Whimsical System

Chapter 1480: please respect me

How should I say, the attitude of the thirteenth master is naturally unwilling to disagree with Chu Feng.

But at this moment, no matter how much Chu Feng persuades, it seems that fundamental changes will never happen again, so Chu Feng simply gave up.

Anyway, this matter was just a small plan that wasn't too serious for him. It was the end of his troubles against the dark side.

Now as long as he gets this thing done, he has no burden in his heart.

It’s just that he still has a burden in his heart. Although he did not express this emotion, it can be seen from his words, deeds and attitude that his heart is still anxious, and what is the reason for the anxiousness? , But no one knows.

"To be able to say this sentence from your mouth is something I absolutely don't want to believe, but since you have already said it, then naturally I will not make any changes.

After all, even you already think this matter is not important, so why should I bother in vain!

What's more, what you said may be right. I am indeed suspicious about this matter! "

The attitude shown by Chu Feng was not very accepted by the thirteenth master, but now that Chu Feng has chosen to agree with the thirteenth master's idea, then this is still a little afraid of the thirteenth master, at least Chu Feng did not confront him.

In fact, Chu Feng also felt it during this period of time. The Thirteenth Lord and he did have some problems. Even though they had been trying to remedy these problems, the final result was nothing more than a temporary solution. .

They all discovered the existence of this matter, and they all hope to do everything possible to solve it, but the final result is always something contrary to their wishes.

What they are looking for are just some superficial phenomena, but what really needs to be solved is still in an unknown field, and there is no way to be screened out.

"If you can think clearly, it is naturally the best. In fact, you can also keep your opinions. I don't intend to let you completely change your views like mine.

It’s just that, before you find the problem, you shouldn’t always mess up this matter. It’s as if everything has problems and loopholes, and there is no way to complete this matter. same.

If you are always like this, then you will bring a lot of pressure to me, even if the conditions allow, then I am afraid I will make mistakes in the chaos, do you want to see this The result?

I believe this is what you don't want to see after all, so I did it out of helplessness. If you can understand it, it is the tacit understanding between us! "

The Thirteenth Master also made some explanations. In fact, he didn't deliberately want to target Chu Feng. It was just that Chu Feng proposed a plan at this time, and the number of discussions on the plan was too much.

So that Lord Shisan was already a little bored in this chaotic environment, and finally under the boredom, he also said something that shouldn't be said to Chu Feng.

But now he can be regarded as an explanation, but once a person's status rises, it is difficult to lower his identity to speak.

Therefore, when he talked with Chu Feng, whether it was his tone or demeanor, it was a kind of superior feeling.

auzw.com "Okay! I did this wrong for the time being, I caused you a lot of trouble!

In order not to trouble you in the future, I think I'll leave after solving this matter, lest I stay here and annoy you! "

Chu Feng's words almost blurted out, no one doubted whether he was true or not.

The Thirteenth Master only knew that this sentence did cause some harm to him, and he was also very worried, if Chu Feng left at this time, it would affect him.

"Chu Feng, I didn't rush you away, so why do you say such things at such a critical juncture?

If you want me to apologize to you, that’s okay. We are friends and can say anything. Even if I ask me to apologize to you, it’s not a big deal!

But one thing I want to tell you is that although we are friends, we must also be distinguished. Otherwise, we will be confused. At present, I am the real master of this city. If you Always say this to me, it will give me a very strong gap.

Although I know that this city is hard-won, and you have done a lot.

But this does not mean that you can show off in front of me, even regardless of my face, anyway, whether it is a friend or a relationship between superiors and subordinates, we should all give each other the minimum respect! "

The words of the thirteenth master may have been hidden in his heart for a long time, and Chu Feng discovered when he said these words.

He actually "showed" a very contented expression, as if his goal had been achieved, and all of this was what he wanted to say.

And now that everything has been expressed, that is exactly what he hoped to achieve.

"I can't understand it. I don't know where you saw my thoughts. Now I can tell you very clearly, no matter what you think of me, I don't have any idea to insult you!

Now I’m just discussing the matter, and I’m not even targeting you. I’m just targeting this matter. I want you to think more about it, and not to relax your vigilance too much. If it’s just from this point, you can see. If I have any questions, then I can only say that your imagination is too rich!

And it is already, rich enough to make me hard to understand! "

Chu Feng's response seemed to coincide with Master Shisan. Master Shisan felt that Chu Feng did not respect him, but Chu Feng said that Master Shisan was "chaotic" and wronged.

Although neither of them clearly expressed this attitude, this feeling was already on the bright side at this time.

"Okay! Let's just assume that you are not disrespectful to me, then tell me now what problems have occurred in this plan, if there are any, then the two of us will discuss it and make a remedy as soon as possible! "

The words of Lord Thirteen were definitely not for this plan. In fact, he was just to make things difficult for Chu Feng.

Because he didn't find any problems at all, and now that Chu Feng wanted him to be more vigilant, he directly asked Chu Feng to list the problems to him.

Chu Feng took a puzzling look at Lord Shisan. At this time, Lord Shisan's approach was really ridiculous!

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