Whimsical System

Chapter 1479: Normal heart

It may be that Chu Feng hadn’t noticed it at all before, and when he really discovered this situation, the robber had already fully applied it. He likes to put the punishment in a higher position to pay respect, even It's the feeling of worship.

The reason for all this is that the punishment only gave him a chance to live anew, giving him enough freedom and favorable conditions.

However, it is precisely these things that are not worth mentioning in Chu Feng's opinion. At this moment, they have become the result of the extravagant desires of the bandits. Therefore, for Chu Feng's gift to the bandit, I do everything to be grateful, even again and again Make a guarantee once.

Its purpose is to express one's own kind of thoughts.

The conversation between the two lasted for a long time. Although the final result was very good, it was really exhausting for Chu Feng, because the robber always put himself in a very low position, and so did he. Because of the robber's method, I feel a little bit helpless.

However, although he thought so in his heart, when the result gradually emerged, this feeling did not affect it too much. It was nothing more than an additional helper like a servant, and this helper was also He will not always live by his side.

According to Chu Feng’s idea, at best, if the matter of the soul body is resolved, he will arrange the robber to a suitable place, emphasizing that the existence of this person is also a secret weapon for Chu Feng, so he said This weapon has not yet been completely "characterized", but as long as there is such a weapon, then it can be regarded as an additional opportunity for Chu Feng. Although this opportunity may not be very useful for him, there is one It's better to have opportunities there than nothing.

In addition, regarding these thoughts, he is still in a state of planning. He did not fully explain these words to the robbers. Although he also revealed a little, what he revealed was nothing more than That's a point of view that can be forgotten at will!

On the other side, there was something about robbers, Chu Feng didn’t mention it to Lord Shisan. In fact, it was not a matter of punishment and prevention, but it was just because he felt that in some necessary circumstances, he should have done it. The secret thing is, if all things are shared with the thirteenth master, then if the thirteenth master affects him, isn't he a bit too busy, so in order to avoid such a situation.

Chu Feng simply let Brother know about this idea, and ran away. As for the things that will be emphasized in the future, if they are really exposed, then they will tell the thirteenth master, it seems that sometimes it is not too late. After all, the robbers don't show any value at all now, so even if it is said, it is just a thing that can be left to him to forget.

Nothing happened overnight, and the last night before the action was over.

Finally ushered in the last day of the plan, Chu Feng's mood was still quite disturbed, because he was not sure what the outcome of this incident would be. Although he hoped that the outcome would be better, he was not so worried. determine.

As soon as they came together in the morning, Chu Feng went straight to find the Thirteenth Lord.

After all, they all negotiated yesterday, and they can mix it up earlier and handle the matter earlier. The soul is embodied in the fact that it has not yet appeared. This is an opportunity for Chu Feng, because he still has enough time. Discuss with the Shisan Ye, and Chu Feng has already made a plan for the soul body, but there is not yet a list, so he will convey his thoughts to the Shi Shi Ye.

When he arrived at the residence of the Thirteenth Master, Chu Feng had already thought about the first words he had to say.

"Today is the last day of the action. How are you preparing? Yesterday I was nervous and always felt that things would not go too smoothly today, so you better prepare!


Don't make any mistakes at the last minute, otherwise this result must be something we don't want to see! "

The punishment has already been reminded, and for the thirteenth master, Chu Feng's reminder does have a certain meaning, but under the current circumstances, it seems that it is not easy to take it seriously.

"Last night I thought about it for a long time. Regarding this plan, I have been looking for loopholes in earnest, for fear that some mistakes will occur in some places, which will affect the final result!

But after thinking about it for a long time, I didn’t find any effective information at all. Perhaps our plan is really seamless and there will be no mistakes at all. Of course, there may be something hidden. I don’t. It can be easily found!

However, no matter whether it is because of these two reasons, anyway, I think this result should not be too much to our expectations.

Your plan is undoubtedly perfect. Even if he has some flaws, it will not affect our final result! "

Chu Feng couldn't understand where the current self-confidence of the thirteenth master came from!

At this time, even he himself didn't trust his plan that much, and he did appear to be convinced, as if all this was what he deployed, and he could pack everything.

"Although it is said that, when doing this, they still have to make some considerations. After all, there may be mistakes in anything. Now I am not quite sure about this plan. Now you say this. Then, that will only make me feel a little worried, because I think you seem to be complete, have trust in this plan, and you have no idea to change!"

The reminder that Chu Feng made was right, and it still had a certain effect, but the effect of this effect might not be particularly obvious!

The Thirteenth Master will consider according to the reminder from Chu Feng, but the depth and location of this consideration will not be too remote.

And the understanding of this aspect is not just Chu Feng's self-guessing, because just after Chu Feng said this sentence, the response of the Shisanye just proved this phenomenon.

"Chu Feng, I can fully understand your feelings, and I also know where your worries actually work!

But no matter how many worries you have, it is just your own suspicion of this matter. After all, you and I have not found any evidence now!

So I think that in front of this matter, we only need a sense of peace, and that's enough!

If you are always cautious and suspicious, I am afraid that this result may really be affected! "

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