Whimsical System

Chapter 1484: Didn't sleep well?

Chu Feng has already told the thirteenth master what he wants to say and can say. If you need to make a choice, it will be the thirteenth master's turn. If he is willing to accept the training that Chu Feng has done for him, then he Naturally, he can get what he deserves.

But if he didn't have this idea, or even refused directly, then his thoughts and thoughts, I am afraid that with his decision, they will gradually vanish.

But obviously, Lord Shisan would definitely not refuse. In fact, when Chu Feng made this inquiry, he already knew Lord Shisan’s answer, because there was something about this, for Lord Shisan Said that there is only good and no harm.

After all, not long ago, the Thirteenth Master had just received Chu Feng and his training.

Although there is not much improvement in the "fuck" ability of Swallowing Power, Lord Shisan has not improved much, but this kind of training is ultimately helpful for Lord Shisan, even if it is not easy for him to use This idea is expressed, but the thirteenth master is also fully aware of the advantages in this regard.

"If you help me, then this matter would be much simpler for me!

But I just can’t bear it. After all, you still need to take care of the change. Alas, if I entrust myself to you again, wouldn’t it be too hard for you alone? Besides, all of what you have done No return at all!

Nowadays, when I think about this, I feel a little sorry. You see, although I have everything now, there is no way to give you what you want!

How about I give you a big opportunity before you leave? "

The words of the Thirteenth Master were sincere, otherwise he would not ask Chu Feng such a question in the end. In fact, for Chu Feng, this so-called big opportunity is basically a very general concept. He didn't even think about it.

"Um...I don't particularly understand, but it all sounds like a good thing. If you want to give it to me for nothing, then I am naturally willing to accept it!"

Although he didn't know anything, Chu Feng still did not refuse.

At the moment Chu Feng agreed, Chu Feng clearly noticed a trace of sadness from the eyebrows of the thirteenth master.

And it was such a trace of sadness that directly made Chu Feng full of expectations for this matter.

Now in this city, what can make the thirteenth be reluctant to give up, that must be a good thing.

However, even though Chu Feng was looking forward to it and excited, he did not intend to fully express his emotions.

Because since he has felt the story of the Thirteenth Lord, if he is expressing his joy too much, then this is tantamount to a blow to the Thirteenth Lord, and if under the blow, the Thirteenth If the master repents, then this is not a loss for Chu Feng.

And from this, it was also seen that when Chu Feng faced what he needed, the enemies he made were naturally beyond the reach of others.

To put it bluntly, in this kind of struggle, everyone actually has what they need, but everyone has a mask on their face, and they all like to pretend to be themselves.

Even at certain times, they will try their best to let others see the false side, in order to cover up their hurting hearts.

But now, the thirteenth master is using the current joy to cover up the sadness and dissatisfaction in his heart.


It's just a pity that his eyes have betrayed him. The so-called eyes are the windows of the soul. This is indeed a truth. Anyone can show a false appearance on the surface.

Both expressions and words can deceive people, but only the eyes are the most real, no one can express a false emotion through the eyes.

So although there are many deceivers in this world, their lies will eventually be exposed, and it is not others who expose them, but themselves.

The two talked for a long time, from the present to the past and the future, they have been involved, and now with the passage of time, plans are gradually coming to them.

The young man had already arrived at the base, and the news was in Chu Feng's plan.

Anyway, the ones who should come will always come earlier and later, it's just that there have been some errors in time!

Outside the meeting room, Chu Feng went to meet the young man. On the surface, it seemed that the young man hadn't changed much. Except for the red blood in his eyes, everything was normal.

"Did you not sleep last night?"

Although Chu Feng only asked casually on the surface, in his heart he always doubted the relationship between the young man and the robber.

Including that letter, although it has been investigating for two days at this time, there is still not much breakthrough in the investigation results of that letter.

And now that Chu Feng has made a decision, he hopes to pass this opportunity to ask questions about the letter.

The young man shook his head and said, "I slept well last night, but I don't know why I was so tired. It seems like I didn't sleep all night, but I really slept last night!"

Facing the answer from the young man, Chu Feng didn't have much curiosity, anyone could know whether he was telling the truth or lies!

Even if what he said is true, what can be done? To Chu Feng, it really didn’t matter whether he slept or not. After all, Chu Feng slept very peacefully last night, absolutely nothing happened. Things.

"Okay! It seems that your sleep quality is not very good, otherwise your eyes won't look like this!"

Chu Feng joked casually, but although the words he said didn't seem to have any special meaning on the surface, it was equivalent to a hint for young people.

Even after Chu Feng said these words, the young man was a little suspicious, why did he become like this.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, this phenomenon is not enough to pay too much attention to it. After all, it is just not sleeping well, even if you feel that you are sleeping well, then who can know if there will be any special circumstances in the middle of the night!

But when this matter fell into the hands of young people, it was directly treated with special treatment.

Even at this time young people want to repeat and consider this matter.

"Chu Feng, don't tell me, after your reminder, I really think this thing is a bit weird! Could it be that something happened to my body?"

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