Whimsical System

Chapter 1483: Eternal king

"Anyway, this is now in our base. No matter what happens, we can completely control it. Now you stand in this position and control the entire city. If you can't even protect your base. , Then your position is too boring!"

Chu Feng entrusted all the responsibilities to the hands of the thirteenth master, in fact, the thirteenth master was originally responsible for this matter.

It’s just that Chu Feng is helping the thirteenth master. Now the things that should be done have been done, and the plans have all been repaired. If the thirteenth master still doesn’t know how to do it, then this is probably the thirteen Lord's own problem!

The thirteenth nodded, at this moment what Chu Feng said, he had basically heard what he said.

The current situation is indeed like what Chu Feng said. All problems will eventually be solved. Although there are some unknowns now, the unknowns currently possessed are fundamentally compared with the previous battles and journeys. There is no comparison.

"Yes, it seems that I have been putting pressure on myself all the time, but in the end, even I myself didn't know how to do it. Now that you have helped me, I have some clues!

Perhaps, I should put my eyes on the action under my feet! This city really needs to change. The changes you mentioned before have now been decided by me. I may have hesitated before, but don’t be surprised. After all, for a guy who just had everything, suddenly let him give up Everything to do something that is helpful to everyone, it will naturally make him hesitate.

But now I have completely figured it out. This city is my real property. If I just stare at the things I have in my hands, then this city will slip through my hands one day and wait until that Day, even if I fully realize it, I am afraid it is too late! "

The Thirteenth Master had some inferences. At present, Chu Feng only said one thing, in fact, he directly addressed all the issues discussed before. It's all understood by the mixture. Now Chu Feng has forgotten about this matter now, he is considering what kind of thoughts he is doing.

Now after the reminder of the thirteenth master, he vaguely remembered some, but it was just a few small parts.

"Oh~ I almost forgot about this, but this is not the time to discuss this, although you have some experience in this aspect!

But obviously, we should probably turn our attention to this plan first. It is now the last day. If we are distracted to consider other things, then we seem to have little respect for this plan! "

Chu Feng smiled casually, and said a joke at the time, but the thirteenth master did listen very seriously.

That's right, it's the last day! If you don’t take it seriously, then the results of this plan might be beyond their expectations!

The Thirteenth Lord did not immediately respond. He was thinking at this moment. He felt that he needed some time to think.

After a while, Lord Shisan gave Chu Feng an accurate answer: "I thought about it carefully. It is better for me to handle this matter myself. Although I need your help in this process, I still have to I have full control!

As for the change, although we will discuss it later, I do have an idea to entrust it to your hands!

After all, you also promised to wait until the city is completed and changes occur before leaving!


In fact, as early as that day when you said this, I already knew that the reason you chose to stay was just to further practice the power of devouring!

Actually, I really don’t care. Although this kind of thing is of great help to me, it obviously can’t compare to the effect it has on you. If you like it, I can give it to you. .

Even if you leave here, you can also take him away. Actually, the delisting place is really unnecessary for this city. Those who can cultivate will naturally cultivate, and those who cannot cultivate will have this thing. There is no use.

In addition, I really hope that in this city, there will be no more people with swallowing power. After all, if you want to govern a city, relying on power alone is obviously far from enough.

Because if there are real strong people, then even if I have the supreme rights, I am afraid I will be changed hands casually...

So I must be the strongest in this city, even if the overall strength of this city is rubbish, then I must be the strongest, and now the cultivation of Devouring Power is my strength The most critical step! "

The desire displayed by Lord Shisan really surprised Chu Feng. Originally, Chu Feng only thought that Lord Shisan wanted to unify the city and be a true king.

But later he discovered that in fact, what the Thirteenth Lord wanted was not only to become a king, but he also hoped that he could command the city forever.

Even, if given the opportunity, he hoped that Chu Feng would be able to tell him everything he knew.

Then he will help him improve his strength, and as long as he can seize this opportunity, he will think that he can reach the same height as Chu Feng.

Command the city at that time. That is more than enough.

It's just that, how could something like this appear so easily in his life? Everything that Chu Feng possesses now is the result of numerous life and death experiences.

And if the thirteenth master can get it easily, wouldn't the sacrifices that Chu Feng made before is not worth mentioning at all.

"If you want to cultivate the power of devouring, I can help you, but at best I can only help you enter the third level!

Because after the third level, you need your own understanding of the power of swallowing, so you have to make a choice, and this choice is not something I can replace you.

If you can accept it, then I will help you reach the third level, but this process is not too fast.

After all, the cultivation of Devouring Power, if you don't rely on talent, then you don't have to work hard, and the test of this hard work is something I have never experienced!

Therefore, at most I can only provide you with some suggestions, and this kind of advice is only applicable to me, and whether it can work on you, it depends on your own good fortune! "

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