this state.

Although it is not so conspicuous, it does contain some feelings that people really can't understand!

Chu Feng, I promise I will try to make changes, although I know this process is difficult, but in order not to hurt you, I must make this change!

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will lose your friend because of this. This is the last thing I want to see, so I will definitely do everything possible to prevent it from happening! "

The attitude expressed by Tense is 10 minutes serious, and Chu Feng really has no way to calm down on this matter. Is what he said now is true? Chu Feng thought it might be true, but it was undeniable, but there would be something needed in it.

So there is no way. In this situation, Chu Feng chooses to believe it or not, nor does it not believe it.

And if he is really asked to make a decision, he does not know it here. If he makes a decision in the process of the final answer, he hopes that he can answer yes, at least he can only give the thirteenth a chance, or let them both The friendship between people can go a step further without being affected.

"Okay! Since you have said so, if I don't give you a chance again, it would seem that I am a little ruthless!

But the opportunity is your own fight, not my charity to you, so you must remember that if the friendship between us suffers further damage, then you will be responsible for it, after all, I will not give Two chances for one person! "

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