Whimsical System

Chapter 1493: The secret of the letter

The reason given by the soul body is enough to make people understand, it is indeed too conspicuous at present, it is really not a good thing.

It seems that the soul body still has some scruples at this time, otherwise he would not have thoughts in this regard.

"Well, since you don't want to do this, then I can't force it. It's just that their recent lives have not been very good. If you don't help them, I'm afraid their lives will be very sad!

In fact, I am also to blame for this matter. When I planned before, I didn't think about this.

I always thought that when they surrendered, the Thirteenth Lord would treat them kindly.

But who ever thought that since they surrendered, Lord Shisan has been on guard against them, and even now they have not been trusted by Lord Shisan!

Now they are directly locked in the most central position of the base. There are many people guarding them, and even just the manpower to guard them has reached more than half of the base. From this, it can be seen that Lord Thirteen How much attention is paid to them! "

Chu Feng made these introductions for no other purpose. It was just that he wanted the soul body to feel the difficulty of this matter. As long as the soul body found it difficult, he would try his best to rescue those people, so that the soul body was convenient. It will also reveal his identity.

"This matter really blames you for not arranging a retreat for them. Now they are suffering. If you let them know, they will definitely not be able to spare you!"

The soul seemed to want to intimidate Chu Feng in this way, but after talking for a long time, he felt that Chu Feng had not changed much in his attitude.

In the end, I simply gave up on "sex". Anyway, it was a waste of words. Instead of that, it would be better to save some effort to consider how to resolve the letter.

"If they want to blame me, they will be blamed. In fact, even if they want to blame, they probably can't blame me. Although I made this plan, only you really understand the content of the plan!

So even if they want to complain, it may just be complaining about you, after all, I have nothing to do with them! "

As Chu Feng said, he shrugged off the responsibility, but for Chu Feng's views, the soul body naturally did not want to agree!

"I don't agree with what you said. What is called this is my responsibility. I tell you that it is because they don't know it, so they have such an idea!

If I have the opportunity to explain to them, it is estimated that it will not be long before they will put all the responsibility on you. Then you will bear their anger, and I will leave it alone! "

Soul Sports is also very good at shirking responsibilities and prefers to plant others. Although it is not very appropriate to say these things at this time, since they have all been discussed here, it is not too much to ridicule each other.

"Let's do it, I'm afraid of you, there is no problem for you to find a problem for me!

But I am not worried. After all, these things still have a certain chance for me. Although they can't be rescued now, I believe that it will not take long for me to let them out, as long as the thirteenth master falls to the ground. , Then I can control all the rights, as long as you can improve, then they will be released! "

When the time was about the same, Chu Feng felt that he should draw a cake for the soul body, otherwise the soul body might lose confidence in this plan.

Sure enough, when he said these words, the soul body was full of illusions about Chu Feng's plan. Although the current plan has changed, the specific content still has a certain impact on the soul body.

auzw.com "Speaking of which, this plan is actually understandable. Although it is a bit tricky in some aspects, in general, I think it can be solved!"

I don't know where the soul body comes from. It may be because of what Chu Feng said just now!

As a result, after Chu Feng finished saying these words, the soul body made a judgment by himself.

And based on his current judgment, it seems that this matter is really promising, but it's just that Chu Feng knew about this plan, it was impossible to achieve it, otherwise it would destroy his other plan.

"I am very pleased that you can think so, at least we will not have too many problems now, although there are currently one problem after another that needs to be solved by them!

But as long as you can stabilize your emotions and don't have doubts about this plan, then the two of us can support each other and solve everything! "

While comforting, Chu Feng wondered how to arrange manpower for the soul body.

"I just thought about it. There may not be too many manpower required for the investigation of the letter. How about this? I will simply send you all the people I am in charge of now!

Anyway, the two of us are getting along as friends, so it makes sense to assign my manpower to you, how about it? Do you agree? "

This decision Chu Feng made, there is nothing to refuse.

Sending his own hands to the soul body, this is considered to be able to control the soul body, at least Chu Feng absolutely trusts him.

Therefore, as long as there are no major problems, Chu Feng's manpower is basically the same as his subordinates.

"Yes! As long as it is someone who can be trusted, anyway, but there will be no top-secret information during the investigation!"

The soul body "exposed" a worried expression again. Although the feeling was fleeting, it was still captured by Chu Feng.

And then, Chu Feng started to inquire about this question.

"Is there really no problem? But why do I feel something different in your eyes!" Chu Feng asked.

"You don't have to be suspicious anymore, it's all because of you!"

The soul body did not deliberately admit it, even he did not even refuse.

Chu Feng smiled. At this moment, he was basically certain of this matter.

"Maybe my idea is wrong, or you are hiding something from me, no matter what the difference between the two is, this problem definitely exists anyway!

If you are not convinced of me now, then you can naturally make what you think is the right decision, and if you think I need to understand this, then simply tell me, anyway, about the content of the letter.

Sooner or later I need to know, unless you are going to get rid of me someday, otherwise this will be something that will definitely happen! "Chu Feng said very casually, but what he said currently does have extraordinary meaning.

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